Ell, thank goodness that Pct. 4 Cameron County Commissioner Dan Sanchez is looking out for out democracy.

As far as we know, he is still drawing his $46,000 salary as commissioner and all the perks associated with it. Sanchez conveniently told the local daily that he wanted to open the doors of democracy and instead of having the precinct chairs nominate someone to run for his position in March, he would vacate the set and allow others to enter the primary as candidates.
Meanwhile, however, he will take in all the free press he can get. The last time we saw him in a meeting he was wearing is campaign button. Now when he enters a discussion preceding a vote, he will be able to show all far and wide that he has the acumen and sagacity to be our next count judge. If anyone can milk the freebies, it's good old Dan.
It's always a pain to go to the county courthouse, especially on jury duty days when every parking space is full and the cars are parked on the curb for several square blocks. But Dan has found a way to get one up on the rest of us mere mortals. He has appropriated one of Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez's parking spaces for his own.
It doesn't seem to matter to him that people are aware of his using the spaces reserved for law enforcement. Dan is the law in Cameron County, it would appear. You can tell his Caddy Escalade by the4 two Dan Sanchez for county judge stickers on the rear window.
He also has posted a sign on the doors of the Dancy Building where his campaign is sponsoring a benefit for Texas Family Outreach where he invites you for "some drinks, food, and entertainment."
Let's see. Free publicity courtesy of the county taxpayers, a nice salary, and an electronic bully pulpit for him to campaign.
We're lucky this commissioner has our best interests in mind, aren't we?
Typical arrogant local politico with a sense of entitlement, no self-awareness. Dan doesn't know it, but he would be well served to take a year or two away from the political trough, go on a diet, learn some humility and perhaps a thing or two about actual public service.
He is a big fat turd!
It seems like Abel "the Rat" Gomez is aligning with anyone willing to hire him after he looses his race... And doing favors for Dan Sanchez. it figures who Abel Gomez will support. and the Corruption continues.
Bola de mierda!!!
The only way to change this is to mobilize the community and clean up this mess. This is a government for the People. Not a government of Dan and Abel Gomez.
Montoya, you make such an issue about it? Why not take action? See if you can file a complaint with the State Elections Office. The law which are enacted by lobbyist and attorneys are open to interpretation. Call the State and see if there is a conflict or not? Allow the voters to make that choice come election time. As far as your buddy Abel Gomez, he is a suspicious cop and so damn stupid that I cannot believe that he hasn't been arrested or Indicted on something already. Only tells me that he is snitching on other cops or bigger crooks. You really think that Luis Saenz is not committing the same thing, campaigning on county time. Rumor is that he making defendants put bumper stickers on their vehicles when their given Pre-Trial Diversion?
Dan Sanchez will defeat Eddie PANOCHA Treviño and Gilbert Hinojosa. With the help of now Judge Magallanes...looks like their former law practice is back in business. Eddie PANOCHA Treviño also has the help of Luis Saenz.....Saenz ignored the testimony of the Limas trial..which said that Eddie bribed Limas for cases in his court. PURA caca this group.....I can already see Melissa going to Eddie with a low cut dress, showing of those sagging breasts and try to influence Eddie PANOCHA Treviño to hire her. Magallanes, Treviño and Hinojosa co-signed a loan for Limas....they are implicated all over that case...but Luisito Saenz did nothing.....ahhh bola de RATAS.
I appreciate your play-on-words:
"It was awful big of him to resign and occupy his paid position while he campaigns for county judge on the taxpayer's nickel."
The key word being big.
Anybody notice how obsessed the Blimp is with getting little kids to come to his house? It's a theme in his writing. Pedobear has less bait than that nipple tweaker.
@ Anon 10:46: Hi, Roman!
bull Luis Saenz is NOT supporting any candidate other than himself... and thats the TRUTH
My sister in law showed me a Christmas party invitation for a party that Dan Sanchez is having. She said he has one every year. I know he is running for judge. I told her well if he is running he needs to say that it is a political event on the invitation. She said no. My sister in law was a elected official not anymore. She said only if it is a campaign event not a family event. She looked up on the county web site if his campaign contributions from his political fundraisers paid for the Christmas party. My sister in law said yes that he spent more than $6000 for his party last year to Stevens Food Mart. She said that is the place where the party was and made the food for his party last year. So she said it is a political event. In my opinion the invitation should say it is a political advertising that is paid from him raising money for his campaign. Just my opinion. Please check on this.
marrano marrano marrano, oink, oink, oink. oinkwhesue having a Christmas party free of course its a political event and nothing else. sanchoclaus no te agas pepe advertise it for what it is, can cover the sun with one finger you are just like that witch over at the county clerks office, stupid, stupid, stupid, wow gomer pyle usmc had more brains than you two put together, oink oink,oink.
Anonymous at 12:21.....seriously ? My head hurt from trying to read and understand your comments . "Please check on this".......come on, seriously ? With ALL THE Wrongdoing going On By Elected officals, Who Cares About this?
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