Friday, January 8, 2016


By Juan Montoya
A Cameron County jury has found former Indian Lake police chief John Chambers guilty on 14 counts of tampering with a government document on firearm certification files.
Defense attorneys say they will appeal the verdicts and said that the prosecution had withheld evidence they had requested in discovery. Additionally, they say that one of the jurors was seen texting during the deliberations. 
John ChambersAt about 9:45 a.m. today, the state and defense rested their arguments as the very political trial of Chambers was placed in the hands of the jury by 103rd District Court Judge Janet Leal.
The trial had been going on since Monday and revolves around firearm certification forms required by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. The state – through Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz – charged Chambers tapered with a government document to defraud and harm the Great State of Texas.
Chambers' lawyer, Chad Van Brunt, of San Antonio, on the other hand, said that if anything, Chambers was sloppy in his record keeping and negligent about filling them in a timely fashion. However, he say, sloppy record keeping does not rise to the level of crime because there was no intent to defraud or harm the state.
"It's not a crime to be a fool," said Chambers' attorney told the 8-woman, four men jury. "He's a fool to have trusted Fred Avalos."
Alfredo Avalos III was one of 30 reserve officers Chambers used to help him while he was chief of the 600-population village in northeast Cameron County. The reserves are not paid, but are authorized to carry weapons if they qualify and to make arrests when on duty.
Chambers has maintained – and testimony confirmed during the trial – that he had asked Avalos to help him with the gun certification paperwork which would give him time to straighten out other matters in the office. He was also preparing to go on a cruise as part of his daughter's wedding.
The reason for filing the certification reports was mandated by an audit of the Indian Lake P.D. performed by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCLE) in January of 2015.
The DA's Office filed 14 counts of Tampering With Government Documents charges against Chambers and gave Avalos full immunity from facing any charges related to his role in preparing the forms.
What is of political importance to the case against Chambers is that his case against him was first started by then-Public Integrity Unit chief Victor Cortez.
Cortez is now running for the Republican Party nomination for Cameron County Sheriff against Chambers. Two other candidates, Robert Rodriguez and Michael Watkins, are also sheriff candidates in the GOP primary.
Cortez has been seen hanging around the third-floor corridor of the courthouse where Leal's court is located and huddling with Delaney and the prosecution witnesses during the trial. Obviously, if the jury reaches a guilty verdict against Chambers, Cortez is the one who stands to profit most from the result in his race for the GOP nomination. His pickup truck filled with his campaign signs was visible in the parking lot in front of the courthouse.
When Cortez left the DA's Office to run for sheriff, the case fell to George Delaney, his former colleague in the department, and also a fellow ex-DEA agent.  (See graphic at right. Kneeling and wearing a cap is Cortez. George Delaney is white-haied man sitting.)
Avalos, after he agreed to work with Cortez and Delaney, agreed to wear a wire and taped a conversation between him and the defendant discussing how to comply with the findings of the TCLE audit. The practice of surreptitiously recording conversations and videotaping defendants is a trademark ex-DEA agent Cortez when he was the Asst. DA and head of the PIU.
In the state's closing statement, Asst. DA Peter Gilman said the filing of the forms and the information contained in them were important to the well-being of the state.
"If they don't follow the law, all the regulations that police officers have, then why have them?" he asked.
In her instructions, Leal said that if the jury found that Avalos had been an accomplice to the tampering with the documents, they were to find Chambers not guilty.
In the closing statement, Van Brunt reminded the jury that almost, if not all, of the firearm certification forms had been completed by Avalaos whom they portrayed as coveting Chambers' position as chief of Indian Lake. Avalos had also expressed a desire to establish a security and surveillance comoany like Chambers, he said.
"Fred Avalos knew what Chambers' signature looked like," he told the jury. "He submitted his application using Chambers' signature to get cheap housing (with the Cameron County Housing Authority). This case would not have happened without Fred. Of course, he's an accomplice."


Unknown said...

Another one bites the dust, how is it they all runs for office when they are indicted

Unknown said...

The Judge should confiscate the cell phones of the jury, if there is misconduct then the person guilty should go to prison for 3 months, this would send the right message out there.

