Thursday, October 29, 2015


By Juan Montoya
No, it ain't the Carpenters making a comeback.
But we don't think that this – the public information officer for incumbent Luis. V. Saenz Melidda Landin campaigning for GOP sheriff candidate Victor Cortez Tuesday afternoon– will result in new-found unity among Democratic Party candidates for the March primary.
Saenz, despite widespread speculation that he would run as a Republican, announced he will run in the Demo Donkey party.
His former Public Integrity Unit chief, Victor Cortez, resigned from his position to announce he will be running as a Republican against incumbent Democrat Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio.
Cortez held a sparsely-attended meet-and-greet organized by Landin at the Dairy Queen at the corner of Paredes Line and E. Price Road. He was accompanied by his social media campaign director Landin.
As some of our three readers may know, Cortez has claimed credit as a former Drug Enforcement Administration agent for the capture of some of those Mexican cartel operatives who murdered DEA agent Kike Camarena.
The fact that he joined the DEA years after Camarena was murdered by Rafael Caro Quintero makes no difference to him as he spins widely disseminated yarns about how he was captured and tortured before his chestnuts were pulled out of the fire by a supervisor. He was captured by Mexican police with an informer riding in an unregistered car with a few AK 47s in the trunk.
According to his accounts, he was just about to overpower his torturers when he saw his supervisor's head in a door window and had mercy on his attackers. The DEA shipped him back to the USA as soon as they could.
It probably makes a kind of twisted logic that he was at a Dairy Queen since the DQ Marketing Director Jesse Vallejo had his run-in with local authorities in the past as well. Vallejo is a good friend of Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz. In past campaigns, Vallejo would hand out free ice cream to children at meet-and-greet functions Saenz held at the DQ on Boca Chica and International (Four Corners).
In 2006, he was accused of taking bribes from people in exchange for offering to clear their criminal cases. He was accused of accepting more than $17,000 from people who had pending criminal cases with the District Attorneys Office (under Armando Villalobos) and were looking to have them cleared. Vallejo worked for a local attorney.
The Brownsville Herald's editorial board at the time was moved to write about the bribery charges. In an editorial Nov. 26, 2006, they said:
"Surely, many if not most people in this county vote for the people they believe will do the best at the position he or she is running for. However, enough people have less altruistic reasons for supporting certain candidates. Some might be looking for government business, some might want favorable consideration for employment, others might believe that having a friend in an official capacity might help if they're ever in trouble, whether its for a minor traffic ticket or something much worse."
It turned out that Villlalobos was not above turning a blind eye if the price was right for far more serious charged than a traffic ticket. He allowed convicted murderer Amit Licingston for 60 days so he could straighten out his affairs. Livingston left and never looked  back.
Coincidentally, Saenz is now claiming credit for recapturing Livingston, with Cortez saying he somehow directed the U.S. Marshals in India in his capture from his office on Harrison Street.
Villalobos is now serving a nine-year sentence for racketeering. Livingston is up for a 23 year stint.
Vallejo cooperated with local law enforcement and eventually went on to serve his time to pay his debt to society.
(In the graphic at right, Vallejo chats it up with a customer. Cortez is the short guy in the hat at far upper right-hand corner.)
As a marketing director of DQ, he has now become useful to Saenz and Cortez handing out free ice cream to kids during their campaign stops at the various franchises.
Landin, as PIO, earns a $45,760 salary from the DA's Office.


Anonymous said...

Is that the same Jesse Vallejo whose wife worked for DPS and got arrested for handing out fake driver licenses? Something to do about their illegal maid?

BobbyWC said...

I personally know Jesse Vallejo for years. While he made a mistake a long time ago which had nothing to do with Villalobos, he is a very honorable man. If Cortez wants to use Dairy Queen to promote himself that is his business.

Jesse is an extraordinary success story. He went from being abused by a gym owner not paying him because of his past mistake, to his current position by working hard. All along he raised to amazing sons who are both on full football scholarships.

Business is business and if a politician asks to use one of his stores he is going to say yes. DQ gave out nothing for free. Everything was paid for.

Trying to taint the name of a man who has come so far based on the content of his character is wrong. He cannot just give away DQ ice cream without corporate approval and corporate would never do that.

Yea the story is good, because it leaves little doubt as to what is happening with Melissa Landin, but trying to taint the good character of a man who has come so far is low. It just goes to prove the crab theory.

Anonymous said...

Good story because it is about a woman you bloggers obsess over? Many could care less. Find better news instead of writing about the same people over and over. She is a nice lady and bothers nobody.

Anonymous said...

Victor Cortez for Sheriff!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I will vote for Victor Cortez for Sheriff of Cameron County. He is highly qualified and probably far more qualified than the incumbent. I don't care about Luis Saenz. He is a pawn to the Dumbocratic Party and can't be trusted.

