Thursday, February 18, 2016


By Juan Montoya
Just when you think the spoiled barbacoa meat was a one-time deal, out pops another case of questionable foods being served Brownsville Independent School District students.
And given the new generation's propensity for social media, this time the cyber
universe is filled with photos of sausage meat was served to middle school kids in their homerooms at Stell Middle School.
"The meat smelled old and had bits of green in it," tweeted a student.
"It didn't smell good," said another who sent the photos on her Snapshot account.
We are the recipients of several snapshots taken with the students' cell phones. To the untrained eye, the meat does not look appetizing and in fact looks downright suspicious.
A mother of one of the students said that neither her daughter nor her roommates touched the meat and threw it away.
"The kids started taking pictures of the biscuit and the sausage meat and posting it on Snap, Chat and Twitter," she said. "The kids grossed out threw it away. She is scared to even drink milk because it is always at room temperature and not cold."
Last November, the BISD reported that its Food and Nutrition Service staff detected a bad batch of barbacoa meat bought through Region 1 from Valco Foods LLC in McAllen and stopped the purchase of meat processed in Mexico.
The BISD posted information to parents about the bad barbacoa only in January. The announcement followed the suspension of then FNS Director Silverio Capsitran, AT the time, the BISD said that he was under investigation for unspecified reasons. Later, he was found dead in his car from a bullet wound to the head.
The results of the investigation have not yet been released.


Anonymous said...

DISGUSTING DISGUSTING DISGUSTING!!!!!! Total lack of competence! How do the people who serve this not know something is wrong with it!

Diego lee rot said...

Better just pack a lunch

Anonymous said...

Is there a way to find out if the DA is fighting for the safety of our children with as much vigor as he is going after arcades? He is up for re-election and this is a question he should answer. Are any law enforcement agencies investigating what happened or just the FNS?

chief cool arrow said...

man o man where is the city of Brownsville health dept folks when you need them?

Anonymous said...

Why did Rendon not notified the Feds about the food that is being served to the students? Is he lacking off, it is not like him to not take credit for such inappropriate events in BISD. Rendon where are you?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

not just Stell, Veterans as well.

Anonymous said...

and every person responsible for this are denocRATS no one should be surprise

Anonymous said...

porque no comen whataburger todas las dias? o mejor ultimo taco? aka ultimo chorro

Anonymous said...

This is nothing new. Ask any BISD student from elementary to high school if they think the cafeteria food is good I am sure at least 99% will say NO.
I have heard students say they have seen roaches in the school cafeteria. I know an adult (teacher) that got sick a couple of hours after eating a hot dog from the school cafeteria; this person is not in BISD anymore. Anyone that is a resident or taxpayer to BISD, visit any campus and especially middle school and high school you get to see the waste in taxpayer money and federal subsidies because the majority of the students throw away their "free" lunch but mom doesn't have the time to get up early to fix the child a sandwich and a juice so it is easier to stop at a stripes and buy a fattening tortilla and years in the future get a disability with diabetes because as mexican americans we blame others for what we caused to ourselves.

Anonymous said...

no mames. bisd no vale madre.
BISD - Brownsville Independent Shit District

Anonymous said...

Lucio too

Anonymous said...

Where is the health department to stop the illegal operation of the Brownsville Public library Café? Employees clean the stuff using 2 buckets hiding underneath the black cover, roaches, no water filtration, wires sticking out

Anonymous said...

Well said

Anonymous said...

You mean mom is too lazy. That's more accurate. Brownsville has serious cultural issues.

Anonymous said...

have schools throw a punk concert..helath dept will show up with a police force..i ttink

Anonymous said...

just starve the kids... most are pieces of shit anywho
