Monday, January 4, 2016


By Antonio Castillo
Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Jan 4, 2016 — We are making progress! We have over 4,200 signatures.

If you would like to take it even further, please consider e-mailing the mayor and city commissioners:

Then presidential candidate Barack Obama campaigned in Brownsville in February of 2008. The city did a great job of covering up this monument. His visit took place during Charro Days Sombrero Festival - a cultural celebration. Thousands of people came to the park to enjoy the festivities. If Obama had seen the monument, I'm sure that his views towards our city leaders would have been different:

In 2014, the local chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy decided to rededicate this memorial. The city had the audacity to send a few representatives to the event. Feel free to say a few things to the Brownsville Convention and Visitors Bureau here:

My letter and petition to the City of Brownsville have been picked up by a few Neo-Confederate and Right Wing groups. It is quite obvious that Fox News and Donald Trump cater to these people. On a funny note, several "accidentally" signed this petition without reading it. I would like to thank them for helping us take our country into the 21st century.
If you are reading this message:  My ancestors are Spanish, Native American (Apache), and Middle Eastern (Arab and Jewish). Our nation's people will continue mixing. I invite you to start accepting and loving your fellow Americans.

Please continue sharing this petition with your family, friends, church, synagogue, mosque, and any other civil/human rights activist group.


Anonymous said...

Juan it's part of American History, oh boy, enough of this damn political correctness.

Anonymous said...

Rise, you brave Mexicans, rise! Mejicanos al grito de guerra!!! Chinguen su madre, pinches Rednecks. No valen una chingada eso babosos! Duro! Duro!

Anonymous said...

Is there no place for our history?
I remember this display as a child when it was on Palm Blvd. I don't think I ever knew what it represented until a few years ago.
Perhaps it could be incorporated, somehow, into the history museum.
It seems like we want to erase our history when we should be remembering it. The move to tear down the "Rubio" building continues. Apparently it makes people feel bad to see it and remember the murders that occurred there. Maybe they should be forced to remember and feel bad as a prompt to do something next time. That building would be a great place to house social service providers and child assistance groups. Isn't that a better way to honor those dead children then forgetting them?

Anonymous said...

ha ha,,, Why get offended by ignorant sons of bitches that feel threaten by the raise of Mexican americans in this country.

Anonymous said...

Fuck the Muslim named Obama

Anonymous said...

The Confederate flag is a loser's rag.

Anonymous said...

If there is some part of history you don't like, then tear it down or blow it up. This is ISIS shit right here in Browntown.

Anonymous said...

Fuck all moslem loving ass hole liberals who want this removed.

Ernest Gorena said...

The problem with this whole conversation is that many foreigners are coming to this country with no intentions of accepting it as it is. This is part of our history whether you like it or not! Our history is not preventing anyone from reaching any goal they set to accomplish in this country. If you cannot accept our country for it's greatness and it's weaknesses; than maybe it is time that you return to your native roots in your native country! Haber que tanto duras vivo en mexico??

Antonio Castillo said...

"Fuck all moslem loving ass hole liberals who want this removed."

"than maybe it is time that you return to your native roots in your native country!"

Wow! It's no wonder some self-loathing Hispanics are OK with this racist reminder. BTW many of our ancestors are from Texas. Our native ancestors lived on these lands before mixing with our Spanish ancestors.

Nobody with this cause is asking to destroy it. We want it moved to the museum across the street. It's a form of compromise with those who still want to "honor" their Confederate heritage.

Anonymous said...

This isn't Mississippi. You can have all of the confederate memorials you want over there. Please try not to impose your sense of self-importance on us, we have our own issues. Thanks.