Anonymous said...

He has my vote time for a real sheriff

Anonymous said...

Said the biggest crab in the basket. This from someone who delights in bullying the uneducated and mistaken or just because he assumes some wrong. His vaunted proof via documentation often does not pass the smell test and is usually based on his remarkable ability to jump to an unwarranted conclusion with absolute confidence. He has once or twice admitted to an error but I can't ever remember a single apology to anyone. This particular crab strikes me as a cancer on our society. Not only did he lie to get into the military, when he thought they were mean to him he wanted out early. I'm guessing they were happy to see him go. He then whined and threatened and badgered until he got some king of disability payment. This crab took out student loans and went to law school and then whined about having to repay the loans. I wonder if he used his alleged military disability as part of his excuse to not repay that loan. In any case he threatened and badgered until the loans were forgiven. Somewhere along the line he was disbarred and even jailed due to his style of practicing law (how bad do you have to be to get disbarred in Texas?). He then settled down to a lifestyle involving international pleasure trips and frequent, he says, trip to New York City. He can afford the trips but can't pay his student loans. He has frequently claimed that the message is what is important, not spelling or grammar and proves it up by making frequent mistakes. He then turns around and makes fun of someone for doing the same. He is a frequent user of VA benefits, too, but seems unhappy he is not always first in line. I think he is playing the system for every benefit he can get. Benefits I pay thousands of dollars to support every year. He has not once said thanks. What an ingrate. Now he is claiming frequent episodes of respiratory distress, perhaps life threatening, but he won't go to the hospital because they won't let him tell them how to run it. Sometimes I think he may be stretching things a little.

Anonymous said...

Don't lie to Victor Melissa Zamora. Just because you are posting positive comments anonymously over and over about Victor Cortez doesn't mean people will really think Victor Cortez has a chance against the incumbent Sherriff Omar Lucio. He may have a chance to beat the other Republican candidates. With that said your boss DA Luis Saenz is a Democrat. Your ex bosses like Ramiro Garza, Judge Arturo Nelson and of course your ex partner in crime Rene Oliveria are all DEMORCRATS. You are an employee of the county and are using your position inside the district attorney office to acquire information to attack Omar Lucio, Zeke Silva, Juan Montoya, Louis Sorola, Martin Sarkis,Mary Ester Sorola,Alex Begum,Carlos Masso, Sylvia Garza Perez, Joe Rivera, Lucino Rosembaum and anyone else that doesn't agree with your lies and bullying tactics.

The people,voters and common people know who you really are and because of your back stabbing ways have hurt Victor Cortez reputation so much he is portrayed as an idiot when it comes to politics. Victor is a good man but his affiliation with you has brought him to the level of Armando Villalobos.

Anonymous said...

So Melissa Zamora Landin...etc etc...bothers no one...huummmm.
Just asks her buddy Victor Cortez and Delaney to indict people she dislikes....yea, she is a saint...sainbernard.

BobbyWC said...

well moron making money for your company is business so long as it is illegal. Being a propagandist for your employer with lies is a job, but not an honorable job.

Eateries all over town host these same events, why in this case and this case only is corporate level employee attacked for making honest money for his company?

Yea big difference.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A vote for victor is a vote for Saenz

Anonymous said...

Victor Cortez is a democrat who is hijacking the Republican Party.

Why would a republican affiliate himself with known Dems??

Anonymous said...

Why would anybody vote for that Guy Cortez?

He has shown no skills other than being a good officer . No administration skills no public relations, the man can barely speak English. He wants to hire a chief deputy to do all the work and sit back and beg for calling. The only reason Landin is trying so hard is she is looking for job security in either the Sheriffs Dept or DA office .

Anonymous said...

To the blim bobby and the Jezebel melissa.....go have your hissy fits somewhere else bitches. No one cares about you two idiots. Write on your blog blimp....not one that is sponsored to fuel Montoya's insatiable thirst for beer....PENDEJO!

Anonymous said...

Zamora is also involved with the Liz Garza campaign for County Judge. She is betting on a lot of horses to secure a job. She knows luis is going to lose.

Anonymous said...

This just in dudes....the blimp' back yard is flooded.......this also just in one!

Anonymous said...

Every one is tired of Sheriff Lucio and the Reyna brothers. No one cares about Cortez or Landin. The Sheriff Dept. needs a new administration for sure.

Anonymous said...

I usually judge people based on personal experiences and Vallejo is an Asshole.

Anonymous said...

Cortez is the most competent person running for Sheriff of Cameron County. He has a great justice career and understands the needs of Cameron County. Omar Lucio is a senile old man who is running only because his staff won't have job unless he is in office. Time for a real sheriff....Cortez is the man.

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up Melissa, you Jezebel. We know it is you posting positive comments of the PELON Cortez. Have some self respect girl.

