Tuesday, January 19, 2016


By Juan Montoya
Armed with a $40,000 loan from Fred Rusteberg's IBC bank and an $20,000 loan to himself, former Brownsville mayor Eddie Treviño is finding his city invaded by supporters of Harlingen-based attorney and Pct. 4 county commissioner Dan Sanchez.
In the January 15 campaign finance report filed with the Cameron County elections Administrator's Office, Treviño reports that he loaned himself $20,000 on November 13, 2015 and that IBC gave him a $40,000 loan at 6 percent interest just six days later on Nov. 19.
He lists only one other cash contribution of $2,500 from Rafael and Eulalia Varela, of Olmito.on December 31, 2015.
He reports that he received $36,000 from contributions, $10,765.42 from his credit card, and $13,572.56 from personal funds.
In contrast, Sanchez reports that he has received $52,850 from 28 individuals and has spent $51,976 in campaign expenses. The amounts of the contributions range from $5,000, $2,500 and $150 and include contractors, architects, doctors, and various business people.
Some of his largest contributors are:
1. Dr. Nolan Perez, Harlingen, $5,000
2. Jesus Salinas, consultant, Mcallen, $5,000
3. Ten contributors are listed as having contributed $2,500 each and include Rene Ramirez, consultant from McAllen,  Erasmo Lopez, a construction owner from Mercedes, educators Mary Alice and Rolando Cantu, of La Feria, Carolina Garza Crockett, a health care provider from Harlingen, Yvette Garza, a Harlingen business owner, Pablo Garza, a McAllen contractor, Jacinto Guerra, a Harlingen engibeer and developer, Ricardo Gallaga, a Haringen engineer, Reza Badiozzanmani, a PC engineer from McAllen, Ricardo Guerra, a maintenance engineer from McAllen.
5. Haff Associates- PAC, Richardson, Texas, $2,000
6. Gabriel Communications, McAllen, $2,000
7. ERO International LLP, architects from McAllen
A $2,000 contribution was made by Carlos and Dr. Elena Marin, of Brownsville. Marin is one of the main pushers of United Brownsville who was successful in securing $200,000 in contributions from eight local publicly-funded entities as "membership" fees annually. So far, United Brownsville has received more than $1.2 million as a result of these "memberships/"
Curiously, Rusteberg, the president of IBC, is one of three United Brownsville Coordinating Committee members who oversee the United Brownsville board and has its supporters as members of other economic development entities such as the Brownsville Economic Development Council, the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation and the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation.
Marin has been overheard asserting that he would like nothing better than to haev a United Cameron County" organization perform the same "service" countywide.
With Rusteberg's IBC providing Treviño with the low interest rate of 6 percent on a $40,000 and the Marins giving Sanchez 1 $2,5000 contribution, United Brownsville may be playing both ends against the middle to have some influence on the future county judge.
The campaign finance report for Liz Garza, the third candidate for county judge, has not been received and posted in the county's election office website as of this morning.
The next report is due 30 days before the March 1 election.


Anonymous said...

No its harlingen and brownsville (sanchez) vs brownsville (trevino)
Sanchez going to take it

Anonymous said...

No puede ser Juan...no puede ser pues!! Eddie Trevino has no chance against Dan Sanchez...TE DIGO HOMBRE!! Dan shits bigger turds than Trevino...and that is on a bad day chingado! Dan without a run-off....ya se dijo pues!

Anonymous said...

If it is Brownsville against Harlingen ya se chingo Trevino. Brownsville does not want to go back to Eddie Trevino and all he stood for. Eddie is toast.

Anonymous said...

Read the newspaper. Sanchez bros always blame someone for there mistakes or violations. Take responsibility Putos this is not your first campaign.



Anonymous said...

Dan and Erasmo sure know how to party , they're a TON of fun ! Vote Dan and Erasmo ,two of Cameron County finest !

Anonymous said...

Anonymous January 19, 2016 at 2:14

Tas bien pendejo vato! Sanchez se los va a cojer, buey!

Anonymous said...

I will vote for Dan, bit hell if I vote for erasmo that con artist.

Anonymous said...

NEWS: late Middle English: plural of new, translating Old French noveles or medieval Latin nova ‘new things

Seriously Juanito, this is blatantly obvious. Write something that is "news". Dan is going to kick Eddie's ass into oblivion.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me, Eddie gives away thousands to Mcumber for political advise and Dan just feeds la raza and spends gas zooming from pachanga to pachanga.

Anonymous said...

Where do each of these stellar pols stand on the LNG gas and tax abatement? Yeah, nay, or politician doublespeak?

Anonymous said...

why all the contributions for dan from McAllen folks? Watch out for the big "thank you" contracts as soon as he gets in there.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Trevino's add say he has a "clear vision for a strong future"....this from a guy that wears glasses...no thank you puto! Nos dejaste bien biscos y cojidos when you were mayor! Basta con tus mamadas Eddie!! Fuera!!

Anonymous said...

Both of these bottom feeders are prime examples of two stinking Mexicans that will engage in unlawful and unethical practices. What else can we expect in the Rio Grande Welfare State known also as the valley. This is the sphincter muscle of Texas.
