Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Nov. 3 City of Brownsville Agenda: 10. Reconsideration of the adoption of the City of Brownsville Logo. (Commissioners J.  Villarreal/R. Longoria, Jr.) 
6 p.m. Commission Chambers, on the Second Floor of the Brownsville City Hall – Old Federal Building, located at 1001 East Elizabeth Street,

By Juan Montoya
They didn't listen to the people when they told them that they didn't want them to give away Lincoln Park to the UT System.
They ignored them when they told them they didn't want them to buy an empty building downtown and pay three times as much ($2.3 million) as it was worth.
They didn't listen to them when they told them that they don't wan't to reduce the width of the road to accommodate bicycles on one of the most heavily commercially-used roads (Sixth Street).
They didn't listen to them when they were told that parking should not be increased downtown and, in fact, should be done away with as in Harlingen.
And they didn't listen to them when more than 80 percent of the responders to an online poll told them that they didn't like the new logo foisted on the residents at a cost of $140,000 by a firm (Hahn Communications of Austin) whose representatives was none other than State Rep. Rene Oliveria (Ronnie Oliveira).
That logo had the slogan "Igniting the Future of Texas."
With costs to implement the detested logo soaring past $200,000, the firm now has the full implementation packet accompanied with a budget price tag of another $820,000.
Today, at city hall, the commissioners will meet to decide whether there is a majority on the city commission who will heed the wishes of the public and stop the Logogate hemorrhaging toward the magic $1 million mark.
Department heads have already found that because the "action" on the logo is not centered, it does not balance well on either side (or in the middle) between the mandatory All-American city logo and their depatmetn letter head. It throws everything off.
"Browntown, we have a problem."   
Will commissioners Cesar De Leon, Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa, John Villarreal and Ricardo Longoria stand up for the people and put an end to the breakneck spending on useless (and redundant) endeavors?
Or will they be cowed into going along with the Martinez cabal of lemmings and allow the scarce assets of this city to be handed over to the first smooth-talking huckster who comes and whispers sweet nothings in their ears?
As someone around this morning breakfast table said: "What are you going to ignite when you're three feet under water?"


Anonymous said...

Let me guess, Portillo is going to have a prepared speech defending Oliveira and justifying the hundreds of thousands of dollars he should still be paid. Can you say "kickback," Debbie? Her other comadre Maria Hall at the chamber already got her "Viva" kickback and ran. Who's next? It seems Dollar Debbie is just worried about giving our tax dollars away instead of fixing our streets. Do us a favor and don't run for public office ever again. It is obviously not your strength.

Anonymous said...

Debbie will be challenging Alex Dominguez which is why the "powers" are pushing Alex to run for county judge. They know Alex won't win and they want Debbie to fill his seat. right Rene?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Bobby "The Sky is falling" W-C will take full credit for the commission's decision to revert to the old logo.

I'll bet he had an investigation opened by the FBI, DEA, CBP and Secret Service who were working alongside high priced attorneys from around the US to get the decision overturned.

Undoubtedly, he will be considering legal action against the city as "logogate" has caused him to suffer from notsickatallitis, acute exacerbation of chronic nonsense, breath sounds diminished by fatness, canckles, craniorectal inversion, cybercondria and fakasia!

Anonymous said...

We the people will lose. The Commission will choose Oliviera over the citizens of this city. A million dollars to him and nothing to repair potholes in the "Ignite The Future of Texas" city. Mayor Martinez and those who vote with him have no clue how embarrassing this process of elitism and favoritism is to this community.

Anonymous said...

" It is obviously not your strength.." Oh, but it is! Stealing for your buddies is a Valley political pastime and she is oh so good at it.

Anonymous said...

The 6th street walkway is a great success and even the critics initially have responded positively to the changes. The students, zoo, and park users regularly and safely traverse the new sidewalk safely. There is no controversy over 6th street, it was and is a great improvement to the city.

Anonymous said...

PincheS mamones!!!!

Anonymous said...

Not one job not directly involving public money has been created through your crusade. The Charro Days logjam through sixth street was real and your justification was based on a bald faced lie that most of the traffic turned off at Ringold. Lets see your Cyclobia events work without public money. Lets see an honest count, not counting the same people after every lap. Lets see the Farmers market stand in its own (it can'). Lets see the Texas taxpayer not get soaked for overpaying for food with Agriculture dept vouchers from your master's Su Clinic Familiar. Until all that happens, stay off the blogs. You have ni respect for the people anyway, Ugh!

Anonymous said...

La Potrilla is listening to her Timex.
