With early voting set to begin in the Democratic Primary this Feb. 16 – 11 days from now – we thought we'd get an early start and say who we don't endorse in the coming contest for at least one office.
We refer to the Cameron County Court-at-Law #5 race between Estela Chavez Vasquez, Jesus T. "Chuy" Garcia, Jr., and Noe Robles.

But it is Estela who we look on with apprehension as the election looms nearer.
Brownsville residents remember her as the former city commissioner At-Large during Tony Martinez's first mayoral reign and that is one of her big minuses.
During her stint on the city commission, she was noticeable for her absolute adherence to Da Mayor's agenda. When Tony spoke, Estela just jumped and didn't bother to ask how high.
She was silent when the city commission was ready to give away Lincoln Park to the oil-and-gas wealthy University of Texas and was there at Martinez's beck and call.
The same goes for the city's purchase of Martinez's pal Abraham Galonsky's Case Del Nylon store downtown for an incredible $2.3 million when most appraisers put the price tag at closer to $650,000.
She also signed off on the hiking of the Brownsville Public Utility Board rates that started in 2013 and will continue into the year 2017. The rates were hiked to pay for Da Mayor's Tenaska boondoggle $500 million 800 MW power plant. Construction of the plant has been delayed until the company can sell 600 MW of power to other customers. With two other plants coming online before it is built (one in Edinburg and another in Harlingen), it is doubtful that the Brownsville plant will be built soon.
But the rate hikes stay in place and PUB ratepayers see no end in sight.
Thanks, Estela.
On January 2015, and four months before her term was up, Chavez-Vasquez handed in her letter of resignation where she explained that because of “circumstances beyond my control” she would be unable to complete her term that ended in May.
She didn't tell the city or her constituents that she had been living in Los Fresnos for weeks – maybe months – before she had to step down because she no longer lived in her district. The cat, she knew, was out of the bag.
Between the time she no longer lived in the city and the time she resigned, Chavez-Vasquez voted on city matters brought before the commission. All those votes – if challenged in a court – would have been illegal. And before someone hurls the mysoginist label at us, it wouldn't have mattered to us if she had been a woman or a man. If Ricardo Longoria was running, we'd non-endorse him, too, for the very same reasons.
Because of her demonstrated lack of independence and the fact that she remained on the city commission illegally when she no longer lived in the district, we have to part ways with her as a candidate for the County Court-at-Law #5 judgeship, a position that demands independence and integrity.
Anyone but Estela. Sorry.
Folks with this great and lying record as a City of Brownsville commissioner, Estela really has NO BUSINESS running, Just say no to Estela. Probably can make money as an attorney so hey I can get a nice check every two weeks over at the courthouse- folks just say NO. cb
I don't know how someone who doesn't try any cases in court think that she could pull off being a Judge? Then if she is capable of sneaking around and keeping secret about her place of residence while a city commissioner? Imagine the kind of secrets (possibly illegal) that she will pull in Judge's chambers? The other reason that you don't see this lady exercising her law degree is because she is married to a very prominent and rich doctor who spoils her religiously. Have you seen her campaign report? Her campaign is funded by her husband? This sounds like that other arrogant woman who likes to lie in Hillary Clinton. Hillary likes to lie about certain things and then her so-called charitable organization takes money from third world countries.
That's the candidate this Estela Chavez is! An arrogant, spoiled, non-credible attorney who just wants a title and for the taxpayers of Cameron County to bow at her presence.
Our ladies club have been closely scrutinizing all three of these candidates, and have concluded and will be supporting Mr. Noe Robles. By far the most qualified
I would not vote for that back stabbing Lady if she ran for dog catcher. (with all due respect for dog catchers )
She is a horrible attorney and even uglier person. Ask any attorney that has dealt with her...
It is very difficult for me and my friends to comprehend why this woman (Estela Chavez-Vasquez) would keep the City Commission and her supporters out of the loop regarding her Los Fresnos residency. We voted for her to reside and represent Brownsville"s interests...not live in Los Fresnos. She is a Lawyer, shouldn't she know better? and now she expects us to vote for her for a Judicial Position. It would be precarious (RISK) to give her that privilege. We say "No To Estela" and "YES" to "NOE ROBLES" County Court At Law # 5...We go with his 34 Yrs of "Judicial Experience" and we are very comfortable with his demeanor,after all, there is no price for "Experience" and he has never lied to us. Folks, for this County's sake, vote for Noe Robles..Gracias, God Bless...
