3. Recommend approval of Paragon Sports Constructors for the upgrade of the Rivera Early College High School Soccer Field which includes the addition of new synthetic turf in the approximate amount of $800,000.00 from Fund 197.
6. Recommend to accept the negotiated fee for RFQ #16-115 Engineering Services for Vela (Four- Lane Track), Lucio (Four-Lane Track), and Bestiero (Eight-Lane Track) Middle Schools to Ambiotec Civil Engineering Group, Brownsville, Texas, in the approximate amount of $266,290.00 to be paid from TRE Funds.
7. Recommend to accept the negotiated fee for RFQ #16-116 Engineering Services for the Installation of Artificial Turf for Soccer Field at Lopez Early College High School and Rivera Early College High School to Ambiotec Civil Engineering Group Inc., Brownsville, Texas, in the approximate amount of $150,600.00 to be paid from TRE Funds and Fund 197.
By Juan Montoya
Take a gander at those four items to be considered at a specially called board meeting at 4 p.m. Thursday by the board of trustees of the Brownsville Independent School District.
Two firms (Paragon and Ambiotec) will be vying for approval of those four items.
Paragon, as you might remember from past meetings, was on the agenda for a consent item where trustees Joe Rodriguez and Cesar Lopez abstained from voting. Later Rodriguez, moved to introduce the company's representatives to the board. Past trustees say that was unheard of since a consent agenda item does not require any discussion nor presentations.
Between Carlos Marin's Ambiotec and Paragon, they will split $2,551,927 million for the four projects.
We wonder who will benefit (aside from the kids in those schools) when election time comes around again next year?
Two -and-a-half million dollars, and not a penny of it for instruction. The public should speak up. Oh wait, it's the kind of meeting without public comment.
The largest 6A High School in the RGV still plays Basketball in a 45 year old Gymnasium. Hanna High has a facility so small compared to each and every opponent . Playoff years have had many fans being turned away due to small capacity.
A remodel at least, or a newer modern structure needs to become a budget item.
Top priority big time contracts. So is the BISD is building up their legal department? Now they are hiring a legal assistant at a top level. The BISD is drowning in lawsuits and grievances that all the lawyers can't keep track of. Again, more new positions and there is no money for instruction. Board meeting after board meeting, Mr. Chirinos wants to tighten the belt, but its all BS and just for air time for KBSD. I am sure BISD folks don't want to get moved around again, have shuffled teachers all over the district, demoted personnel, and the exes promoted. CFO: Operate at the HR dept at deficit, not like a surplus! Wake up BISD folks and taxpayers! Remember San Bene ISD?
cuantas companias participaron en el concurso para ha para la construccion y cuantas concursaron para los trabajos de ingenieria. de seguro que no mas fue paragon y ambiotec.la forma que hacen estos concursos el grupo de RATAS que trabajan en dept.de compras disenan el concurso y ponen muchos requisitos para que nadie entre. en el caso de AMBIOTEC lo hacen de tal manera que es la unica firma de ingenieria que hace y esta certificada para estudios ambientales y asi es el unico,y el disena el concurso para que nomas PARAGON sea el unico participante.Y DE ESTA MANERA HAY BILLETE PARA REPARTIR.
Construction Gate, and Insurance Gate?
Great move to put tracks and turf at the middle and high schools. It's 15 years overdue, but at least it's getting done. Cuts down on maintenance. We need to start our younger kids off early. No complaints from me, except you need to look into JRod's involvement with Paragon. There are plenty of turf installers that are better than Paragon. Why did he abstain? He's so old school, anyone can link him to this company.
Juan I am sure Coach joe rod got his huge bribery check/cut from this company for Christmas? That's the way joe rodriguez does business folks, Puro Moche, Right Joe? why do you think he has been around for so fuking long? dp
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