Thursday, December 17, 2015


(Ed.'s Note: We had previously reported that when the Brownsville Urban System received a $350,000 grant to construct bus shelters along the system's routes last Spring, they announced it in the press with great fanfare. Director Norma Zamora, Maintenance Coordinator Jeff Stewart and Adrian Muñoz, BUS Asst. director, assured the residents of the city that the erection of the shelters was of the utmost priority. Yet, now we learned that the a part of the $350,000 may have been used for a parking lot instead. Meanwhile, needy bus riders Ike the elderly lady above must bear the heat and inclement weather as the shelters lie gathering dust in a warehouse unassembled. In fact, it appears that BUS is gettign ready to purchase even more shelters while the ones they bought before go unassembled in the BUS barn. What gives?)


Anonymous said...

They should be ashamed of themselves!

Anonymous said...

Ignorance gives, and continues to keep giving.

Anonymous said...

Just like every public entity in this shit hole city, everyone for themselves! Pinche raza politicos no valen mireda. As long as their pockets are getting filled, fuck the poor! Keep electing assholes Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Call Eddie Su and René the Frog.

Anonymous said...

The city needs to relocate most bus stops! Why the fuck do they have buses stopping in the middle of the road blocking traffic? Makes no fucking sense. I'm talking about the stops on 802 and Boca Chica to name a couple. Absolutely idiotic. Place the damn stops where the bus can merge off the road and out of traffic as opposed to blocking a whole lane and causing traffic jams. Stupid planning on the city's behalf.

Anonymous said...

They keep dropping BUS routes in our growing city, because the lame ass mechanics can't keep them working. There are said to be 8 in the shop now, that these idiots can't fix. These beautiful expensive machines are gifts from the federal government, and here we can't even change the oil on time.

And we gave Charly Cabler a raise. What the F....

Canitflas said...

Folks maybe we should call or report them to some federal office in Washington DC or US Congressman Vela to investigate as to why these tax funds have not been used properly??????? Maybe send some of these so called BUS administrators to JAIL for failure to follow the grant guidelines. pal bote brother. Mr. C.

Anonymous said...

Do you know the city pays $300,000 a year for the two contract administrators that run Bmetro? Way too much money for the salaries of the director and her assistant.