She isn't much better as an attorney... cowers to those with political influence, no sense oof tru justice only self gain
This chick is the dumbest person that I have ever known. She is completely dumb. I have no idea how the hell she is an attorney. Damn, I know people that didn't every graduate from high school that are way, way smarter the her. smh....
I say YES to Jesus T. "Chuy" Garcia, Jr for Cameron County Court-at-Law #5
Remember Lincoln Park!
This brings to mind the residency issue with Tetreau. She broke the rules and got away with it. Now she is heavily lobbying for Carlos Elizondo, someone who supported her campaign. Isn't that also against the rules? Returning favors for work during a campaign.
34 yrs of experience, forget the other two. I'm voting for Noe Robles.
Ok I agree with most of the stuff regarding Mrs. Chavez except for the insults. Now to then say Vote for Mr. Robles. Dude is a big piece of shit. Nobody forgets the shit he pulled back when he was judge and then also resign his position. Hello!!!! Both had a chance and both left there positions.No way I'll vote for any of the two. I'll vote for Chuy and Liz. Why not give them a chance. What we got to lose? It's the same year in same year out with these politicians.
Remember Casa De Nylon.
In agreement with several comments, yes Estela is a dumb attorney, she has NEVER been in a trial, much less picked a jury...don't think she knows how to do that either, and YES, she left her City Commission post due to "circumstances beyond her control" to this day no one really knows why she left!! Done research on Noe Robles and if one does not remember, he also left the bench prior to his term ending, he was elected in 1986 and did not stay thru his whole term. Yes, 30 years ago, but still people he left early.
It's about experience all of the people in our bowling league in Brownsville are not concerned with what happened 30 years ago. We will be voting for the most experienced, and that would be Mr. Noe Robles. God Bless
Of course, Noe Robles would have more experience, he's the oldest one out of all of them. Having years of "experience" based on his age, does not qualify him automatically as being the MOST experienced, it just means that...he's older than both of the other 2 candidates. Experience would go as to being a prosecutor...oh wait he doesn't have that, it would go as to trying a case...oh wait Estela doesn't have that...hmmm, id say both have had their day in court (literally) and they both left their post. I have done my research on all 3 candidates...and I know who I'm voting for.
I sure would be careful about boasting that the now imprisoned Armando Villalobos was my mentor, get the messege?.
Who's boasting anything about Villalobos being a mentor? I don't think considering him a boss, would be the same as considering him a mentor. I worked there at the DA's office thru Villalobos and two years with Saenz until I found a new job in another County, I don't consider either one of those two mentors.
Estela voted to sell Lincoln Park. She is a HORRIBLE attorney, HORRIBLE. She made sure to appoint her buddy Noemi Garcia to the PUB board. She made sure to put herself on the hiring committee for the Municipal judge appointment that was given to Valerie Garcia. Valerie Garcia, a HARLINGEN attorney who got the city of Harlingen SUED because of her conduct as a Municipal Judge in Harlingen. But Valerie is her lunch buddy...so that must qualify you. Estela illegaly remained on the city commission after she knew damn well she shouldn't have because she was living in Los Fresnos. This girl is NOT the answer..
It is not not the QUANTITY of the experience that matters; it is the "QUALITY" of experience that is paramount.
When it comes to QUALITY EXPERIENCE, I am voting for Jesus T. "Chuy" Garcia Jr. for Cameron County Court-at-Law No. 5.
You're wrong . ...everyone knows why she left the commission post....she wasn't living in the area she was supposed to be representing, living in Los Fresnos .
Get out of here with your "bowling league","all of us"etc.....since when did you conduct your survey? How the hell can you know how "all of us" will vote? Go away!
If you don't have quantity tell me how you have quality. Da
TERRIBLE PICTURE JUAN COME ON BUDDY! This one is better: http://www.tk1336.com/pictures/wicketewok.jpg
Un dia esta nina de Dios de caca y excremento... dijo..dijo... ella dijo... "Stay out of trouble and do not come back to my court. I don't want to see you again in jail. BUT IF YOU COME BACK HERE, YOU CAN COME BACK FOR SOME CAAAAAAAANNNDY!" Que clase de payaso. CLASS CLOWN COMMENT.
(There is candy apparently that SHE distributes in that MUSEUM of idiots she calls County Court 5). Chavez-Vasquez has little to NO consideration on the GOOD COMMON SENSE residents-citizens of Brownsville. TODOS AL POZO Y TALACHA. Terrible person. Zero past honest education.
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