Tuesday, September 15, 2015


By Juan Montoya
In a sign of the shifting alliances in Cameron County politics, one of our three readers has sent us a photo which shows a potential combination of forces that is sure to make some current office holders slightly nervous.
Our reads said that the gents at the photo on top (L-R Carlos Masso, current Brownsville Navigation District commissioner and candidate for Cameron County District Attorney, Lucino Rosenbaum III, a county clerk office employee whose mother Bea Rosenbaum is challenging Pct. 1 commissioner Sofia Benavides, former county clerk Joe Rivera, who narrowly missed out in being appointed county clerk by the commissioners court when Carlos Cascos left town, and Steve Guerra, a former candidate for the BND) were planning the strategy to unite forces in their respective races for the March 1, 2016 Democratic Party primary.
As a sign of how much alliances have shifted in the last four years, it is interesting to note that Rosenbaum and Rivera supported incumbent DA Luis V. Saenz in the 2012 election. Now, it appears, Saenz has some work to do to overcome their apparent change of loyalties in favor of his challenger.
Rivera and the Rosenbaum family worked in the barrio trenches for Saenz. Rivera worked hard to introduce Saenz to the outlying county areas that he knows like the back of his hand. It was the support from Saenz in the rural county precincts that allowed him to overcome his deficiencies in urban areas of Brownsville.
Likewise, Masso enjoys broad support with the community leaders at Cameron Park, where he and Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez swept four years ago. Gomez is seeking re-election and has at least two candidates running against him, including former constable Pete Avila.
And the Rosenbaums held well-attended pachangas for Saenz in the Southmost area where the family has operated several businesses. The elder Rosenbaum, Lucino Jr., was a county commissioner for eight years before the late Pete Benavides took office. Former county judge Gilberto Hinojosa – now chairman of the Texas Democratic Party – appointed Sofia to her husband's position after his sudden demise. She took office in 2006 and won re-election. She is seeking re-election in the 2016 primary after having served 10 years.
Will Saenz and Benavides be able to overcome the apparent bloc being formed by Rivera, a former county official with some 36 years of service in the county and numerous won elections? And will the apparent alliances between Masso, Rosenbaum and Rivera translate into a victory for Rosenbaum? She has been a Port of Brownsville employee for the past 42 years where Masso is now commissioner. Her son Lucino III was hired by Rivera and still works at the county clerk's office.
We understand that more candidates might jump into the Pct. 1 commissioner's race, further muddying the waters. One name that keeps coming up is the one of Fausto "El Pato" Martinez, a Southmost candidate who has run for the position against Benavides before. There is also a rumor making the rounds that there will be yet another candidate for that office who has the support of the anti-LNG constituency who collected 600 signatures on a petition against the introduction of export terminals at the port and the granting of tax abatements to the companies.
But what the incumbents in both the DA and commissioner's can be sure of is that it will not be a cakewalk this time around since the shifting political sands out there can quickly turn a political career into a quagmire.


Anonymous said...

Narrowly missed out? lol. Rivera lost the Election by more than 3,000 thousand votes. He must be incensed because he wasn't appointed after Cascos got appointed to Secretary of State. The voters of Cameron County are smart. Thanks Juan for the picture. The picture allows the voters to see what is really going on. Maybe now Joe Rivera has a chance in winning the seat for County Judge.

Anonymous said...

Where is Sylvia Garza Perez and Abel"the RAt" Gomez? they are always together.

Anonymous said...

Joe Rivera should run for County Judge again. he will win.

Anonymous said...

Masso is banking on joe Rivera? Joe Rivera lost by many votes. Masso I am voting for you but please stay away from Joe.

Anonymous said...

where is Macclovio O'Malley? aver que dice de esta foto?

Anonymous said...

Alex Dominguez should be County Judge

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Sanchez should show all this idiot who is boss.

Anonymous said...

Joe Rivera no puede ni respirar/// ya vete al nursing home joe.

