Wednesday, November 11, 2015


By Juan Montoya
Billed as a celebration of Veterans Day, the Dan and David Sanchez show turned into an announcement by the Pct. 4 Cameron County Commissioner that he will run for county judge.
Just as some had predicted when the invitation to the Sanchez brothers' was sent out on the county's email directory, Sanchez told the vets and those gathered in the front steps of the Cameron County Judicial wing that he had enjoyed serving them as county commissioner and that he wanted to continue serving them as the next county judge.
David Sanchez is the judge of the 44th District Court and is seeking reelection. Dan Sanchez is serving the first year of a second four-year term as commissioner for Pct. 4. 
The announcement took some of those attending by surprise. They had come to honor the veterans, they said, and then the affair quickly took on a political turn.
"He was talking about honoring the veterans and then he started talking about him serving as commissioner and then saying he wanted to run for county judge," said a woman attending the event. "It was like he was taking advantage of the veterans for his political purposes."
Others have pointed out that there was no approval by the commissioners court for the event and the email invitation did not mention either David or Dan Sanchez. It appeared to be a generic invitation on behalf of Cameron County for all county employees.
The event started at 4:30 p.m., a half hour before county employees came streaming out the doors and heading home for the day. That would create the impression that there was wide support for the Sanchez candidacy across the county.
"It is so hypocritical that Sanchez w9ould use this celebration for veterans as apolitical springboard for his candidacy," said the woman's companion. "It showed no class whatsoever."
Among those attending the celebration/announcement was county judge Pete Sepulveda, as well as other county employees including Pct. 1 commissioner Sofia Benavides' administrative assistant Gabino Vasquez.
The fact that Sepulveda attended the event is noteworthy because once Sanchez announced his candidacy in public, he automatically resigned, according to the Texas Government Code.  It is up to Sepulveda, as county judge, to name his replacement. But insiders say that a deal has been struck where Sepulveda will hold off on naming his replacement. In fact, Sanchez can continue to sit as a holdover until after March 1, the date for the party primaries.
"Pete can hold off on naming someone and then if Dan loses to either (former Brownsville mayor Eddie) Treviño or (Brownsville attorney Elizabeth) Garza, he can always nominate him to fill his old seat," said a county observer. "That is, if the deal has already been cut."
And what would Sepulveda get in return?
The county is moving very fast on adoption of establishing a countywide Transportation Reinvestment Zone which would guarantee the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority a percentage (as high as 25 percent) of any increment in property taxes using fiscal year 2015 as  a benchmark.
The TRZ take would amount to millions that would normally go to the county's general budget. Since Sepulveda is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the CCRMA, it means that approval of the TRZ would insure that the CCRMA would garner millions without any strings attached. When his term ends, he will be a full-time CCRMA CEO without having to worry where the money for construction projects will come from.
Is that the quid pro quo for Sanchez's enthusiasm for the TRZ at the commissioners court last meeting?



Anonymous said...

You can utilize a private email to send campaign material to county email accounts. However, you cannot use a county email account to send campaign material to other county emails. Although dubbed a veterans event on the invitation, it definitely was a campaign announcement.

Anonymous said...

Code of Judicial Conduct: A judge or judicial candidate shall not authorize the public use of his or her name endorsing another candidate for any public office.

Sec. 39.02. ABUSE OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY. (a) A public servant commits an offense if, with intent to obtain a benefit (like a political campaign event) or with intent to harm or defraud another, he intentionally or knowingly misuses government property (like a computer or county email system), services, personnel, or any other thing of value belonging to the government that has come into the public servant's custody or possession by virtue of the public servant's office or employment.

Anonymous said...

Dan "Sasquatch" Sanchez is a heart attack waiting to happen. His obesity should be a warning to voters. He is a fat slob and his "fatness" is a reflection of his inability to take care of why should we vote to have him take care of the county??????

Anonymous said...

Wow....Jabba the Hutt has anounced that he wants to take care of us. How can he do that when he can't take care of himself?

Anonymous said...

Enough !!! I'm voting for him he is a good candidate !!

charlie brown said...

Ok so lets see will anyone do anything against this dude? The da or someone probably not since they are all corupted

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"then if Dan loses... he can always nominate him to fill his old seat,"

For 9 more months, only. Holdover or no, Dan's seat is now considered vacated and will most certainly be on the ballot come November 2016 as an unfilled term. Danny-boy, you done screwed up.

southmost kid said...

What a moron, sanchez u know who gilberto hinojete is backing up on this one its his compadre the lucky leprechaun eddie trevino, his law partner you know or u member? Sk

Anonymous said...

Bola de tranzas, and I mean BOLAS DE MIERDA?

Anonymous said...

(so why should we vote to have him take care of the county??????)

Agree! If he can't take care of himself, you had better not depend on him for absolutely nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Dan Sanchez is a DICK!!! He is so fat he hasn't seen his dick in years...A vote for Dan Sanchez is a vote for the corruption of the Dumbokratic Party in Cameron County. Dan has sold his soul to Gilberto Hinojosa and the corruption that we have been subjected to over the years.

Anonymous said...

ta rico la cremita

Anonymous said...

Who is this Dan Sanchez.....who Maria! Who is going to expose him.....QUIEN pues?!
