Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Calling it a combined wedding-honeymoon Brownsville attorney and Pct. 2 Cameron County commissioner Alex Dominguez said goodbye to bachelorhood and married his lovely wife Jill (nee Kohler) in Pacentro, Italy. She is an assistant superintendent of Idea Brownsville charter schools.
The wedding was held in the Santa Maria Misericordia Church which was completed in 1603 and contains great works of religious art, statuary, and stucco. Its website states that the church has the second tallest bell tower in the area after the SS. Annunziata in Sulmona and is visible for miles. The facade of the church is designed in a sedate style typical of late-16th-century Architecture known as Mannerism. This is evidenced by a Classical triangular pediment over the central part of the facade and the side doors. The portal over the main door resembles the Rennaissance style of the portals of Churches and Palaces in Rome from the mid-16th century.
Dominguez and his wedding party have been abroad since last Friday and held the wedding reception at the Caldora/Cantelmo Castle of Pacentro following the ceremony (See graphic below.) According to Wikipedia, above the medieval part of the town, on the Colle Castello (Castle Hill,) rests the Caldora/Cantelmo Castle of Pacentro.
The castle is built on a trapezoidal foundation with a tower on every corner. Today, only three of the four towers have survived. There are also some circular bastions that remain. All of these are clearly visible as one approaches Pacentro from the Conca Peligna (Peligna Valley) below.
A castle has been on this site since approximately the 11th century, though the current structure was begun in the late 14th/early 15th century during Pacentro's feudal domination by the Caldora/Cantelmo Family.
The Orsini's added the circular bastions and other improvements in the late 15th century. The castle has been extensively restored since it was purchased by the Comune of Pacentro in 1957.
In an emial sent with the photos, Dominguez pointed out that this will be the first time he has ever missed a commissioners court meeting. When  you give your eternal vows with your soulmate, we guess we can excuse him for missing one meeting, can't we? Our best wishes to the happy couple.)


Anonymous said...

It's Amore, Amore. Congrats !!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Alex and Jill, may god bring you many beautiful blessings, and joy and love..and long life of happiness

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jill and Alex. They were married in the same church in Italy where Jill's grandmother was married.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Jill and Alex, from r posada and all of IDEA San Antonio!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to both
good things come to those who wait
2 successful productive citizens of the community
wish all the high school calenturientos are taking notes