Anonymous said...

Erin Garcia for County Judge. she would make a transparent Judge

Anonymous said...

rumor is the Mayor of Bville wants in on County Judge

Anonymous said...

Alfred E. Newman for county judge .

Anonymous said...

Rosenbaum 2016!!!!!!!!!! ouro Souhtmos ALV

Anonymous said...

so, they are helping Masso so they can re-open the illegal 8-liners and they will not get closed....

Anonymous said...

Chris Valadez for County Judge!

Anonymous said...

Guerra for DA. Puro Matamoros

Anonymous said...

a vote for Masso is a vote for Villalobos

Anonymous said...

They can start with your idiot ass! "This" = singular / "these" = plural

Anonymous said...

Joe and Masso need to go away

Anonymous said...


chief cool arrow said...

Let me see masso and joe rivera sitting together hmmm looks like a deal has been done, el pastel has been cut, joe is one of the dirtest politicos i have ever come across besides gilberto hinojosa ajd juan magallenes both the former democratic party chairs in cameron county , theses guys got more dirt than that dirty friend charlie brown has. Looks like joe is dealing his cards to make that second run for county judge next time. Joe tell me im wrong but i know for darn sure thats where ur headed with this, one thing for sure sofie didnt help you last time so im sure you will be supporting bea rosenbaum, right? Time for elections folks, down and dirty, cca

Anonymous said...

Erin needs to run for JP again, Gracia is a dick.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a photo of losers. One convicted felon for drugs, and three who have lost elections in the past!

Anonymous said...

Just like nobody liked you Mellissa Zamora but you won over Carlos Cisneros so will Masso win over Luis Saenz for DA. People know who Saenz really is. He is a liar, a self serving politician, a promise breaker. In the 3 years he has been in office he has proven what the people that knew him would say LUIS SAENZ CANNOT BE TRUSTED. He loves women and women that love power know he is easily persuades with a flirting or close door session. We know Mellissa Zamora Loves Power.

Anonymous said...

Pete Sepulveda will never get elected. He is lucky the pendejo Cris Valadez and Carlos Cascos were pushing for him to be interim. Then Pete back stabbed Cascos and Maclovio...jajajaj! Por Pendejos! Pete will be better off saving himself the embarrassment of losing badly and not run. Vas a perder feo Pedro.

Anonymous said...

If you're looking for Sylvia Garza Perez she can be found in her office , working hard for the county . When she's not in her office she is attending events all over the county . Sylvia has been serving her community for over 20+ years , so she is not hard to find . Best wishes to Team Masso and Team Rosenbaum

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are hating because you were not invited! You are probably an idiot that doesn't even vote.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia Garza Perez is as corrupt as they come! Obviously, 12:04PM was written by her. Her aunt is the famous Brownsville politiquera...es el mismo mugrero de siempre!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

puro penis

Anonymous said...

You're are totally wrong as usual .. I wrote the comment at 12:04 . As to her famous Aunt Herminia , Sylvia and her family have not talked to her in years . Herminia Becerra reports directly to commissioner Benavidez and works her campaigning by any means necessary . - Edward

Anonymous said...

Has beens ,losers, Rivera should be laying low he might be charged with sexual harassment by numerous former employees Rosenbaum shame on on you ,,, grow a pair and stand up against all the wrong doing in your office ...

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha , KIss ASS ... ponte a work , you are needed Sra. Supervisor.....LMFAO

Anonymous said...

You may not know but the county clerks office is running very well and there is no wrong doing ... I think the one that has to grow some is you'r self !!!

Anonymous said...

Puro brown noser..

Anonymous said...

Chris Valadez for County Judge!

Anonymous said...

Becerra actively helped get Sylvia Garza Perez elected! 12:04PM and "Edward", stop trying to defend SGP. She's corrupt, unprofessional, and plays favorites with her staff. She was outspoken as a public official for her support in the election of Mayor Tony "Tormenta" Martinez, and was even pictured during office hours doing campaigning on his behalf. Until the idiots stop voting people like her in, nunca vamos a avanzar!

