Wednesday, November 4, 2015


(Ed.'s Note: When the Brownsville Urban System received a $350,000 grant to construct bus shelters along the system's routes last Spring, they announced it in the press with great fanfare. Director Norma Zamora, Maintenance Coordinator Jeff Stewart and Adrian Muñoz, BUS Asst. director, assured the residents of the city that the erection of the shelters was of the utmost priority. Yet, now we learned that the a part of the $350,000 may have been used for a parking lot instead. Meanwhile, needy bus riders Ike the elderly lady above must bear the heat and inclement weather as the shelters lie gathering dust in a warehouse unassembled. What gives?)


Anonymous said...

The inept city commissioners again will react as usual. Instead of having their thumbs up their ass, it is items like this that they should be on top of...not updating their FB status. Bola de PENDEJOS!

Anonymous said...

Da mayor se clavó la Lana junto con Gachusky .

Anonymous said...

Yet another sign that our city commission priorities don't include anything that benefits the citizens of this city; those who need the city to care. We are promoting bicycling, spending beaucoup money on a new city logo, spending money on an unelected policy organization called United Brownsville, spending to promote the elitist schemes of Mayor Tony Martinez.....while people like this lady in the picture have no shade or a place to sit while waiting for a bus....and she probably has no sidewalks to get to the bus stop, has no ADA systems in place and there is likely a gigantic pothole in the street that splashes muddy water on her as she waits. We need a local government that works for the people....not one that works for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Pinches Bastardos. Send this pic to the stupid commissioners and the naco mayor.

Anonymous said...

Great story Juan...where the hell do you come up with all the scoops?! Beats the blimp's blog hands down...he just writes about his colon and FBI complaints he files on everyone.

Anonymous said...

These new bus shelters have been sitting at the bus yard at Jose Colugna for many years. They were purchased thru grants but unfortunetly sit collecting dust instead of providing much needed relief from the elements to our most needed citizens. This is a prime example of poor management of Bmetro, which by the way, they are not city employees. The city needs to hold these contract managers accountable or get them replaced ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Y el Star Wars de Comm Ricardo Longoria rascandose los pocos huevos que le quedan. may the Force be with You!!! pinche pendejo.
