Wednesday, November 18, 2015
(On Tuesday, numerous voters were on hand at the Brownsville Central Public Library to marvel at the newest technology in voting. Cameron County Elections Administrator Remi Garza (the adult in the white shirt above) and his able staff were on hand to demonstrate several models to voters. The Central Library is the busiest voting site during early voting, often drawing from 50 to 70 percent of the votes case in nay given elections. During a lull in the action, Garza told us that he and his staff were "just showing the people what is available.")
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In the late 70's and early 80's the whole RGV had voting machines. You would walk in, close the curtain and vote by either twisting a clip on the side of the name or pulling down a lever for the candidates of the same party. It was pretty easy and fast. Bubbling is outdated and it makes us be out of touch with the rest of the country. I hope they have these machines in the whole RGV.
Does anybody know the name of the Company who designed or owns these voting machines?
In an 88 page opinion based on principles of human rights, Justice Arturo Zaldívara of the Mexican Supreme Court has paved the way for legal marijuana in Mexico.
The vote by the court’s criminal chamber declared that individuals should have the right to grow and distribute marijuana for their personal use. While the ruling does not strike down current drug laws, it lays the groundwork for a wave of legal actions that could ultimately rewrite them, proponents of legalization say.
Justice Zaldívar writes: "...[T]he state recognizes an individual’s autonomy to engage in recreational activities that do not harm others.
Pinche Blimp! Get off the toilet, bro! ha ha ha
- Elver Galarga
We would be better off dipping our fingers in colored dye; like most under-developed nations (and we are under-developed). Maybe we should go back to the "Red and Blue" ballots.....our voters can't mentally deal with more than that. How does Remi evalutate the machines based on a few reviews by a few citizens.
Elver Gonsito
Shut the fuck up Eduardp Paz Martinez! vLeave the blimp alone dude.....he does not want you back, its over!
Elver Gonsito
The new Box 13 of Jim Wells County.
The problem I could see with these machines (computers) is that they can be tampered with to the highest bidder.remember there was an investigation during one of the Bush campaigns and it was proven that there had been tampering. .but by the time it came out it was to late
If these are computerized then yes they can be manipulated very easily
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