Sunday, November 29, 2015


By Juan Montoya
It was not a pretty sight.
There was Cameron County Clerk Sylvia-Garza Perez delivering her three-month update. And there was a skeptical majority of the county commissioners wondering why she had authorized a county clerk employment manual.
The purpose of the manual for her office, according to Perez-Garza was "to give some guidance to the employees, and also mirrors the county employment polices."
After the perfunctory political thanks to County Judge Pete Sepulveda and County Administrator David Garcia on remodeling her office, Perez-Garza had to answer to the commissioners. Why did the department need to have its own manual when the county personnel manual already had them?
That didn't go over well with Pct. 3 commissioner David Garza and he let legal and the county clerk know it.
"There seems o be a lot of redundancies" Garza said. "I have just seen this for the first time. I would have  gone through HR."
Garza pointed out that the items listed on the county clerk's manual are already mentioned in the county personnel policy manual and there was no need to list them again for her office. Garza rattled off the polices that dealt with vacations, leave, attendance, evaluations, employee discipline, etc.,
"There's a myriad of polices that are already covered in our employment manual and here we are duplicating them in this one."
Garza asked whether the new county employees manual was already in effect.
"You'd figure that if there were any new polices put into effect, commissioners court would have to approve those policies," Garza said.
County legal counsel Juan Gonzalez sought to justify the new manual for Perez-Garza's employees saying that at the outset it stated that the polices were based on the county employee manual.
"They are very specific to the department and as long as they are compatible with the employee manual," Garza said
"I don't see why we have to have this redundancy, like in comp time and employee leave," Garza said, joined by Pct. 2 commissioner Alex Dominguez who wondered why the manual had to be written in the first place.
"They have more specific guidelines within their own department and I think the law allows them to have that sphere of influence," countered Gonzalez lamely.
"There's a lot of things that are in here that are already included in our county employee manual," Garza countered.
"I can go back and look at it and meet with you at length," Gonzalez said.
"I don't want to meet with any legal guy at length because they always win," said Garza. "I don't know about the law, I just know about common sense."
"More layers of BS makes it difficult to administer, you know," he said.
"I don't think it's a good idea to have a document that is redundant because it will just leave it up to interpretation," Sepulveda chimed in. "It makes it a lot more difficult to defend if it gets to that point."
"So we can specify that male folks who work in your department cannot wear an earring," Garza queried Garza-Perez.
"Yes, I think we can," Gonzalez said without quite as much authority."
"We can?" Garza asked incredulously. "Have you ever been to Seattle?, or Austin, or McAllen?"
"Hair color, except for natural,' Garza lit non Garza-Perez, " I could question who has natural hair color...well, I know you have natural hair color just in front of me here. I just think that when we start policing earrings, hair color and things of that sort...
"Well, said Pct. 4 commissioner Dan Sanchez, "Do you want to have someone show up with red hair representing you at the front window?
"Well, they're there," Garza said. "People have the freedom of expression whether we like it or not. People still have the freedom of expression, we still have that constitutional right."
"No to speak insubordinately here,but..," Garza-Perez stuttered.
"No problem, go ahead," Garza said.
Garza-Perez countered that the manual was meant as a guideline because she said Human Resources made its presentation of the county manual hurriedly and did not have the time to fully instruct the new employees.
"We didn't do this to chop off anybody's head," she countered.
"We have a great many employees that do great work in many departments that do great work that have tattoos," Garza said. "Whether I like them or not is indifferent, you know."
Garza went on to say that he had noticed employees at the Sheriff's Department and many veterans from the Vietnam War and other conflicvet who had tattoos and were employees.
"Rather than get sidetracked here so we can get something accomplished so we can get on t=with the presentation," Garza-Perez quipped lamely trying to dodge the bullet.
"I take offense to being sidetracked," Garza countered. "My only concern is that we treat employees with dignity and respect regardless of the beliefs that they have and what they can do to their bodies, because it's their bodies."
"As an elected official, we try to do what is right," Garza-Perez replied.
When Sepulveda asked Gonzalez who was ultimately responsible for the polices of elected officials if it ever became a legal issue, he stated ludicrously that he would have to take it on a case by case basis.
The county clerk's manual was jot approved by the commissioners, but apparently, the rules issued by the county clerk's office which are at odds with the county personnel policy – regarding earrings for men, hair color for women and tattoos for all – are in effect until they are legally challenged by an employee in the future.


southmost kid said...

what an idiot-jackass, rules are already in place, opening the door to future lawsuits pendeja, well you folks elected her so now got to put up with her stupidity. sk

Anonymous said...

"As an elected official, we try to do what is right," Garza-Perez replied.

... by making up her own rules and stepping on people's constitutional rights. What a fool. What a small time wannabe big time fucking fool.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of tax payers money !! That's what happens when a dumb not qualified person is in a position to lead no sabe nada

Anonymous said...

They ripped her a new asshole

I'm not a robot! said...

IF "The purpose of the manual for her office, according to Perez-Garza was "to give some guidance to the employees, and also mirrors the county employment polices.", WHY DUPLICATE> the county employment policies.

IF "County legal counsel Juan Gonzalez sought to justify the new manual for Perez-Garza's employees saying that at the outset it stated that the polices were based on the county employee manual.", WHY DUPLICATE> the county employment policies.

IF "They are very specific to the department and as long as they are compatible with the employee manual," Garza said." WHY DUPLICATE> the county employment policies.

In any organization, public or otherwise, it is the Human Resources department who establishes the "Employment Policy Manual.

What is next, an HR department for the clerk's office as long as it is based and compatible with the county's HR department?

