Saturday, December 12, 2015


By Juan Montoya
Back in 1988 when the days when there were only two county county courts-at-law, the then-county commissioners court under County Judge Jack Goolsby decided to unilaterally cut funding to their staffs.
In those days, sitting on the commissioners court were the likes of D.J. Lerma, Mike Cortinas and Dolph Thomae. They thought that the judges – Adolph Betancourt and Noe Robles – would roll over and play dead.
Those of us who knew Betancourt knew him to be a crusty old war and courts veteran who was the first Hispanic attorney on the Cameron County District Court. In fact, he had been hired by Cameron County District Attorney F. T. Graham at the urging of Goolsby. He was hired, as it were, in self defense.
"I had beaten the D.A. on two capital murder cases," he said during one of our conversations over a beer at a 14th Street joint. "Dancy called in Graham and told him 'You better hire that son of a bitch because he's making you look bad.'"
Betancourt was a chief felony prosecutor with the Cameron County District Attorney's Office for 25 years before he went on to hold elected positions as justice of the peace and then county court-at-law judge before retiring in 1994.
Robles was then only 32. He had been elected to the court when he was 29.
The showdown took place before visiting judge Manuel Bañales from the 106th District Court in Corpus Christi.
The commissioners weren't ready for what happened next.
Bañales not only ruled in the judge's favor, he also threw in a sweetener to make the settlement better.
The commissioners had taken the two court coordinator positions without consulting them and Bañales not only made them whole but also provided them with an extra staff member each, a security guard/interpreter who would be shared by both courts at a $18,000 yearly salary.
"It's a fair settlement, we're happy with it," Robles said at the time.
Not only did the commissioners have to rescind their actions, but the taxpayers also had to foot the bill for their defense.
"In a sense, it was a waste of the taxpayers' money," Robles rubbed it in. "They took our staff without consulting us and that's where the litigation began." 


Anonymous said...

Noe Robles had the sense and the judgment to stand up for Justice for the people of Cameron County.

Now Noe Robles is the best man no the best person for the new Court and
deserves to Judge of Cameron County.

Keep up the work Noe, the voters of Cameron County especially we at SPI are with you.

Anonymous said...

Adolfo had balls of steel

Anonymous said...

didn't Noe Robles step down from office the last time he was in office? Come to think of it so did the other Robles running for office, and that Vasquez-Chavez lady too. All 3 of those candidates stepped down from office the last time there where elected. Chances are, they will step down again.

Anonymous said...

Why Noe Robles stepped down from office, I don't know but, neither does the above respondent.We can't judge a situation or an individual on something we are not qualified to do so because in fact we do not have the facts. Like JOE DRAGNET in the T.V.Show use to say "ONLY THE FACTS". OMG, this happened almost 30yrs ago. I understand your concern,it is a valid one but, you do not know the circumstances and neither do i. What i do know is that Mr.Robles at the time and at a very young age had the nerve and steel to stand-up to the powers to be and win. Now, that's "COURAGE" and in today's political climate "COURAGE" is what's missing. I for one know that's what i am looking for in a candidate for judgeship. Happy Holidays Everybody...

Anonymous said...

I am pretty much in agreement with the above person responding. What might have happened almost thirty years ago does not matter to me as a voter. What does concern
Me is experience. I was at market days at San Benito this weekend and was given a brochure by one of MR. Robles workers. I read the entire brochure, I had already seen his opponents cards,believe me this Robles guy has some experience and credentials behind him. So folks my vote as well as family and friends is going to the most qualified.

Anonymous said...

We are going with the most experienced, and that will be Noe Robles. He has more experience than both CHAVEZ AND GARCIA.

Anonymous said...

Yes to the above individual, "EXPERIENCE" counts but, you also have to have the essentials, which are "Integrity, Honesty,and A Passion For Public Service. Mr Robles in our estimation personifies these characteristics compounded by his many years as a Judicial Officer of the State of Texas (Experience). After our group vetted all three candidates, we have decided that Mr. Noe Robles as a father, husband and community personification fits the magazine cover of what we refer as the "ESSENTIALS". Good Luck Mr. Noe Robles

Anonymous said...

We recently heard you speak to our organization and were very impressed with your verbalization of your rhetoric and your command of and duplipication and integration of both languages (English/Spanish). You reach our audience, which is a diverse culture. We all wish you good luck and know that we are walking by your side. Silently and underground but, our vote matters and we are many...
