Thursday, October 29, 2015


By Juan Montoya
It is early December 2014.
Alam Arredondo (the victim) is introduced to Allan R. Ramirez (the scammer) who told her he owned AREA Enterprises Investment LLC for the purposes of buying and selling properties.
He understood that Arredondo was interested in investing in real estate. She told him he was.
He schedules  a meeting with her at El Pueblito Restaurant on Pablo Kisel Road by the Sunrise Mall. Ramirez brings along a fellow scammer by the name of "Checo," a nickname for Sergio Alcocer, she later learns.
At the meeting, and with the chatter of patrons and bustling waiters, Ramirez explains to the woman that he is "associated with Mr. Tony Yzaguirre, Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector and with two others named (Tony) Menchaca and Jesus Ibarra. Ramirez said that, because of his association with Yzaguirre and the tax office, he was in a position to purchase properties below the market prcie and pass on the savings (profit) on to the investors.
Ramirez tells Arredondo that he has an eight-unit apartment complex located at 1253 Alton Gloor, in Brownsville, for sale and that he would sell it for $130,000.
Knowing that the $130,000 is substantially below the market value of the complex, Arredondo becomes interested. Ramirez knows she is eyeing the bait.
The following Saturday, Dec. 13, the woman meets with Ramirez, Ibarra, again at the posh Mi Pueblito Restaurant. Ibarra tells her that he works for Yzaguirre at the county tax office. He tells her that he has checked out the property and that the apartment complex is free and clear of any debts or liens.
Arredondo bites. The hook is set.
She pulls out her checkbook and writes out a earnest money check from her Chase Bank account for $15,000 and Ramirez, in turn, give her a document titled Owner's Policy of Title Insurance from the First American Title Insurance Company. The last page of the document displays the name of Edwards Abstract Title Company.
Arredondo scrawls her name on the $15,000 check and makes it out to Ramirez.
The following Monday, Dec. 15, Arredondo instructs her assistant Adriana Dragustinovis  to meet with Ramirez and Alcocer at Mi Pueblito.
Ramirez gave Dragustinovis a Residential Real Estate Contract listing the seller as AREA Enterprises Investments LLC listing Arredodno as the buyer. The document was already signed by Ramirez and dated the same day. Dragustinovis handed over a check to Ramirez from Arredondo for $50,000.
The hook is set and pulled.
Things are moving along quickly now. The mark is hooked and floundering.
The next Monday, Dec. 22, Arredondo sent Dragustinovis to meet with Ramirez at Luby's Restaurant on Boca Chica Blvd. in Brownsville. Dragustinovis was accompanied by Ibarra and "Checo," who was wearing a jacket displaying the Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector seal. Ramirez gave Dragustinovis a Special Warranty Deed granting the apartment to the grantor: AREA Enterprises Investments LLC to the grantee: Alma Arredondo. It was notarized by Melissa Ramirez. Arredondo instructed Dragustinovis to make the final payment for the apartment complex to Ramirez and she does in the final payment for $65,000.
Ramirez told Dragustinovis not to file the deed until January since the county offices would be closed for the holidays. She files January 6, 2015.
Months later, after waiting for title, Dragustinovis gets in touch with Edwards Abstract Title Company and was informed that the Owner's Policy and Title Insurance issued by First American Title Insurance Company for the apartment complex were false.
Upon investigating, detectives found that the three checks totaling $130,000 paid to Ramirez were endorsed and negotiated by Allan and Melissa Ramirez.
The fish is cooked.
Of the scammers mentioned in the affidavit for warrant in this case, ringleader Ramirez, 27, is on the run.
Melissa Ramirez, also 27, was charged with theft of property and engaging in organized criminal activity.
Sergio "Checo" Alberto Alcocer, 35, was charged with two counts of theft of property and two counts of engaging in organized criminal activity.
Jesus Edward Ibarra, 29, was charged with engaging in organized criminal activity and impersonating a public servant. Ibarra was wearing a jacket with a tax office seal on it and told an investor he worked with the Cameron County Tax Assessor, according to the affidavit.
Tony Menchaca is charged with one count of tampering with a government document.


Anonymous said...

Never, ever buy real estate without using a title company to close. Bet you the buyers were ok wuth not using one because of where the money, ahem, was derived from ...

Anonymous said...

Ibarra worked for Tony Y. Even with a felony conviction, he was allowed to work for Cameron County. The rumor is when he was fired for STEALING from the Tax Office, even though he is seen on camera STEALING, no charges were filed against him because he technically shouldn't have EVER been hired in the first place, because of his felony conviction.

Anonymous said...

This looks really bad for Tony Yzaguirre. This happened under his watch, his own employees. He probably was getting a kickback.

Anonymous said...

Time for more investigations in Cameron County. The local Democrats won't give up anything and can't be trusted. We need federal investigators to come in and clean house

Anonymous said...

Tony y used Ibarra to get special favors from Ibarras dad Marcelino who at the time was maintenance supervisor and do other special favors like fix things around his home

Anonymous said...

Idiots in the valley are so easy to rip off. She deserved it for being stupid. If I was not such a nice guy, I would be a millionaire taking all of you all's government checks and dope money.

charlie brown said...

Kickback? Tony Y oh no , no way jose, yes way, tony is not a saint and has always been on the take since he was at the City of Brownsville, he had an excellent teacher who was ex mayor and happens to be Ernie Hernandez's uncle. pura lana.

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is the greatest threat to the RGV. We constantly hear on the media of people being ripped off because they don't understand the rights or their responsibilities. In an area where all deaths need to beg for funds for funerals, it is a hotbed for the scammers....and ignorance is to blame.

Anonymous said...

Come on, people! When you buy into a scheme because you are going to get a special deal, you deserve to get burned.

Cheff said...

Valle Hermoso bandit. Alan da pig. Revocable brother s. Got screwed 400000$ he likes Rolex watches

Cheff said...

Help us

Cheff said...

They stole millions of dollers

Cheff said...

Hundred of properties were auction tainted not hundreds maybe thousands u had to pay like back to bid. I have recorded prof Wilson montanaro many mire

Cheff said...

Tital policy title hearings all bs. Mari bel fixed all up stealing $300 or more of each. That money belongs to the state of Texas not Tagore menchaca mireles or others

Cheff said...

Chech all transfers on cars. 40 present are crooked. Easy. Check value.

Cheff said...

Brownsville country club menchaca properties &$$$$

Cheff said...

Omar Lucio knew he transferd deputies keep mireles. He's in on it to

Cheff said...

Who asked for te assignment were innocent

Cheff said...

Cascos and everyone knew and excepted this corruption as normal Cameron county Buisness and excepted job as Secretary of State acting completely unaware knowingly it's a part of everyday Buisness in Cameron county he you me and almost everybody knew this was going on please be honest people
