Wednesday, February 10, 2016


By Juan Montoya
By all accounts, Brownsville Independent School District Food and Nutrition Services administrator Silverio Capistran Jr. was a very worried man ever since he had been placed on administrative leave January 25 and the district announced it had launched an investigation into his department.
His suspension followed as district public service announcement that the district had retrieved a spoiled shipment of barbacoa meat processed in Mexico last November that had been detected and removed from all district cafeterias.
Coming on the heels of his divorce from his first wife over alleged infidelities with a fellow district employee, he was under pressure to support two families with his paycheck, including the three children with his first wife and a new one on the way with his new mate.
Last week, he took one of his older sons with him to purchase a handgun from the Academy store on the Frontage Road. Although police have not confirmed it one way or the other, initial reports indicate that he may have taken his life by his own hand at the young age of 42.
There was plenty to worry about.
Reports indicate that he had invited close relatives to invest in the importation of barbacoa (shredded processed beef) processed in Mexico which he had told them was a lucrative business that could make them a lot of money.
Over time, some of his relatives said that he was raking in the money but they did not give any details of how the barbacoa business contributed to his income.
Some did say, however, that Brownsville Police Department and Cameron County District Attorney's Office investigators had visited both homes to search for unspecified evidence.
Last Monday, Justice of the Peace Linda Salazar said she was called to the scene at 10:15 at night after he was found in his driveway inside his truck dead with a single gunshot to the right side of the head.
The problems with the barbacoa that were detected last November stemmed from the processing plant in Gomez Palacios, Durango which was processed and shipped here by Empacadora Frape, S.A. de C.V. through its contract with Valco Foods, a U.S. division of a Mexican company with offices in McAllen. The company is said to have been doing a land-rush business with the BISD totaling close to $500,000, an estimate that now risen to close to $900,000, sources say. It also counted La Joya ISD among its frequent purchasers.
Since the federal government pays the bill for school lunches, it has also piqued the interest of its investigators.
And despite the assertion by the BISD administration that Valco Foods purchased all the meat on the U.S. side and then sent it to be processed in Gomez Palacios, Durango, that version has come into question.
According to one source, not all the meat packages that arrived at the BISD on tucks bearing Mexican license plates carried the USDA inspection seal. Some sources say that although Valco may have sent some of the 20,000 pounds monthly under its contract with Region 1, not all the meat was raised in the United States and the difference may have been made up by the processor with a lower-priced Mexican product.
Valco Foods was approved to provide Region 1 member school districts with a contract from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017 with 1 two‐year extension option. It is unknown how many pounds that Valco Foods delivered under the Region 1 contract have been bought by the BISD, although one BISD source says the district has spent a little over $800,000-plus on the product.
If fulfilled, the company stood to make $3,019,200 over the 24 month period of deliveries to Region 1 member school districts. No one has said whether the Region 1 directors knew that Valco has been using a Mexican processor to supply its member district schools with barbacoa.
Part of the award letter states that " Food and beverage items must meet the USDA Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010 requirements and/or the USDA Smart Snacks in Schools Standards, as well as any additional requirements mandated by the Texas Department of Agriculture."
After Capistran's death, USDA, Food Safety and Inspection Service investigators have appeared in the Brownsville area seeking clues to the BISD's purchase and payment of the suspect meat.
"There are other people involved in this," said a BISD staffer who commented on condition of anonymity. "The office staffer who signed the invoices has also been suspended and no one knows how many others are involved."


Anonymous said...

Have some respect for the mourning families, the comments about his personal business have no place in good journalism. This is a forum for opinions and the investigators will be the ones knowing what really happen. This article is hurtful for the families and friends and does not really contribute in any way to his demise.

Anonymous said...

The corruption in BISD results in a suicide of a senior administrator. And who was his supervisor; did that supservisor benefit from this corruption in the food service program or did his boss make the decision to buy bad meat. This is just another indication of the corruption and mismanagement in BISD.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you 11:47. Fuck the scum that manage BISD. I hope that this dead guy and his family rot like the shit Mexican meat that was served. If it was not for Rrun Rrun, this would have been covered up like everything in your shitty town. Thanks Juan. When the idiots in the valley start identifying them selves with the USA instead of corrupt mexico , things will improve. Until then, fuck all of you.. Just curious, will his funeral be catered by the companies that were part of the rip off?

Anonymous said...

You know, the message above has some truth. Mexicans, in general, are pussies that don't stand for anything other than laziness, welfare benefits, and screaming bastard low-life beanlets. BISD simply reflects the culture of Brownsville. Deportations are in order.

Anonymous said...

2:50pm. If you write your name I respect your opinion. Otherwise, your a fucking pussy. Chicken shit... Pussy. You don't even make me angry. Your just a little pussy. Let me guess, a 13 year old girl? Get off the internet before your parents spank you. Its not our fault you moved here from Alabama because your Daddy abused you. Get counseling, your not alone. The government, which you probably live off of, has programs.

CC Voter said...

First of all, what is the BISD doing buying meat from a third world country where there is no control of how the meat is processed. Then this company is suspected of being a cartel business with former and current cartel members. Why haven't the Feds come in for the rescue? Why is Linda Salazar doing the inquest? She should be recusing herself since her son is involved with this (what I'll call) a scam? Someone should be picking up on these suicides including the couple that have occurred in Hidalgo County? Those individuals were involved with these same players that sold the bad meat to BISD. Citizens of Brownsville, you need to wake up and get rid of the corruption that continues to put your children in harm's way.

Anonymous said...

"this is a forum for opinions..", no, this is a BLOG, a web page created by Juan Montoya where he writes down his observations, and anything he deems of value to the uninformed masses of Brownsville and it's surroundings. Some of us value his opinions and observations as the Brownsville Herald has decided to dump their responsibility as the fourth estate. Juan owes you or me, nothing.

Anonymous said...

I wish more brownsville crooks would shoot themselves in the head. bisd, please keep this trend going.

Anonymous said...

He was the Food Service Administrator. Head of the department. A big department which had more money thAn any other department.

Anonymous said...

That's "you're" - learn English.

X said...

BISD just loves negative exposure... Pobres

Anonymous said...

Agree with ccvoter...maybe he was really deep in this shit that he couldn't handle it...

Anonymous said...

4:09. You caught me. I am a white 13 year old girl forced to move here when my abusive daddy got a transfer with border patrol. Now I have to attend your 3rd rate schools, eat your poisonous food and be taught English by tsc graduates who can barely speak it themselves. I am so bored since I moved to your shit city from my culturally advanced state of Alabama. Pissing off people like you on this blog is my only forum of entertainment. Occasionally my family goes to the park to visit the rock you want to take down. See you at your corrupt friends funeral !

Anonymous said...

Yeah, me too. 22 year old teachers were always grabbing my peepee. Way more common here than Alabama :)

Anonymous said...

Oh well, vatos will vatos, at least when it comes to pussy and money.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well said

Anonymous said...

Well said

Anonymous said...

I hope the FBI and Texas Rangers deeply investigate BISD, the Board included. It's so sad but hey, corruption runs rampant at this school district. Fill sorry for the gentleman's family who committed suicide. I say "Follow The Money" there are others involved...Juan dig deeper and you will find the others!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by "covered up like everything in your shitty town "?... Such as what things ?
