Friday, January 22, 2016


By Juan Montoya
Not content to sit on the Cameron County Commissioners Court n court as a holdover while  County Judge Pete Sepulveda – himself an appointed officeholder – ignores his statutory duty to replace him "as soon as possible," Pct. 4 commissioner  and county judge candidate Dan Sanchez is now misinterpreting the law.
Sanchez, who has worn his campaign button as he sits with the rest of the commissioners court deliberating the issues before it, told Brownsville Herald reporter Frank Garza Jan. 16 that a Texas Supreme Court decision made in the case involving one of its own justices stated that a Special Court of Review found that "the First Amendment trumped the Canons of Judicial Conduct."
Sanchez said that Seanna Willing, the executive director of the Texas Commission of Judicial Conduct, had told him that the special court of review had concluded that "a judge's free speech rights outweigh the state's interest in regulating activity to endure a fair and impartial judiciary."
The issue came up in the Sanchez case because his brother, 444th District Court Judge David Sanchez, has been actively campaigning for Dan to the point of wearing his campaign T-shirt and asking county voters for their support.
A judicial cannon 5 states that "a judge or judicial candidate shall not authorize the public use o his name endorsing another candidate for any public office, except that either may indicate support for a political party."
In fact, if one reads the case cited by Sanchez (In re Honorable Nathan Hecht-No. A-2006-1), Special Court of Review never touched upon the First Amendment issue.
"We must determine whether public statements of a judge supporting a nominee to the United States Supreme Court violate the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct...If so, we must determine whether the Texas Code abridges the petitioners freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. However, because we conclude petitioner did not violate the Canons, we do not address the constitutional question." 
In other words, the case involving Texas Supreme Court Justice Nathan Hecht never concluded – as Sanchez blithely told the reporter – that in Hecht the court had found that "the First Amendment trumped the Canons of Judicial Conduct."
That is not the only difference that Sanchez hedged on in the interview.
He said that wearing his campaign button during court sessions was "in bad taste" and had been an oversight on his part. But Sanchez neglected to tell the reporter that videotapes of previous court meetings showed that it was not the first time that he had worn the button.
There are other differences. Justice Hecht was admonished by the Judicial Commission for making statement in support of Harriet Miers, his former law firm colleague and later Special Counsel to Pres. George Bush. Bush was nominating her for the U.S. Supreme Court Judge when Hecht made his statements of support for her confirmation by the U.S. Senate.
The Hecht hearing before the Special Court of Review addressed a matter involving a nomination which was to be voted on by the Senate. There is no election. The Sanchez candidacy and his brother's endorsement for the Democratic Party involves an endorsement for a partisan election, a horse of a vastly different color.
If we are to believe that Dan Sanchez's repeated wearing of his campaign buttons in the commissioners court was merely an "oversight" and "in bad taste," than we will also believe that he somehow "misinterpreted" campaign case law as well.
Did Sepulveda get his legal reasoning from Sanchez also when he told a news reporter that he would wait until the Democratic primaries to appoint someone to replace Sanchez as Pct. 4 commissioner instead of following the statute that he replace him "as soon as possible"?
Political considerations, it appears, trumps the law in Cameron County.


Anonymous said...

Having looked at Dan Sanchez on TV and in the media, we now understand why he doesn't have his picture on his campaign signs. Dan "Sasquatch" Sanchez is a "fat slob", a health risk and a very poor representative of our community. Why hasn't Dr. Rose Gowen given him a bicycle or gotten him registered in the "Biggest Loser" contest. Dan Sanchez is a "fat slob" who is and would be a very poor representative for Cameron County!!!

Anonymous said...

The Texas Rule of Law stops when you enter the Valley. Here we have the Border Rule of Law, which is whatever the judge and public officials want it to mean. Friendship, palanca and mordida is what the judges down here look to for guidance in understanding the law.

It is the way, because the voters want it this way. All of this could change in one election cycle if that is what the people wanted, but they do not. They don't want the law to be applied equally to everybody. They want to be a friend of a friend who has a friend with palanca. Hell, who wants to be equal under the law if you have palanca!

Anonymous said...

What Cameron County citizen has challenged Sepulveda in District Court? Who? None, you say? Exactly!

That is exactly what Sepulveda expected when he took no action to replace Sanchez. That is the predictable apathy from Cameron County citizens elected officials count on to circumvent laws and decency time and time again.

No citizen will hold them accountable. The current DA won't even hold them accountable. Sad.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, I think of anyone is going to represent the county or as a public servant, should be in good health, and also to promote health, and also to be a bit attractive ... After all all public servant sho be presentable.

Anonymous said...

(Sanchez is a "fat slob", a health risk and a very poor representative)

Google the words "deadly obese", and you're likely to see his pic.

Anonymous said...

They interpret the laws to their convenience and to their benefit, Cameron County is so corrupted and you only can acquired a job or position with them if you know someone and not for what you know. Things will never change.

Anonymous said...

Dan Sanchez exemplifies Cameron County; fat, dumb, corrupt, self-serving, out of touch with the public....and depending on the Dumbokratic electorate to serve up another corrupt politician. Cameron County doesn't just accept corruption, they demand corruption!!!!!!!!!!!! We are poor because it is in the best interest of the local Dumbokratic Party to keep us poor and stupid.

Anonymous said...

What does someone's weight have to do with anything? What is this, kinder?

Anonymous said...

Putos haters !!! You will be the first one to go kiss ass when he becomes county judge !! He will be our Judge count on that

cool arrow said...

mira mira, vivan los chicharones cabrones, este maranito va a ganar la eleciones just watch. ca

Anonymous said...

The heading for this article should read: "Sanchez FAT Check". Como se te paso ese detalle.
