Tuesday, October 6, 2015


(Ed.s Note: We always wondered why the supporters of some candidates defaced other candidates' signs in an obvious attempt to hurt their opponents. We asked ourselves the same thing recently we  were driving along the frontage road in front of Tony Rocha's (La Peca) salon and car and truck lots. In this case, a 4' by 8' sign belonging to Pct. 1 county commissioner candidate Bea Rosenbaum erected right next to incumbent Sofia Benavides was badly cut up to the point where one can't even tell the name of the candidate. We've heard that at least two other candidates might jump into that race. We're sure that Sofie didn't put anyone up to this, but whoever took it upon themselves to mar the sign isn't doing her any favors. In fact, it just might trigger the opposite reaction and elicit sympathy for the first-time candidate. Neither Silverio Cisneros', Sofia's nor Victor Cortez's signs were touched. In past elections, some groups associated with certain candidates deliberately damaged and removed their opponents signs. Yolanda Begum's signs, when she was running for JP 2-2 against Erin Garcia Hernandez comes to mind as one of the campaigns whose signs were chronically defaced or completely cut up with box cutters. Recently, a Carlos Masso campaign sign was removed right in front of the Brownsville Police Dept. He is running against incumbent Luis Saenz for Cameron County District Attorney. Masso's supporters immediately replaced it after filing a complaint across the street with the PD. We would hope that all the candidates reach out to their supporters and put them on notice against this useless practice. It's not doing your candidates any good, guys.)


chief cool arrow said...

Oh come on sofie would never scoop that low, yea right, she is part of the problem, our little gang etc time to go, time for a change southmost and pct 1 anyone but her please cca

chief cool arrow said...

Oh come on sofie would never scoop that low, yea right, she is part of the problem, our little gang etc time to go, time for a change southmost and pct 1 anyone but her please cca
