Using DEA-inspired scorched earth political tactics, Republican Party candidate for Cameron County Sheriff Victor Cortez heaped contempt on the "Brownsville mentality" and crowed over the fact that he had a direct hand in the conviction of his opponent for the same position.

Cortez made the post in response to an offending post by former Los Fresnos Police Dept. Chief Johnny Cavazso, a supporter of former Indian Lake P.D. Chief Johan Chambers for the Republican Party's county sheriff nomination.
Chambers is appealing his conviction on 14 counts of Tampering With a Government Document where he was accused of directing a confidential informant – his assistant chief Alfredo Avalos – to put together files on his 30 deputies' firearm certification. Avalos, after receiving immunity from the DA's Office – told a jury that he was acting under Chambers' orders, the Nuremberg Defense.
In it, he refers to the "Brownsville Mentality" and insists that there is noting but facts coming from his side.
Then, gratuitously, the former DEA agent posted a photo of Chambers' booking photo and tells Cavazos, "In case you missed it, here it is again, enjoy."
We wonder what Cortez – himself a Brownsville native allegedly from La 421 – meant by the "Brownsville mentality."
Funny how Cortez doesn't mention all the "facts."

2, It is a "fact" that on two occasions, the charges against Chambers were dropped because of lack of evidence to back the charges.
3. It is a "fact" that the investigation into the gun certification changes originated with a Cortez-inspired investigation.
4 It is a "fact" that Cortez – during Chamber's trial, assisted his former DEA colleague George Delaney to try Chambers even though he was his opponent for the GOP sheriff nomination in the upcoming March 1 elections. (He is the guy in the baseball cap kneeling in the hallway outside the corridor conferring with investigator Delaney in the graphic at left.)
5. It is a "fact" that DA Saenz is supporting Cortez's candidacy for the eventual faceoff with the Democratic Party nominee, probably incumbent Sheriff Omar Lucio by inviting him to his campaign functions.
6. Since Cortez says he is from Brownsville, is it the "Brownsville mentality" to use the power of the state to discredit your political opponent by taking a direct hand in his prosecution when you stand to benefit directly from it?
Is this a Republican thing, something Cortez picked up in DEA training, or a talent that was nurtured and finessed in the Luis Saenz academy of selective prosecution?
Johnny loser Cavazos is living a lie !! With his Mexican cheap ass wife !! Does she have papers Juan !!! Nothing but a wanna be law enforcement officer who has been FIred from EVery Job !! Poor performance!! In every way losers backing losers
I knew there was something fishy about the Chambers trial!!!
Cortez initated at least two investigations into Chambers --- AFTER Chambers went to the FBI with information about wrongdoing at the DA's Office.
On two occasions, charges against Chambers were dropped because of lack of evidence.
The politically-motivated investigation into gun certification changes --- originated with a Cortez-inspired investigation.
Victor Cortez assisted Delaney in trying Chambers --- even though Chambers is his opponent for the GOP sheriff nomination in this March 1 primary election in 3 weeks.
Since Cortez says he is from Brownsville, is it the "Brownsville mentality" to use the power of the state to discredit your political opponent by acting directly in his prosecution ----when you stand to benefit directly from it?
Is this a Republican thing, or something Cortez picked up and finessed in the Luis Saenz academy of selective prosecution?
How in the hell was this person a DEA agent? And he wants to be a Sheriff??
GOD help us!!!
If Victor Cortez does not have the skin to take any criticism, he has no business being in any race, much less a law enforcement race. My two cents, no change required.
A former candidadte
John ChiChi Chambers got caught. He got caught and now the Republicants have to eat crow because they have a convict on their ticket. How bout them apples?
Cortez you're desperate. all you can do is try and poke at chambers so you can win. good luck with that. I'm voting for the guy that will be found innocent.
Yep. Why is Cortez running as a Republican when he hates his own party so much? See him ass kissing Saenz a Democrat. Ever see Cortez with Sorelle the clean option for DA nope. Only jumped in the race as a Republican after setting up a political trap for Chambers. Typical desperate demo-RAT corrupting the justice system to help himself only Go back to your own party RAT
Folks this is South Texas politics simply put especially in Cameron County the pig pen of political democrat corruption, looks like Cortez will do anything to get elected reminds me of gilberto hinojosa, juan magallenes, joe rivera, tony yzaguirre, sofie benavides, ben uresti, aurora de la Garza luis saenz, do all these names ring a bell, ting ting ting? same crowd these last 30 to 40 years. Folks time to flush the toilet and put out the trash. Good grief, cb
Leave nothing to chance, discredit them all they say, that's the old clique Cameron County democratic party way, discredit your opponent, get him arrested, drum up charges, do something illegal to burn that other fellow, reminds me of that county clerk race in 1990 when juan Ortiz decide to ran for county clerk against joe rivera- aka mr king of the crop, poor Ortiz was fired from his job over at heard goggin blair tax attorneys because joe river called mr heard up in san Antonio office and told him he was going to make sure that Cameron County commission would cancel heard's tax collection contract if he didn't fire this guy-Ortiz so Ortiz was laid off. Joe there was no need for that and that poor fellow Ortiz well he lost. Joe do you sleep well at night or do you see the demons coming for you? Anyway just setting the record straight on how these Cameron county politicians can and will do anything to win. Bola de mamones.
Joe Rivera is scum had No word !! But look at him now he fell hard from grace !! Nobody wants him !! He is not welcomed in his ex office !! How about them apples Joe more to come
Cortez has no leadership or management skills, so he can only post about his trophies and awards. he is a BULLY and if he somehow wins will run the sheriffs office with intimidation.
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