Tuesday, November 3, 2015


8. Consideration and ACTION to adopt the Bicycling Capital of the Rio Grande Valley Logo.
(Arturo Rodriguez -Health)
9. Consideration and ACTION on Resolution Number 2015-087, encouraging the Texas
Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to support the use of shoulders of the State Roads as safe places to ride bicycles. (Constanza Miner- Interim Planning Director)

By Juan Montoya
Ever since she got on the City of Brownsville City Commission, Dr. Rose Gowen-Zavaletta has been the driving force behind a wide range of gambits in an effort to force local residents to use bicycles for their own good.
She has hosted many forums and has used her position as a bully pulpit to drive home her message.
But that isn't all. In her effort to instill good dietary and exercise habits upon the unsuspecting population, he has turned to the lowly bicycle as the one instrument of health and fitness.
In her zeal to imprint her health-for-all philosophy (she is, after all, affiliated with the UT Health School System), she has championed the use of bicycles over other, more immediate needs and causes.
The city lacks sidewalks and you often see the people walking on the road to avoid the overgrown weeds and grass on the earthen shoulder where sidewalks normally go.
The same goes for bus stops. A bus stop in Brownsville is a metal sign with the bus logo on it and no shelter or seats for the people to use. If they're lucky there will be a nearby mesquite which will provide some shade from the blazing summer sun or winter gales.
Once or twice a month, her impetus for the chisquida way of life forces the closure of downtown streets to traffic so that residents from the fringes of town can ride their $200 to $300 bicycles up and down the deserted streets.
Bicycles downtown are normally used in very utilitarian ways by the people. Usually, it's the guys looking for aluminum cans in the dumpsters of downtown alleys. Sometimes it's the guys with the plastic pails who wash cars. Other times it's old men picking up cardboard from the rear of stores to recycle and get a few dollars from their sale. And there's not a chubby none in the bunch. They're all slim and trim.
Except for a few students coming and going through town to TSC or UTB, most people are afraid to ride a bike in downtown Brownsville's murderous traffic.
Ditto for the outside roads controlled by the state. Now, you really have to take your life into your hands to ride on FM 802 or Alton Gloor. That's during the day. At night, it is sheer folly and suicidal. But we're going to ask the state to support the sue of shoulders on state roads as safe places to ride bicycles. So the mere edict will make bike riders safe? Sure it will.
Still, by her sheer persistence (intransigence?), Gowen has managed to funnel city monies to her pet projects and damn the rest. City lots are overgrown, Trash covers the streets. Potholes lie in wait for the unwary after a heavy rain that simply undoes the patch work that was performed by Public Works crews the after rain before.
That is the essence of job security in that department. You simply will not run out of work patching potholes in Brownsville.
Thank goodness that Gowen also took it upon herself to make sure that if you were attending a sports event at the Brownsville Sports Center, you would jot be tempted to eat a grease-laden hot dog or other unhealthy snacks from the concession stands by prohibiting their sale there.  Foegt eth gorditas or pork carnitas, tia. I'll have some raw broccoli and bean sprouts with my soy smoothie, please! 
In Tuesday's meeting, the new city logo honoring Brownsville as the Bicycling Capital of the RGV will be adopted. It was designed by a UT Austin student from Brownsville named Higino Turrubiates Jr., a UT-Austin graduate who is an architectural intern at LMN Architects, in Seattle, Washington.
We can almost guess that he will not be paid a $90,000 prize for the logo he designed, as was paid Ronnie Oliveira with Hahn Communications for his.
But then again, Turrubiates is nor as politically well connected with State Rep. Rene Oliveira, as Ronnie is being the rep's cousin.
Turrubiate's design was picked by a city committee for free. Why wasn't the COB logo done the same was so we could have saved us a ton of money? Hahn has released a budget for the rest of their "rebranding" campaign that will (with the addition of the $140,000 already paid them) make it a cool $1 million for their troubles. Problem is, the people don't like it.
Well, that's never stopped the city administration or the commission before. As long as La Chisquida Gowen is at the city's handlebars, hold on for the ride and to your wallet.


Anonymous said...

The Blimp said "I am working to have a guardian other than me appointed so the wife and her daughters stop complaining I am interfering with the nursing home too much.".......

the blimp also said
"With an independent guardian calling the shots as to everything then the court will begin to understand how my sister in law and her daughters are never going to stop until they are given complete control over my brother - namely the money"

The grotesque blimp can not understand that his brother is married and has children dudes....the wife of his brother is telling him to mind his own business and not to interfere with her husband.....but you know how stubborn the gay blogger is dudes....like telling a vampire to quit blood...lol!

the blimp should realize that the wife is the legal guardian of her husband....looks like the one after the money is the blimp...not the wife like he says dudes.

