It was billed as a debate for the seven candidates for the two new county courts-at-law created in Cameron County.
What no one – not even the candidates expected – was that it would turn into a forum on judicial corruption and a give-and-take with no holds barred between the two candidates for the County Court-at-Law #5 Noe Robles and Jesus "Chuy" Garcia.
The debate was hosted at the Bernie Sanders for President headquarters at the old Democratic Women's Club on Boca Chica (next to Taco Palenque) and was moderated by none other than Jose Angel Gutierrez, the founder of La Raza Unida and a former county judge and academic
One person who attended shook his hand with a "Viva la Raza," and Gutierrez responded "La Raza Viva," then went on to give the ground rules for the debate and explain that his organization was supporting Sanders and that all Democrats were welcome.
Kimberly Dale also explained that the debate was also sponsored by her group, OP 10.33 Time for Change, Brownsville, whose billboards have appeared across the city and whose main financial sponsor is Brownsville native (and St. Joeseph graduate) Michael Joseph Hernandez III, who has vowed to reverse the poverty trend in his native city by October 2033.
At the outset, Dale said all the candidates had been contacted and that some had prior commitments and could not make it. She said some of the missing candidates had wanted to know the format in advance and to get a list of the questions they would be asked.
Court-at-Law #4 candidate Sheila Garcia Bence said she had not attended because "I was contacted about the debate on Tuesday evening. I did not get all the details till Wednesday. Had I been given enough notice and information I certainly would have attended."
Rene Gomez said he had other events for the evening and Carlos Monarrez was having a campaign event at the Steak and Fork Restaurant and Vino Bar and did not attend.
As far as the Court-at-Law #5 candidates, only Estela Chavez-Vasquez did not attend.
Without anyone to debate, Court-at-Law #4 candidate Dan Robles spoke about his 26 years legal experience and as a judge for 10 years before he left the bench for private practice, emphasizing his experience over his opponents in the area of guardianship and mental illness cases for which the newly-created court was established in the county.
"I have experience dealing with all people, and that's what it takes to be a judge," he said. "I have served honorably and sincerely."
Noe Robles – as did some of his supporters in the audience – focused on his 34 years of experience over those Garcia. He said that his record showed he fought corruption when he was county court-at-law and that he had tried more cases than "you will ever try in your lifetime."
Grcia, in turn, said that although he had been a prosecutor and then went into private practice, he had bested Robles when thye met in court over a domestic abuse-family violence case and had "outlawyered him" by winning the case even when the victim didn't show up to testify.
"I researched case law and fund out that you don't need a victim to testify as long as you have an eyewitness," he retorted. "I outlawyered him."
This drew a stinging rebuttal from Robles who said that the U.S. Constitution required that a defendant confront his accuser and said Garcia took lessons from his former boss Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos.
"No victim showed up and the defendant wasn't given a chance to confront his accuser," Robles said. "That's wrong. That's what he learned from his mentor Villalobos."
Robles then said that the pubic record of a case Garcia tried as a defense attorney contained at least three affidavits that alleged Garcia had "extorted" money from a client on behalf of Villalobos and that in the defendant's appeal he stated that he had received ineffective counsel from Garcia.
"I've never had that happen to me," Robles said.
Garcia said that the allegations of ineffective counsel and that he had passed along an offer from Villalobos to his client that if he gave the DA $25,000 he would be offered probation or dismissal of the case had been considered by the appeals courts and that there had been "no finding of any wrongdoing."
In affidavits attached to the appeal, both Garcia and co-counsel Victor Ramirez denied asking Lucio or his family members for any money on behalf of Villalobos.
The files shows that attorneys Lilia Gonzalez and Joseph Moreno have been assigned to assist Lucio with his appeal.

"The district attorney indicted me and made me spent $5,000 to defend myself against nine charges," Elizondo fumed.
Garza was indicted and pleaded to a charge of illegal possession of a marked ballot.
Both were present at the debate and Flores said that they were there on behalf of Garcia, an allegation that the candidate has denied.
"It wasn't the DA who charged them," Flores contended. "It was the state of Texas."
Still more Mexicans! Brownsville will need 50 more years to learn its lesson. The Mexicans have shit on everything in this goddamned city. FUCK!!!
Noe Sauceda
Dan Robles was a DICK as a judge before and is still a DICK. Dan Robles can't make a living as a lawyer and now wants to come back to the public tit. Incompetent lawyeres turn to politics to make a living.
Speaking of pendejas (Erin la cuacha) who think being elected makes their shit not stink brings Tetreau to mind. First the high school only education bimbo cries foul every time her opponent dares to "insult" a pregnant woman and now that the thing came out of her she keeps flooding Facebook with pictures of baby Austin, named after one of the worst flooding streets in Brownsville. And does anyone remember Tetreau's ties to now convicted candidate John Chambers? Well we all remember how her first opponent, Charlie Atkinson, was tight with the Escobedos who had the security contract with the city. As soon as that contract was up Tetreau did not miss a beat and fed Chambers information so he could win the security contract bid. Even then he didn't win and Tetreau's plan partially backfired because Chambers did not get it but neither did Escobedo as the city voted to handle security in house. Nice try at getting back at someone on something personal but at the taxpayers' expense. Her latest scandal in the making is her support of fire chief hopeful Carlos Elizondo. A brief look through Tetreau's Facebook page will reveal her open support for Elizondo's appointment. It will also show Elizondo actively supported Tetreau in her campaign. This is nothing illegal but clearly unethical and stinks of impropriety. Read through an elected official's oath and you will see that they are under oath to not appoint or promise to appoint anyone in exchange for help on their campaign.
