Thursday, January 21, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: After we published a post concerning the car allowance paid to four City of Brownsville Commissioners, we were shown the order by 103rd District Court Judge Janet Leal that approved the payment of $350 monthly in car allowance even though the city charter made no mention of such a benefit. Leal. Leal did prohibit the payment of medical insurance to commissioners and their families. Below is the amount paid to the four district commissioners since Leal made her ruling. At Large commissioners Cesar de Leon and Rose Gowen opted not to receive the monthly stipend as did Mayor Tony Martinez.) 

Commissioner District 1
$350.00 monthly check
Ricardo Longoria, since 05/09/2003 12 years, eight months: 149 months: $52,150

Commissioner District 2
$350.00 monthly check
Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa since 10/01/2013, 2 years 3 months: 27 months: $9,450

Commissioner 3
$350.00 monthly check
Deborah Portillo since 07/02/2013, 2 years, six months: 30 months: $10,500 

Commissioner District 4
$350.00 montly check
John Villarreal since 06/23/2011: 4 years, 7 months: 55 months: $19,250 

Total paid to four commissioners: $91,350


Anonymous said...

Jessica needs the money for her stupid tesla Juan....ta bien pendeja la vieja te digo hombre! Y la muy inutil tells people that she is a millionaire.....ruca bofa!

Anonymous said...

Let's open record request how much money the county commissioners receive including the cost of the vehicles they are given. I wonder if it compares?

Anonymous said...

They should use bicycles! We are the Bicycle Capital of the RGV.

Anonymous said...

Or the salary of their assistants that don't do anything but help them in their campaingns,
Gabino, puts up removes and carefully stores away Sofia's signs, And steals and trashes her opponents signs, he and Paty Matamoros distribute negative propaganda, hojas sueltas trashing her opponents, all on county time, anybody who goes to the county court can see the assistants on Facebook or eating or just gossiping, and they raise our taxas to pay this morons

Anonymous said...

Sofia is beyond stupid and she is there for the salary only, what else is she going to do

Anonymous said...

You can add several zeros to the county salaries. Don't forget about their assistants that help with their campaigns and then are rewarded to leach off us taxpayers too. I know one has even filed for bankruptcy protection and is still on taxpayers dime. Try requesting to see if these employees are actually at work and still payed with money from tax coffers. Pinche gente ratas! Always taking what's not theirs and not even wanting to earn it. ¡Ya basta!

Anonymous said...

Transparent grammar. Hi Zeke!!!!

Anonymous said...

que gente tan pendeja... estan hablando de los commissionados de la ciudad... ja ja ja ja el que esta con el poder de Star Wars es el joto de Ricardo Longoria. ja ja ja

Unknown said...

I have the travel records and the car allowance claimed these commissioners must have their cars up on blocks to claim the milage when they are out of town.

Anonymous said...

How much car allowance did Erin get? She went and bought an Escalade right away!

Anonymous said...

Montoya, great article. We still want to know why city directors such as the finance, HR, Health, Permits, Purchasing etc. that Work at City Hall or City Plaza get car allowances. These directors don't go anywhere except to go eat lunch and when they occasionally do go out on city business, they drive city cars instead of their own. Some directors that receive car allowance even get a city employee to drive them around using city cars. What a waste of taxpayers money's, we really need to put a stop to this abuse.

Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding.

Anonymous said...

They should use that car allowance to drive to mcallen to see how a city should be run.

aztec warrior said...

Ratas ratas ratas thats all they are puras ratas

Anonymous said...

Can you post again the list of city directors that get a car allowance and how much they get?