Anonymous said...

Art Rodriguez should ride a bike to work...the guy looks like a sumo wrestler. La chisquiada Gowen should go talk to BPD and sheriff deputies to do the same...vatos gordos diabeticos.

Diego lee rot said...

I honk at the bikers then pretend like I'm going to hit them as I yell obscenities

Anonymous said...

Gowen is F-A-T.......she should go ride a bike!

Anonymous said...

Go away Roman ! What is it with your obsession with Bobby ? "Dudes",Lol"......grow up pendejo !

Anonymous said...

Bike Capitol of the RGV? Give me a fuckin break! "Bike Capitol of South Lower Cameron County" there, I fixed it for you.

Anonymous said...

How many more bike fatalities have there been since she started her pedal power reign of terror on the streets?

Anonymous said...

And why did she leave private practice?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Go away Roman ! What is it with your obsession with Bobby ? "Dudes",Lol"......grow up pendejo !

You are the pendejo, Eduardo Paz Martinez,....why don't you go toss the blimps salad, dude....lol!

Anonymous said...

Our BUS system is a sad joke. Instead of expending so much energy on bikes, Rose should focus in on why it's so mismanaged. They are dropping routes, instead of adding them. Plus they stop running at 6 PM, when stores don't close until 9. With such lousy service, it's no wonder everyone drives their cars in this town.

Forget your pet projects Rose an start taking care of "real" city business.

Anonymous said...

Are you really that stupid? Not everyone that is offended by your sickness is Duardo , pendejo . You're an annoying piece of garbage , whom, even your own family can't stand ! Dude!

Anonymous said...

...but you are.

Anonymous said...

Maybe one of the dumbest blogs ever. In a city with the highest rates of obesity and diabetes in the entire country, you rail about someone who is volunteering their time to promote fitness in both diet and exercise. You should be ashamed of yourself and your readers and bloggers who pile on this trash should be ashamed as well.
You and your blog are one of the reasons that Brownsville has such a difficult time moving forward in new and progressive ways.

Why is it you can not find anything positive to say about initiatives that have leveraged state and grant money, made it safer for the poorest amongst us to travel in the city and offers a choice of healthy walking and biking to a population that desperately needs it. Why is it such sport for you to trash the thousands that CHOOSE to use these facilities and improve their fitness and quality of life.?

Anonymous said...

have you tossed the blimps salad yet eduarde?.....dude...lol!

Anonymous said...

If you want to see the absence of results from Rose Zavaleta Gowen's self induced programs...go to any event where something free is given away....you will find lots of FAT people and none riding bikes. The bike riders are upperward mobile, middle class folks...not the citizens of Brownsville who need help. Rose is an elitist who doesn't seem to understand that she isn't helping those who really need help. It's not bicycles STUPID, its effective drainage, streets without potholes the size of a small car, and law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

"The thousands that use these facilities...." shut up Rose!

Anonymous said...

brownsville... the fattest, poorest, dumbest place in the nation. ;(

Anonymous said...

It may be that thousands use these facilities, but it is apparent that Rose does not!

Anonymous said...

Rose, why is BUS dropping routes instead of adding them ? Start doing your job taking care of Brownsville people, instead of your elitist, "non controversial" pet cause. I have no problem with doing something about obesity. But solving it is going to take more than bicycles.

Allowing hundred's of trapped young housewives in Southmost a way to get out of the house and take their kids to the Zoo on a bus is a good cause. Or to get back and forth to a job, or to take their kids to see a doctor. Southmost is our most neglected neighborhood Rose, and those poor folks need more BUS routes, and one that doesn't shut down at 6 PM, when our stores don't close until 9. How stupid.

Start doing your job Rose and clean up our mismanaged BUS system, which is privately owned. How much money does this private BUS company make, failing at their job. Tons of federal grant money is available for such improvements. Do we even ask for it ? You were elected to run the city's many business's Rose. Not just to promote your, "non controversial" pet project. Are you afraid of our Tijuana Taxi driver's political mafia or something ?

Anonymous said...

Yep your right,but the real reason she gives so much to this initiative is that she knows that she can convince these people to vote her way come election time.I don't think it's from the heart some are being bamboozled.

Anonymous said...

Yep but she's not that stupid her access to information and pet projects gives her a way to cash in on the indigent and get them to her clinics cha ching
