Monday, January 25, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: We have reported here in the past about the much-deserved memorial to the service provided by local women to the Armed Forces of this country. And we have also applauded the fact that a number of them have organized as a chapter of the Veteran Females United (Est. 2013) and are making efforts to have their service recognized. In previous media stories, there was mention made that when they approached local Nissan car dealer Charlie Clark to see if he would help sponsor the memorial, he volunteered to pay for it. We found that commendable as well. But now that the four black granite sides have been installed and the local monument company is awaiting the sculpture that is being finished to install atop the square, we see that Clark is making sure that he is getting something in return. That "something" is his company's logo prominently featured on one side of the square. If you walk into the Central Library, you will find a list of names on a plaque of local residents and businesses who contributed time and money to its construction and services. None of them have an out-sized logo of their business or professional practice on the walls. While one appreciates the generous moves by Clark to assist the female veterans, is this setting a precedent for any future business entity to have their commercial logo featured prominently in a public space? Some people, like us, find ti a bit tacky. Why not just Clark's name in normal print? Before you know it, we're going to have our public parks emblazoned like commercial billboards in a quid pro quo for their fiscal donations to the various groups. How about the Nike Sams Stadium or the Rucker-Carrizales EZ Bail Bonds Correction Center? Well, you get the idea. Does the city have a policy on the installation of such things?


Diego lee rot said...

Thanks Charlie!

Anonymous said...

The city has no policy on anything. If Charlie Clarke wants to pay for this memorial, more power to Charlie Clark. The city administration doesn't have the same loyalty to our citizens as does Charlie Clark.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pinched Charlie is A RIP OFF!

Anonymous said...

Charlie paid for it...but it was Seanz who made it possible!!

Anonymous said...

In a future episode of the Green Hornet, the monument will be protected from the piss of an obese county commissioner.

Anonymous said...

If Charlie Clark paid for this monument, he did more than any of the elected officials. If he is a rip off with his products, then go some place else to buy your auto (God only knows there are enough dealerships in Brownsville alone, much less the whole RGV). I can buy my car at any dealership and thank Mr. Clark for visiting a school, making a donation, paying for monuments, or anything else that benefits Brownsville and Brownsville residents. I wonder if the mayor, any city or county comissioner puts up any amount of THEIR money to pave a street, build a shelter, donate food for the homeless or build a monument for our VETS. Why make a big deal with the name of Charlie Clark on what he gave to the Vets? If you look at the city buses you see ads for lawyers, or chicken wings and the city needs the money from those ads to be able to keep bus fare low.
Charlie Clark is the LEAST of the city of Brownsville's problems, oh wait, our city's problems are in the city's goverment already.

Anonymous said...

I think its cool. 300 years from now, when Charlie Clark Nissan is long gone, this will still be etched in stone, a memory from a bygone era when primitive people drove cars that actually burned gasoline.

Anonymous said...

No tranza no avanza
Orale Charlie

Anonymous said...

If he wants his business namesake emblazoned for advertisement he can get a billboard across the street. Not in this place of honor, much less on a monument. Ese vato no fue ni boyscout. His name has no place at veterans park. Orale.

Aztec warrior said...

Charlie paid for this then he is entitle to have his name on it, as for the rest as the Russians say-tuffsheski. That means tough shit for those who don't understand Russian.

Anonymous said...

At least the guy works. Welfare didn't pay for it.