Anonymous said...

the staff is tired of all the favoritism going on .... i here a few are planning a trip to Human Resourses.....

Anonymous said...

Vieja apestosa !!!!

Anonymous said...

The people of Cameron County will not advance with people like you spreading lies about something you obviously do not know anything about . Sylvia won her race by working harder than everyone else , and it showed by her two county wide victories . Herminia and her family have always openly campaigned against Sylvia in everything she has ran for and they have failed . I will agree with you that any politicians that use Mrs . Becerra's services should not be elected . So keep a close eye on who uses her help this coming election. - Edward

Anonymous said...

Great choice.

Anonymous said...

Plenty of ANONYMOUS INTERNET CRUSADERS posting......Everyone knows that the current political powers are working together, one way or another. Are we NOT tired of these current "Leaders" taking advantage of this community?...We need change...and we need it quickly...Otherwise we will see more of the same. These four gentlemen should be working together and even if they had not won they are NO QUITTERS!...They continue to challenge!...That to me speaks VOLUMES...That is what I'am looking for in a candidate...People who do not Fold at one Loss...No Se RAJAN!!!.....Puro Masso..Rosenbaum, Guerra Y Rivera!!!

Anonymous said...

Viva La RevoluciĆ³n. Free beer .

Anonymous said...

Sylvia Garza Perez for County Judge!

Anonymous said...

no not quitters, just crooks !!!

Anonymous said...

what you don't get is these individuals are not in politics for the better of this community, they just want to line their pocket books, and Joe is in it for REVENGE he is very upset because Sofia and Saenz did NOT help him get the County Judgeship... but as we the employees know , Joe is too old and not up to par , his mind dwindles somewhat and he is such a womanizer , he believes he can control you during and after working hours , right Lucino, right Robert, doing all his personal items such as cutting his grass, painting his shed and many many more to many to mention... the county employees are fed up with this type of control.... well some of us and the new county clerk well she is heading the same pathway , playing favorites with her employees , loving the brown nosers, but walls do have ears.....

Anonymous said...

Bitch Erin y do u post your own comments

Anonymous said...

Very good people in that photo !

Anonymous said...

" walls do have ears ..... ' Get back to work ! You must be the same employee who always crying , complaining, and talking to the walls . Every post you say the samething " walls do have ears " grow up and get back to work .

Anonymous said...

They are hiring for dishwashers at the Olive Garden . The dishwasher machine has ears too. Hahahaha !

Anonymous said...

yes sylvia as soon as you do your JOB !!

Anonymous said...

you are correct .. good for NOthING

Anonymous said...

Hi , I'm anonymous and I work at the Cameron County Clerk's office . During working hours like to read el rrun rrun and comment on things I know little about . I get all my info from the different walls all over the county . My favorite walls to talk to are the ones in the restroom . They give me all juicey info about every county employee . After a long conversation with the walls I have decided I don't like my boss . My boss always gets mad at me for wasting time at work , but I don't care me and walls hate her . One time the walls and me got into a fight because the former Chief deputy took a shit all over the walls . Both the wall and I got over it and are still very close . I guess I'll get back to work now ,but remember Walls do have ears .....

Anonymous said...

Don't argue with success. A big thank you to Sylvia for doing a good job and helping the taxpayers to get rid of Joe.

Anonymous said...

3:29 Pm you must be the one taking pictures in the mans bathroom of other county employees !!! and your boss did nothing but look the other way ... since you like walls and bathrooms...

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha.... the best thing ever for this county getting rid of JOE and he wants to be JUDGE ha ha .... NUNCA !!!

Anonymous said...

Don't be haters.. because i unlike you do not need this JOB ... i am just here to get my time in and the insurance..... I'm Rich !!! ha ha ha