Diego lee rot said...

Maybe he should wear a black hat

Anonymous said...

I will vote for Cortez for Sheriff. Time for Omar Lucio to get treatment for senility and cut the Reyna Brothers out on their own.

Anonymous said...

He was judged by a jury of his peers and that is that !!

Anonymous said...

if Avalos got full immunity, of course he is going to cry like a chicken. I live in Indian Lake and I will continue to support Chambers and Avalos should stay in government housing for lying.

Anonymous said...

I'm NO fan of Cortez, but Chambers' attorney just said it all.......

......right, and he wants to be the Sheriff???.

Anonymous said...

The only people Victor Cortez' "Public Integrity Unit" seems interested in prosecuting, is his own political opponent. Who was the victim of a forger not the culprit.
Incidentally, Chambers made headlines in public integrity a few years ago. When Chambers' wife stood up to Gilbert Hinojosa in vote recount, and refused to change the votes for John Wood. Payback, perhaps.

Anonymous said...

Saenz will offer the same deal to Yzaguirre as he did to Ernie. Just resign from your office and I'll kindly drop all the charges. No prison time, no worries compadre.

But he will drag out Chamber's prosecution to help Cortez' election prospects.

Anonymous said...

Looking from the outside - I've read this posts over and over and really don't understand the indictment against this Chambers guy. There's a total lack of clarity. Doesn't sound like some heinous crime against humanity as it is being portrayed.

FWIW I'm a life-long yellow-dog Democrat and it's a cold day in August in the LRGV when I vote Republican. But I smell a rat - this guy ain't getting a fair shake, and, no, didn't plan on voting for him.

Anonymous said...

those who do the crime always blame it on somebody else and if the chief of police does his job right and checks the work of others instead of being on family cruises that was paid by the chief for 10 people a few times or to disney then maybe he would have check the work of others to make sure it is done correctly as it should be instead he said you do this and just sign my name to it dont worry we will not get caught so i hope jail time is what he will get at lest 2 years i am praying and hoping and hoping and praying

chief cool arrow said...

Tony the tiger-EZYguirre will get off easy, slap on the wrist, probation and gets to keep his retirement money, a deal has already been brokered, just watch, luis saenz is great at doing these kinda deals, Luis do you know where jimmy Hoffa is buried? I bet you do you scumbag. cca

Anonymous said...

Above poster, it was 27 people on his daughters wedding cruise that Avalos was attending because he was a very close family friend. Johns daughter in law introduced fred to her cousin with whom he just had a son with although he is still married. Fred was a very close person to them and had keys to their house and vehicles. Fred never went to disney with them though. Chambers was judge by a group of 4 women 3 men jurors that were using their cell phones and live next to someone chambers arrested. they are all friends of fred so no he wasn't judged fairly. The jury was stupid. Avalos forged chambers signature to get into the housing authority and he forged johns signature on papers because he was too LAZY to call everyone. This man needs to quit eating donuts, run, quit talking about sex so much, and get a life. He will never amount to anything. Chambers on the other hand has everything that Mr. Avalos has ever dreamed of having. A great business, a loving family, AWESOME FRIENDS and support from others besides his family. Mr. Avalos, Victor Cortez, Luis Saenz. I hope you burn in hell and live eternity soaking in your own filth y'all are a disgrace to the human race and your offspring should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Chambers needs to realize he's doom and needs to endorse Watkins before it's to late and Corte gets it. There's absolutely no time left .even one conviction and TECLOSE will pull his license and chambers can't be a peace officer much less a Sheriff. Do it now before it's to late

Unknown said...

John Chambers has been falsely accused. The real criminal got immunity!

Anonymous said...

What rational person, much less, a law and order republican would vote for a guy who at best was totally inept at running a police department when the ink is not even dry on his guilty verdict for felonies directly pertinent to the execution of his office.

At best, very best, he was obviously grossly incompetent and a jury of his peers determined in a court of law that his negligence rose to a level of serious criminality. And he got the more votes than any other candidate in the primary.
Get the hell out of town.

All the innuendo and bias that is reeking from this blog doesn't change those basic disqualifying facts.