What a bunch of egomaniacs.

Anonymous said...

She's evil and must be destroyed!

Anonymous said...

Could somebody enforce a weight limit on the manual too, for the SANCHEZ BROTHERS!

Anonymous said...

And shortly following this presentation Commissioner Dominguez expresses his interest in having the authority to hire and fire employees especially if they are felons. I guess he forgot he has one working for him.

Anonymous said...

Could you please add on the manual, to have the DA trim his mustache, he gives a very bad concept to the county.

Anonymous said...

as we sat in the back of the courtroom and watched Sylvia stutter unable to give intelligent responses we could not help but giggle among ourselves and noticed the Chief squirming in her seat and her girl friday Francisco standing with a smirk on his face , we wonder how sylvia would feel if she knew how her employees really feel about her... one could see her employees were embarrassed . The courthouse gossip is that employees are miserable working for a tyrant . It shows when you go into the office its quite somber .. very unfriendly.. I guess shit does go down hill... Sylvia please train your employees on customer service , phone skills and most of all remind that its the TAX payer office not YOURS

Anonymous said...

and the Skeletons will fall.. Like Lucino Rosenbaum a Felon working for Syvlia Garza Perez.. Fire them all..

Anonymous said...

What an stupid thing to said....

Anonymous said...

Next she'll be implementing a weight policy, which has to start with her, and the Sanchez pe......s

Anonymous said...

She is an asshole...

Anonymous said...

This lady has made it quite obvious that she is not academically prepared for this elected position.

Anonymous said...

Federal law suits are more likely to commence at the County Clerk's office... The County policy approved by HR over powers any sole dept. We the taxpayers are screwed again.. this woman needs to be out of office. no wonder she couldn't be bonded.

Anonymous said...

No dyed hair? Is there a natural blonde in any county building? When she loses the lawsuit it will be you and me that pays for it, not her.

Anonymous said...

Her staff needs a manual on respect , customer service and humanity

Anonymous said...

What color is Sylvia's hair? What color is David Garza's hair...bolo de idiotas!

Anonymous said...

She there because of "NAPOTISM", Who is her mom and dad? This is mafia style at it's best. This my opinion

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
She there because of "NAPOTISM", Who is her mom and dad? This is mafia style at it's best. This my opinion

December 1, 2015 at 8:51 AM

its "nepotism"....PENDEJO!

CC Watcher said...

Yep, its gone to her head. Sylvia wants to do her own thing and be the micro-manager that she is and the "cunt" that she can be. What about nepotism within the county? No one does anything about that? That's why there is problems. Needs to be corrected!

Anonymous said...

Sylvia never shuts the fuck up !!!just shut up !!! Let us work!!!!

Anonymous said...

That office has gone from A plus service to a D minus !! Terrible attitudes and service !! She needs to take that horrible woman At recording office and show her some manners so RUDE

Anonymous said...

It's fugly !!!

Anonymous said...

I am waiting for the Constable's method for assessed values and the JP's road budget proposals before I weigh in on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Wow, does she really have a convicted felon working for her?

Anonymous said...

"So we can specify that male folks who work in your department cannot wear an earring,"

Counting down the days till some transsexual guy files a multimillion dollar lawsuit against the county. Because the earring was an attempt to transition into becoming a woman and the County Clerk fired them on the basis of sexual orientation.

Reading Sylvia's request, it's apparent we're dealing with the type of shallow-brained, uncultured idiot who might fire a Jew for not taking his funny little hat off indoors. Or be unaware dreadlocks and cornrows are protected expressions of the Rastafarian religion. Cue the lawsuit for harassment, racism, religious discrimination, disparate treatment and retaliation.

Instead of approving her poorly-conceived booklet of rules to badger subordinates with, the County Commission needs to take Sylvia aside and give her a primer on the Civil Rights Act and wide-ranging protections in place for government employees.

Anonymous said...

Folks be ever so careful,this woman can be ever so vindictive.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia(Sarah Palin) Garza Perez, you need to get your own business so you can write your own policys.

Anonymous said...

Am disappointed more by the commissioners court actions than the county clerk for allowing this duplication. A review of legal counsel job performance should be tabled at the next commissioners meeting. With termination being a possible action. As for the county clerk well the voters elected her and now must swallow the pill until her next election.

Anonymous said...

Someone certainly needs to run against her when her term is up.

Anonymous said...

there are several people planning their run for county clerk .. she will go down as the worst County Clerk in this County .. her own tight circle of managers speak of NOT supporting her. she is an egomaniac ... self serving tyrant. Google It !!

Anonymous said...

Team Sylvia G.Perez is ready for anyone and everyone .

Anonymous said...

Don't worry will get an opponent...and you will lose...mensa!

Anonymous said...

We welcome all political challengers to enter the race . Team Sylvia Garza Perez serving the people of Cameron County since the 90's . SGP we are ready !

Anonymous said...

You sound like the same mensa/menso that says the same thing every race Sylvia Garza Perez wins . SGP the people's CHOICE !

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahah bola de rats !! lol the 90 's funny ....

Anonymous said...

SGP ? Sangrona Gordota Pendeja !!!

Anonymous said...

Sylvia get our fat ass to work ! do something other than Google ..

Anonymous said...

Sylvia.. Micromanage you felon employee Lucino Rosenbaum. wow.. disgusted by you. not voting for you again.

Anonymous said...

The only thing the County Commission needs to know is that the "rules" that that ignorant fat ass bitch produces will only complicate the future disciplinary appeals hearings with the Civil Service Commission. She is too ignorant to know that policy is already in place.