Anonymous said...

She has sold her soul,going down just to secure any job, has some decency does your conscious ever bother you

Anonymous said...

Cortez is the man if you like the same corruption as Lucio, Saenz, and the rest of the Valley

Anonymous said...

Let me start by saying that I am a life long Republican. Mr. Cortez is running in the republican primary and i will not vote for the man. He and our district attorney must think that we are idiots. We have seen this coming from a mile away! Why do i include Luis Saenz? Well, its simple; because he must be banking on the cross over vote to get him back in for four more years of nothing. Neither Cortez nor Saenz had absolutely anything to do with the extradition of Amit Livingston. If elected sheriff what perks would the District Attorneys nephew and neice have in county jail if they decided to almost kill someone again while drinking and driving? The holier than thou act is getting old and we all have seen through the BS!

Anonymous said...

Cortez is worse than Lucio! I would rather have Lucio than Cortez! At least he is loyal to the Democrat party.......

No one is above the Law .......

I guess Cortez and Luis Saenz are above the law

Anonymous said...


Worse mistake anybody will ever make. Cortez will make Lucio look like a Saint!

Anonymous said...

The sheriff office needs new blood somebody who doesn't carry political ties to the DA office or Sheriffs department.

Regardless who is voted in we need somebody NEW not the corruption currently being portrayed by Cortez and the cartel

Anonymous said...

Voters beware of the wolf or "ape" that hides in sheep's clothing.

As a strong republican it appauling to see candidates who use party lines to run campaigns to just get elected who have no values of the party.

Too many candidates use multiple platforms to try to gain an edge when their alliance is to themselves and not to the party to which they are "claiming" to represent.

From seeing Victor Cortez background I see no reason to him be a Republican.

An actual republican would be able to stand against the democrats and not form alliance with Melissa Landin Zamora..... TBD after her new husband eventually.

Voters need to be educate it's who you hang out is what people see if Cortez hangs around Democrats all day everyday what would make his views conservative .

What also needs to be noted. Why would Melissa Landin Zamora even want to be married even more it must be exhausting to keep filing for name changes with the TXDPS and Social Security office

Anonymous said...

I will not vote for a man, who is being backed up from Melissa Landin Zamora, or Luis Saenz.. He will be another Alex Perez, Conrado Cantu, .. No no no no me and my family of. 4 will be voting and supporting John Chambers,.. No Victor Cortez.. VICTOR ISN'T EVEN A TRUE REPUBLICAN.... I can't vote for someone who is fake and lies about his true status as a Republican, everyone knows he is a true Democrat.

Anonymous said...

John Chambers and family: Give it up. You are going down on those state charges. Quit wasting your time.

Anonymous said...

A chambers LE APESTA el yoyo....ejeleeee!

Anonymous said...

For the person that will not vote for someone being "backed up by Melissa Landin", Victor Cortez is not a toilet. toilets get backed up, not people. You might have used "supported by", that would have been proper.

You are obviously a supporter of John Chambers. He has a better chance of being President Of The United States, than Sheriff of Cameron County. So instead of sitting behind your computer and hurling attacks at Mrs. Landin, you would be better suited to pick up a book on grammar, madam!

Anonymous said...

Liz Garza, distance your self from idiots like Mellissa and la idiot and pendejeta Anisa Gonzalez. Your killing your campaign by even associating yourself. Ask around before you kill your chances before you even start.

Anonymous said...

Melissa ES UNA PENDEJA. Whoever is associated with her as a candidate is going to lose badly.

Anonymous said...

Victor Cortez is a republican with a voting record that substantiates it going back years. Quit drinking the Kool Aid.

Anonymous said...

Obviously you have been drinking the Chambers Kool Aid because he is lying to his supporters. And it's a shame you all throw your support behind anybody who gives you the tiniest bit of attention. Of course, you might also be one of Chambers' family who likes to use dirty politics and attacks on blogs. Such a sad way to try to win an election.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! After being around kimberly LOL
se lo esta chingando gacho..poor dude

Anonymous said...

Victor should find a new campaign manager if he wants any chance.

If victor has any real chance he would need to appease more republicans instead of siding with no party members.

I personally say he is not the most qualified candidate as I feel each candidate brings a different type of experience to the party. However voters are getting sick of the same type of people getting elected each year.

He has four tough candidates in the primary and then Lucio if he gets out of primary ? Will this man have enough supporters or funds to carry out???

When DA Luis Saenz looses reelection then why would Victor Cortez believe Luis Saenz would be donating any more money or show him to supporters.

Best thing to do for Luis Saenz is ask Janet Leal wife Chester to save him a spot in the Law Firm in 2017

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck made her a king maker no mames,she holds no weight

Anonymous said...

Who told you there were five candidates in the primary?

Anonymous said...

Who says there are that many sheriff candidates
