Friday, December 11, 2015



Canon 5


A. All Judges and Candidates
(1) Except as authorized in Sections 5B(2), 5C(1) and 5C(5), a judge or a candidate* for election or appointment to judicial office shall not:
(a) act as a leader or hold an office in a political organization,*
(b) publicly endorse or publicly oppose another candidate for public office;
(c) make speeches on behalf of a political organization;
(d) attend political gatherings; or
(e) solicit funds for, pay an assessment to or make a contribution to a political organization or candidate, or purchase tickets for political party dinners or other functions.

Canon 5: Refraining from Inappropriate Political Activity
(1) A judge or judicial candidate shall not:
(i) make pledges or promises of conduct in office regarding pending or impending cases, specific classes of cases, specific classes of litigants, or specific propositions of law that would suggest to a reasonable person that the judge is predisposed to a probable decision in cases within the scope of the pledge;
(ii) knowingly or recklessly misrepresent the identity, qualifications, present position, or other fact concerning the candidate or an opponent; or
(iii) make a statement that would violate Canon 3B(10).
(2) A judge or judicial candidate shall not authorize the public use of his or her name endorsing another candidate for any public office, except that either may indicate support for a political party. A judge or judicial candidate may attend political events and express his or her views on political matters in accord with this Canon and Canon 3B(10)

(Ed.'s Note: We're not attorneys. Far from it, it's difficult for some of us to just to stay within the law. But the photo sent in to El Rrun-rrun by one of our five (we're growing) readers in northern Cameron County seems to indicate that 444th District Judge David Sanchez (far right) is actively campaigning for his brother Pct. 4 commissioner Dan Sanchez at one of his political rallies as he seeks the Democratic Party nomination. This seems to go against the American Bar Association and the Texas Code of judicial Conduct's canons of inappropriate political activity. Da Judge was also present when Dan made his unexpected announcement Nov. 11 at the steps of the Cameron County Judicial wing. The last time we saw something similar to this was when Elia Cornejo-Lopez hit the campaign trail wiht her husband Leo seeking the Democratic Party's nomination to Pct. 2 county commissioner. So far, no one arund these here parts seems to mind  judges' involvement in political races. Is Cameron County different, or what?)


Anonymous said...

Yeah but they think they are "above the law" and so they think this is easy to not obay laws.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the rules do not apply because the Commission has lost every First Amendment case ever brought against them by a judge. The last dealt with FaceBook postings.

The case of Judge Jenevein who stood in the court during a press conference attacking attorneys - he won.

And then of course there is the case of Chief Justice Hecht who endorsed Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court - he won on First Amendment grounds. Although he won, I think Justice McClure's concurring opinion says it best "Our ability to speak does not mean that we should speak."

With the case law history favoring the judges speaking, very few fear speaking.

Anonymous said...

The pic reminds me of the numbers, 010.

Anonymous said...

How the f_k do people like that reproduce??? Artificial insemination is probably their only choice. Their existance must be akin to living in hell.

Anonymous said...

The term "FAT CATS" surely applies in this election. The Sanchez twins are the fattest twins in the RGV and the candidate for County Judge is grossly obese and his health is at risk. If we want a healthy county we must elect healthy candidates.

Anonymous said...

I think the precise wording of the relevant section of the code is, "All you can eat."

Anonymous said...

My God, this is really gross and demonstrates what Cameron County politics is all about. Not only does a sitting judge have no propriety about what judges should and should not do with regard to political races, the three individuals
in the photo are obscenely obese and are not good role models for our young people. This is why I try avoiding in every way possible visiting the Cameron County Court House. It is full of obscene, obese and thoroughly corrupt people, thanks to the local Dumbokrat Party.

Anonymous said...

Could anyone recommend a good lap-band surgeon for these three heart attack waiting-to-happen individuals?

Anonymous said...

I told my husband I had just had one of my worst days at the courthouse. I am a Cameron County employee. In my last 28 years as a county employee I have never seen any elected official think they are so above the law or that the rules do not apply to them like these two boys. They disrespect county employees and they disrespect the positions they hold. Yesterday they were campaigning INSIDE the Cameron County courthouse and forcing people to sign Dan Sanchez petition for candidate. Those are not voluntary signatures on that petition. They are two big bullies abusing there power and forcing people to act like they are supporting them. There is not any other judge in Cameron County or any other County commissioner that has ever disrespected county employees like these boys have. In my time no judge or commissioner or any other elected official has ever campaigned inside the Cameron County courthouse. A ellos no les importa ser humilde porque el poder es el afrodisiaco de estos cabrones. The power has gone to their head.

Anonymous said...

Ok...let me get this straight. Your saying these lard asses are bullies??? I just don't see it, they are not in any position to bully anyone...I mean just look at them, if anything they are the bullied.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

These dudes are clarified as Arterty Cloggers.

Anonymous said...

I feel gross just looking at them, fat asses.

Anonymous said...

Well let's see,there's over 300 county employees multiply that by two ,you might have a change this coming March election

Anonymous said...

i'm not a Dan Sanchez supporter. but these comments are mean. we better than that. come on.

Anonymous said...

Abel Gomez is just as corrupt. He is using his deputies during working hours and in uniform to collect signatures for his campaign. Just as the deputy in the Golf cart riding around courthouse asking for signatures instead of securing the parking lots. D.A's integrity unit should check cameras!

Anonymous said...

You must have called in sick when A de la Garza, J Rivera and several of the county/district court judges would parade around "their" candidates that were running for whatever at that time, to each department. They would get to make a speech and shake all our hands.

Anonymous said...

didn't know hippos could dress.
