Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Varied Sources

One of the Mexican tourists shot and killed by Egyptian forces hunting militants in the country's western desert and who mistakenly opened fire on several vehicles was a resident of El Mante, Tamaulipas, Mexico,
Luis Barajas Fernandez, 49, had been visiting Egypt for the first time. His wife, Susana Calderón, was wounded in the attack and is expected to survive.
In all, 12 people on Sunday, Sept. 13. The other dead are believed to be Egyptians.
Mexico's Foreign Relations Secretary Claudia Ruiz Massieu called the aerial attack "an unjustified aggression."
Barajas Fernandez, had been visiting Egypt for the first time, his sister told the AP.
"He had never gone to Egypt before," said Ana Barajas, who lives in the northern Mexico state of Tamaulipas. "It was for pleasure," she said of the trip.
The married 49-year-old had worked as a salesman in hospital and medical supplies.
"It is an unparalleled hurt," she said of his death, adding the Mexican government was going to take care of the response to her brother's death, and the repatriation of his remains.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry those folks got killed, but Jesus vatos, you should have had better sense than go to Egypt in general and the Sinai in particular. That place has been a war zone for years. But maybe a guy who lives hip and thigh with the cartels thinks he is bullet proof.

Anonymous said...

(But maybe a guy who lives hip and thigh with the cartels thinks he is bullet proof.)

Exactly! Hell, I'm now getting my Viagra sent to me from Canada. And fuck, going to Garcia's for it.
