Thursday, December 10, 2015


(Ed.'s Note: Remember when the Brownsville Herald used to be part of the pulse of this city? In those days, the Don Pedro annual holiday pachanga was not to be missed. The politicians that were roasted in its news columns on a daily basis and the newspaper's reportorial staff (it actually had one) rubbed elbows over  cold one in the long-gone Friendship Gardens. We can identify a couple of the actors above starting with then-Mayor Nacho Garza in the middle, Evelon Dale with her Good Neighbor Settlement House, dapper reporter Basilio (Hernandez), but the rest of the characters above escape us. After all, this was way back when in 1988. Can any of our four readers help us out to identify them and the organizations they were associated with? Anton, the best cartoonist the Herald has ever had, drew this for the party.)  


Anonymous said...

This was in 1968? You must mean 1988. Ignacio Garza was mayor from 1987 to 1991. Bueno, after a few cold ones, I forget my wife's name, so it's understandable.

Anonymous said...

Is that the Zoo's Pat Burchfield with the gator?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Jesse sloss, butch Barbosa, Bernice brown. And yturria.

Anonymous said...

I think it is Joe Calapa with the Coat. The one on the bottom left may be Hector Longoria?

Anonymous said...

The local newspaper is such a waste of time. Just think of all the opportunities in this corrupt locale for muckraking! But, alas, the Herald seems to be in bed with all the thieves who populate the court house. I miss Don Pedro! We are indebted to RRUN RRUN for what insight we have into the morass of shenanigans that goes on in this poor, benighted city and the county of which it is a part.
