Saturday, September 5, 2015


By Juan Montoya
By now it has become abundantly clear that the public is not buying the sanitized version of the shooting of a 24-year-old by a Brownsville Police officer advanced by BPD Chief Orlando Rodriguez and Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz.
Both men announced that a Cameron County grand jury had decided to no-bill officer Rolando Trujillo Jr. at a press conference overseen by two Texas Rangers decked out in traditional rinche garb.
And despite the maudlin recorded statement made by Trujillo to the Rangers, the overwhelming number of commenters on this blog an elsewhere in social media are calling it plain murder.
The version advanced by Trujillo, Rodriguez and Saenz included a new wrinkle a "throw down" screw driver. Awash in tears, Trujillo said he focused on the tattoo in Rodriguez's hand and said he saw a "long gray" deadly weapon being pointed toward him. Funny, when one looks at the video, there is no indication that he was jerking backwards to fend off any blow. The lesson? Don;t bring a screwdriver (even a throw down one) to a fight where the other guy has a regulation 9 mm.
The family of Roman Rodriguez is having none of it and have announced that they are considering filing a wrongful death civil action against the officer and the City of Brownsville.
They are requesting the full incident report from teh Texas Rangers, who authorities said conducted the investigation.
Good luck. Remember that it was a full three days and a street protest before the family received Rodriguez's body. And it was more than a month before the cops came up with any explanation of the need for lethal force in the case.
The companion who ran from the car is being held in jail on a charge of aggravated robbery, although it might be a bit of a stretch to call a beer run an aggravated robbery. Police have not indicated whether any weapons (even a screwdriver) was used in the heist.
Someone made an interesting comment the other day as we discussed the case at a local restaurant. They said Saenz had obtained an indictment against a police officer who was blamed for negligence after his K-9 dog died in his back yard.
"We indict someone for killing a dog, but when it comes to a human being, we take a pass?" they asked. "What's going to be the justification for th dog's death, that he refused to drink the water?"


Anonymous said...

A cop shoots a young thug, so it just has to be murder most foul. The investigation must be bogus and a white/brown wash. It was racially motivated, a Mexican cop, shot a Mexican thug, the crime was investigated by at least one Mexican Ranger. a Mexican DA presented the case to a Mexican Grand Jury and they cut the pinche cop loose. What the fuck! There is no justice for a brown man in Cameron county.

Manos arriba, no tiras.....A la calle vatos!

Anonymous said...

They used 5 gallons of alcohol to sanitize the evidence . "I saw a screwdriver and I feared for my life. ". Great script .

Anonymous said...

Luis Saenz did the first press conference a month ago in a rush to get his face and name out there on tv, but now in this last conference just look at his stupid face looking like" now iam going to loose my votes for re election once this back fires on us and they find out it was a murder not justified"

Anonymous said...

Politics beats the law in Cameron County. If "there is no justice for a brown man in Cameron county", as stated above, it is a "brown problem" because there were no "white" or "black" or "yellow" men in this process. Just another "brown" man whining.....whining about the corruption of power in this county.
And....can you see how our current DA, Luis Saenz, looks like the character on the Monopoly game "Get out of jail free" card. Too many citizens just waiting to file suit against the county, the individual, "anybody"....just looking for a pay day.

Anonymous said...

How many of you have been in a position that the officer was in. Not very many of you. It's easy to say that this was wrong and that was wrong. Don't point any fingers without having a reason to do so. Until you have been there and done that let's move on and teach our children to respect the law and it's officer.

Anonymous said...

Police Officers have to make split second life or death decisions. It is easy to stand back far removed from that split second and dissect the decision, with shouda, couda, wouda thinking. Reflection is not a luxury afforded to an Officers in that situation. You make the best decision you can in that split section, which is most often a reaction rather than a process of deliberation. There is no time to "study" the situation.

Anonymous said...

How is it that the Harlingen Police had a similar incident recently....a domestic violence call and a suspect had a gun; officers arrived and suspect pointed gun at them and I think fired.....police determined it was a bb gun and did not fill him full of lead.They also had to make a split second decision. Maybe Brownsville Police can train with Harlingen ?

Anonymous said...

The Pisces Off Conservative said...

It looks like the Chief'''s cheerleaders are coming out of the woodwork todefend Trujillo''s boy. Nobody seems to notice that the officer involved in the shooting is the kid of one of the veterans of the force AND one of Rodriguez lap dogs.

The Narco cops took six days to send the kid to the Texas Rangers.


Why did the kid had a written statement and reading from it during the interview? Why did the Rangers allowed this to begin with? The officer should of been giving a deposition to the Rangers right away not nearly a week after. Plenty of time for the narco cops to fabricate evidence.

Juan, there is also some talking going around the narco department denouncing the handling of the case. Another cop let's the K9 die in the car and he is thrown under the bus. The son of one of the Chief's lap dogs kills a kid and they bent over backwards to cover their tracks to avoid sending Junior to jail.

Anonymous said...

MONTOYA...que pedo con el caso del tal WILLY GONZALEZ el bato sigue trabajando en public health, dejo paralitico a una persona saco pistola y le tiro y quedo paralitico.pero como era hijo de una ruca que fue human resources director no hicieron nada aparte amenazaron a todo el personal de ese departamento que no se fueran de burlar del tal WILY porque podian ser sancionados. este par de bueyes que pones en tu periodico no hicieron una CHINGADA por deter a este pendejo.seria bueno que los federales le dieran una chekadita a este pedo.

Anonymous said...

Sometime back, a young man pulled a sword against the Harlingen Police dept. the 17 year old was talked into dropping the sword. some of these cops have sticky fingers, ready to shoot someone and say, I feared for my life.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Harlingen officer froze? Maybe God was very present at the situation? Too many "maybe's" to compare or reach a conclusion.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it would've been better if the Brownsville Officer "froze" at that moment . ....the guy would be alive now . Harlingen Police relied on their training and did the right thing....Brownsville Officer panicked and is relying on the scumbag D.A . to help in the cover up .

Anonymous said...

Rather judged by 12, than carried by 6. Now go back to your desk job.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha.....struck a nerve? Feel bad for the good B.P.D. officers that have to work knowing one of their own blew it ,and, is lying his ass off to get out of this tragedy .

Anonymous said...

Nope, they are made of steel. Just calling it as it is.
