Back in March 2011, Luis V. Sanez, acting as a special prosecutor for then-Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos, filed charges against Harlingen city commissioner Kori Mara alleging that as a commissioner she participated in a vote or decision on a matter that had a special economic effect on a business in which she had a substantial interest without first filing an affidavit stating the nature and extent of her interest in the business.
A jury in November 2011 acquitted Marra of the first charge and convicted her of the second, sentencing her to 30 days in the county jail, a $500 fine, and court costs.
It wasn't until four years later that Marra's convictions were overturned by the Thirteenth Court of Appeals, ending four years in the courts in a case in which she has always maintained her innocence.
Saenz was acting as a special prosecutor before his election in 2012 to Cameron County D.A. When he became DA, he continued to prosecute Marra.
Saenz concluded that Marra would receive a special economic benefit on her business or real estate from the agenda item, which was listed as a presentation to the City Commission on the downtown improvement a workshop. The charge was that she had a substantial interest without first filing an affidavit stating the nature and extent of her interest in the business.
She, in fact, never voted on the issue aside from speaking out in favor of the reimplementation of the district.
Fast forward to last Thursday when the Cameron County Commissioners Court meeting.
During that meeting, an item on the agenda was discussed on the establishment of a Transportation Reinvestment Zone. If established, the TRZ would funnel a percentage (between 10 to 25 percent) of any increment in property taxes using 2015 as a base year to the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority.
No one has figured out how much that would add to the CCRMA, over the 30 to 50 years envisioned in the proposal, it would mean billions, with B, to the coffers of the authority.
Well, it just so happens that Cameron County Judge Pete Sepulveda is also the Chief Executive Officer of the CCRMA at a hefty $230,000 salary. He stands to gain directly from the implementation of the countywide TRZ in terms of his salary employment benefits and a huge increase in the CCRMA's budget.
Like Marra, he never actually voted on the issue, abstaining when the vote was taken.
And as far as we know, he never filed an affidavit stating his personal interest in the agenda item with the county.
Now, why did Saenz make her life a living hell for her over four years and has not lifted a finger to address the Sepulveda matter regarding the CCRMA? What is the difference between Marra and Spulveda. They're both government officials. Both discussed governmental issues that might be construed as benefiting them personally. And neither voted on the issue.
When the Thirteenth Court of Appeals overturned her conviction in March 2013, the court also acquitted Marra because the state had failed to prove the allegations in the complaint that had been filed against her. Saenz refiled the charge in April 2013 to correct the wording in the complaint. Subsequently, and also in 2013, Senior Justice David Wellington Chew, a visiting judge assigned to the case, dismissed the state’s charge against Marra based on the statute of limitations.
Saenz maintained at the time that one of the reasons why he decided to appeal was because he had not been told why the state lost. “I don’t want to commit the same error,” Saenz maintained at the time, adding that he thought Marra had been a good commissioner, wished her the best, and that he was not out to get her as people claimed.
Marra said that her life would never be the same.
“Honestly, I cried when I saw the opinion...and looked at page two of that opinion. I was originally sentenced to 30 days in jail and a $500 fine. I chose not to plead guilty or take pretrial diversion as asked by the DA’s office multiple times. I knew I was not guilty,” Marra said.
“When I see what my sentencing was over three years ago, maybe I should have let the DA win. He had unlimited funds and this was like David and Goliath. Thirty days in jail and the fine would have been so much easier to have dealt with than trying to fight this battle. My true belief in myself and that I was right overshadowed what would have been the easiest thing to do,” she said.
“I may have won again, but neither my family nor I will ever be the same. I guess in the end, the only thing I may have left is my integrity.”
Saenz is running for reelection based on his personal morality and integrity. Let's see if he can day the same thing if he turns a blind eye to something that happened in his own front yard.
“Honestly, I cried when I saw the opinion...and looked at page two of that opinion. I was originally sentenced to 30 days in jail and a $500 fine. I chose not to plead guilty or take pretrial diversion as asked by the DA’s office multiple times. I knew I was not guilty,” Marra said.
“When I see what my sentencing was over three years ago, maybe I should have let the DA win. He had unlimited funds and this was like David and Goliath. Thirty days in jail and the fine would have been so much easier to have dealt with than trying to fight this battle. My true belief in myself and that I was right overshadowed what would have been the easiest thing to do,” she said.
“I may have won again, but neither my family nor I will ever be the same. I guess in the end, the only thing I may have left is my integrity.”
Saenz is running for reelection based on his personal morality and integrity. Let's see if he can day the same thing if he turns a blind eye to something that happened in his own front yard.
Luis Saenz is a DICK! As a DA he abuse his female staff and was an entrenched member of the Cameron County Dumbokratic Party and its corruption. As DA he has served himself, not the people of the county. We can expect him to continue to be self serving if re-elected. Luis Saenz is a DICK!!!
Yeah thats why he gives himself a pat on his own back saying, on his campaign signs "DOING A GREAT JOB" for those people, he turns a blind eye on and "RESPECT RESTORED" at his own convenience! Get the picture now!
Luis Saenz has been led down a negative path by Melissa Zamora. Luis has been a womanizer and now he seeks re-election on the basis of "anti-spousal abuse"
as if he had changed. Luis Saenz is a threat to the community and should be voted OUT!
puro sewage este luis saenz, time to clean out the septic tank. time for a change, flush this turd out and elect a new DA and I hope its not Masso if that's the case, then folks just keep luis saenz. We need someone else to take on all of this democratic corruption that's been embedded for the last 30 to 40 years. sk
So who is strong enough to stop Saenz? Nobody comes to mind. It's hopeless.
Pos Pete Sepulveda is more cuter than Mora......FIIIIRRREEEEEE!
Plain and simple folks! Luis Saenz knows that he is in for a tough race. He cant afford to piss off the fat Sanchez brothers. From his stupid billboards, to his fake ploy to take credit for Livingston (all a bunch of bullshit), to his old versus new crap; its all just to get reelected. The people of Cameron arent that stupid Luis. What he should do is quit before he really screws up and gets his ass in jail.
No it is not hopeless, our group believes Noe Robles would be a healthy addition to the DA's Office, but, for now, will take him as a Judge.....
When F.T. "Dut" Graham hung it up as DA, Fred Galindo was elected and he ended up being a crook. It has been pretty much one corrupt Mexican lawyer after another in that office. I see no end to it.
The difference is: one is a boy and the other is a girl.
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