Again, it is NOT the QUANTITY of years in experience BUT the QUALITY of experience that is important.
Candidate Noe Robles is stretching it with his statement that the “ U.S. Constitution required that a defendant confront this accuser….”.
The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right…to be confronted with the WITNESSES against him." Generally, the right is to have a face-to-face confrontation with “WITNESSES who are OFFERING TESTIMONIAL EVIDENCE” against the accused in the form of CROSS-EXAMINATION during a trial.
In Mattox v. United States, the Supreme Court enunciated the three fundamental purposes that the Confrontation Clause was meant to serve:
• To ensure that witnesses would testify under oath and understand the serious nature of the trial process;
• To allow the accused to cross-examine witnesses who testify against him; and
• To allow jurors to assess the credibility of a witness by observing that witness’ behavior.
The victim DOES NOT have to show up at trial if he/she is NOT TESTIFYING as a WITNESS. This defendant did “confront his accuser” in the form of a WITNESS who testified against him. It is the testimony of the witness who testified in open court that may have convicted him.
Regarding the ALLEGATIONS against Jesus Chuy Garcia mentioned by Mr. Garcia’s opponent, the APPEALS COURT found “NO FINDING OF ANY WRONGDOING.” Enough said.
When it comes to "QUALITY EXPERIENCE, INTEGRITY, FAIRNESS, JUSTICE, and RESPECT FOR ALL" I am voting for Jesus T. "Chuy" Garcia Jr. for Cameron County Court-at-Law No. 5.
Sauceda, Tu as de ser gringo, pinche coconut, mexicano culo prieto
Shut the fuck up , you stupid felon! You're MEXICAN too, pendejo !
I wish someone had asked Robles how a defendant confronts a murder victim.
You sound like you lead a fucking miserable life....get Jesus in your life
Are you that stupid Mary Helen Flores? The State is the DA. Luis Saenz represents the State.
Bien empinada
Wow! Convicted felons ,what next.?
Hey you fucking fat ass bitch liar face! Tetreau had nothing to do with helping Chambers and everything to do with hiring REAL POLICE OFFICERS to patrol the city. Karma has a special place for liars and losers who lie to tarnish others. You go help "your" op33 ratfink friends and let's see how long the Feds let you operate the scam you are attempting for public funds. Go stick another Twinkie in your pie hole before another far fetched lie blurts out. Pinche sumo lady.
Chuy is the only one competent in that race. Estella doesn't show up because she is busy. When they offered to reschedule, she claimed she was still too busy. Bet she was scared of being revealed to be just as inadequate as Dan or being proven to be incapable of holding that office. She was disingenuous and inadequate as a commissioner. She will be lousy as a judge. She will most definitely lose. Chuy has my vote.
Speaking of pendejas (Erin la cuacha) who think being elected makes their shit not stink brings Tetreau to mind. First the high school only education bimbo cries foul every time her opponent dares to "insult" a pregnant woman and now that the thing came out of her she keeps flooding Facebook with pictures of baby Austin, named after one of the worst flooding streets in Brownsville. And does anyone remember Tetreau's ties to now convicted candidate John Chambers? Well we all remember how her first opponent, Charlie Atkinson, was tight with the Escobedos who had the security contract with the city. As soon as that contract was up Tetreau did not miss a beat and fed Chambers information so he could win the security contract bid. Even then he didn't win and Tetreau's plan partially backfired because Chambers did not get it but neither did Escobedo as the city voted to handle security in house. Nice try at getting back at someone on something personal but at the taxpayers' expense. Her latest scandal in the making is her support of fire chief hopeful Carlos Elizondo. A brief look through Tetreau's Facebook page will reveal her open support for Elizondo's appointment. It will also show Elizondo actively supported Tetreau in her campaign. This is nothing illegal but clearly unethical and stinks of impropriety. Read through an elected official's oath and you will see that they are under oath to not appoint or promise to appoint anyone in exchange for help on their campaign.
I am done with the recycling of career politicians. I am supporting Jesus T. "Chuy" Garcia.
Cameron County voters deserve some "young blood" AND not the same old, same old from yesteryear!!
The "Future is Now" and "I'm With CHUY Jr. for Cameron County Court-at-Law No. 5.
Estela Chavez thinks she is too good for appearances. Danny Robles lied to the citizens of CC when he stepped down. That itty=bitty piece of shit was worried that he was going to be picked up and indicted along side of his old law partner and convicted felon, Jim Solis. Remember, this itty-bitty piece of shit made a call while on the bench that benefitted his old law partner. The Feds just picked and chose who to arrest, indict and prosecute and he got to be one of the lucky ones!
Flores is correct. A state prosecutor tried those politiqueros not the local DA office.
Shame on you. Dude bringing your convicted felons working for you.
I heard the pope came back to North America to visit Jessica Tetreau. Is that true?
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