Remember the scenario that was painted just last week about Cameron County commissioners Alex Dominguez (Pct. 2) and Dan Sanchez (Pct. 4) resigning and running for county judge as candidates in the Democratic Party primary March 1?
Well, as the saying goes, the situation is now fluid.
Sources tell us that Dominguez – wary of who might be appointed in his place by county judge Pete Sepulveda – may have opted to stay in place. Even more insidious than having an appointed county judge appoint an un-elected commissioner for Pct. 2, would be the fact that it would be up to precinct chairs in his district to nominate someone to be on the ballot in the November general election against a Republican candidate. Dominguez, we hear, doesn't relish the thought of a handful of political operatives anoint the next Pct. 2 commissioner, an unopposed candidate at that.
With precinct projects well under way, Dominguez fears that the direction that will be taken by a potential successor will not necessarily be in the best interests of his constituents.

Meanwhile, Sanchez – a la John Wood – has been playing coy on announcing. He knows that once he makes it public, he automatically resigns from his office since there is more than 1 and 1/2 years left on his term.
The deadline for filing in the party primary extends from March 14 to Dec. 14. From now until then, Sanchez can lay low and see who jumps into the fray before announcing he will run.
Tomorrow, Nov. 10, he and his brother, 444th District Court Judge David Sanchez, will host a Veterans Day celebration in front of the Cameron County Courthouse steps.

And they also question the fact that the affair is planned at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday on the steps and closed street in front of the courthouse will be held during working hours. Or is this a clever maneuver to hold the event just in time for the court house employee crowd to exit the building at the time the event is being held? While Dan is not running for office (yet), David is running for reelection in 2016.
There are other questions.
How did they get approval to use the mass email directory of the county's Information Technology department to email the invitations to all county email users during county working hours?
The invitation on the email did not identify the sender. It merely invites the county employees as if it were a county sponsored event.
From: Public Announcement <>
Date: November 4, 2015 at 9:41:57 AM CST
To: County <>
Subject: Veterans Appreciation Celebration, Tuesday November 10th, 2015
Good Morning,
Please see the attached invitation to a Celebration in Appreciation of our Veterans, Thank you And lastly – and even more important – how was it that it was only the two office holders that are hosting the event and not the entire county government? Did the Sanchez's take it upon themselves to host the event without letting anyone else participate?
Since David is running for reelection as 44th District Court judge, some people – like any potential challenger for the office – could interpret that to mean that it was a political event meant to enhance the chances of his reelection. He is, also, on the other hand, the judge of the newly-created Veterans Court.
You have to look mighty close at the invite to see the Iwo Jima silhouette sandwiched between the two momentous names of the Sanchez brothers. Dan, of course, is "Continuing to serve with proven results," while David sports his State of Texas seal.
The question becomes then: Is this a political campaign event for the Sanchezes? Has the invite become a de facto announcement that he will be running for office? Or will he pull the rabbit out of the hat and announce right then and there? For county judge, perhaps?
Other sources tell us that the deal has already been cut between Sepulveda and Dan so that the appointed county judge will not appoint his replacement after he resigns and that he will allow the commissioner to sit as holdover on the court until after the March 1 primary.

County residents already pay a $10 surcharge on their vehicle registration to go toward funding the CCRMA. Sepulveda is its Chief Executive Officer besides being county judge and draws a $230,000 salary from that entity.
The county's administrator David Garcia – and Sepulveda's former assistant – used to get paid a $70,000 stipend by the CCRMA until commissioners had the CCRMA pay the county for Garcia's time instead. He now gets paid $187,000 as administrator. Garcia placed the agenda item for the TRZs on the county's agenda for discussion and possible action.
Has the deal been cut to funnel county taxpayer money to the CCRMA in return for allowing Sanchez to act as a holdover on the court until the outcome of the primary process?
montoya.... ya ni la chingas poniendo fotos de pelados tan feos.
Elizabeth Garza for county judge!
Seems more of Quid Pro Quo deal. Something for something . Like approving the item on the commissioners agenda for the guarantee sit as judge. The Cameron county citizens are not that stupid Sanchez. This is my opinion
Sec. 39.02. ABUSE OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY. A public servant commits an offense if, with intent to obtain a benefit, he intentionally or knowingly misuses government property, services, personnel, or any other thing of value belonging to the government that has come into the public servant's custody or possession by virtue of the public servant's office or employment.
Puro hater!!!
Elizabeth Garza for County judge, yes a breath of fresh air, Ms. Garza I hope you are running on your own and not involved with any of these so called democratic party gang members that have ruled the Cameron county for the last 30 to 40 years, because they are nothing but a bunch of backstabbers, liars and cheats. Beware they will use you to find out what your campaign is doing so they can tell their compadres, biggest anacondas are gilberto hinojete and juan magallanes plus others like luis sanez, tony yzaguirre and that Sylvia the county jerk or jester. talk about benedict arnolds or what. Stir clear of all these snakes- bad people run on your own and on your merits. God bless.
Dan Sanchez is a morbidly obese pig that obviously has no self-control. I'm guessing he probably weighs in the 450 pound range.
He would do well at the Mercedes livestock show...probably would take grand champion spot. This guy cannot even manage his own personal health. How in hell can the taxpayers believe he could manage the county. A stroke, heart attack, or diabetes is only around the corner. In the mean time, shave off that nasty hair on your face Dan that resembles a beard. It will take a few pounds off your worthless carcass.
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