Sunday, February 14, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: After we posted this Saturday, we received an irate phone call from Brownsville Independent School District board member Carlos Elizondo objecting to the mention of his family members in this blog and demanded we take it off. Taking into consideration that one of those relatives [who, by the way, was never mentioned in the original post] is said to be a minor, we concurred and will now refer to the individuals involved a "relatives." After conferring with our editorial board composed of several mainstream media and social media pundits, we have come to the following conclusions: Elizondo did not deny that the events described below happened. He said he did not want his relatives using the Porta Potties provided the public at SombreroFest because they were "shitholes." Obviously, Elizondo is under the incorrect belief that an elected official and his relatives are to be afforded special privileges not afforded to the average city resident. So why then, do candidates who seek public office always "humbly ask for your vote"? Is it acceptable for the spouses and children of the average citizen attending SombreroFest to have to use the Porta Potty "shitholes" but not his relatives because he is a board member? For those reasons alone, and friendships notwithstanding, we publish the original post with minor alterations to reflect the findings of the Rrun-Rrun editorial board.)   

By Juan Montoya
How things change and yet remain the same.
Last year, during the SombreroFest celebrations, onlookers remember when newly-elected Brownsville Independent School District board member Carlos Elizondo and reltives tried to enter Putegnat Elementary because the Porta Potties apparently were good enough for the public, but not for them.
Putegnat Elementary is on the east side of the fest and is used by the SobreroFest Association to keep the festival's receipts and other of the organization's equipment.
The BISD security guard was under strict orders that no one but certain specific Fest board members could gain entry to the building.
When Carlos tried to talk the guard into allowing the relatives to do their business in the school's lavatories, the guard didn't budge and told them he was under orders not to allow anyone inside.
Well, that started as a difference of opinion between Carlos and the guard deteriorated into a dispute where the grard  was asked whether he knew who he was talking to. To his credit, the security guy didn't flinch and held his sidewalk at the portals of the mighty Annie S. Putegant Panthers.
Well, guess who came around stage right and joined the fray to berate the guard about letting them inside the school? Would you believe BISD's general counsel Baltazar Salazar?
He upbraided the poor guard to no end and told him that Carlos was his boss and that he ran the schools. Did he know what trouble he could get into, including, perhaps, losing his job?
Well, just in the nick of time the SombreroFest cavalry appeared on the horizon and supported the embattled security guard and told Elizondo and Salazar that it was a non starter and to hit the road. There were bitter words exchanged but the SombreoFest guys wouldn't budge and the BISD gang beat a hasty retreat. Alas, a Porta Potty had to do.
Well, this year, Carlos just opened up a restaurant called Rice and Beans and Elizondo, the president of the Firefighters Association, told the members that since their carne asada stand at the SombreoFest wasn't making  a profit, he thought it might be time to hang up the flippers, tongs, brushes and forks and put the mesquite wood away for good and live to barbecue another day.
The spot would instead be taken by his Rice and Beans.
Well, that didn't sit well with the members, all grilling aficionados who can tell a good cut of mesquite wood as well as the next fellow. The reason the stand had been there from the first Fest, they said, was for the firefighters to have a presence at the community event in support of the festival, not to make a profit. Besides, they love barbecuing. It's a great occasion to quaff a few and catch up on city gossip with friends.
Elizondo, apparently, had something else in mind. He approached the SombreroFest guys and told them he wanted to replace the firefighters' stand with one for his restaurant.
The Fest guys gave him such a resounding "no!" that it made his shiny pate redden. But what if the BISD doesn't rent the school to you guys?, he insinuated.
"We already have an alternate spot, if you do that," he was told.
Now everyone is waiting to find out what the Elizondo-Salazar strategy will be this SombreroFest. Will there be a showdown at the Big Tent? Will Rice and Beans prevail over carne asada? O se van a quemar los frijoles y el arroz va a salir aguado? 


Diego lee rot said...

Porta potty's are shit holes. Just thinking out loud here. adult diapers maybe? I do know for a fact that astronauts use them when visiting Mother Earth.

Anonymous said...

The only shit hole is Carlos Elizondo.

Anonymous said...

Elizondo is a one timer. That's all I gotta say to that. There's four BISD boards seats up for grabs. Each new Canidate running needs to put one thing on the late. Salazar must be terminated. Not one present Board members will do it so it's time to clean house before the FBI

Anonymous said...

The porta potty's remind me of Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Diego; for the love of God.......shut the fuck up ! You embarrass yourself every time , pendejo !

Anonymous said...

Elizondo is a SHITHOLE!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Carlos Elizondo turned out to be a monster, corrupt, arrogant, and vain. He's horrible.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Elizondo is an elected official only when he's at BISD meetings and functions! Aside from that he's a citizen like everyone else. No board member run the district only the Superintendent, if he is running the district as Balthazar Salazar stated, then Elizondo is abusing his position by micromanaging.

So Elizondo get off your high horse, you would be there if we hadn't voted for you. Must I remind you, you work for us the taxpayers! That goes for Salazar as well!

Anonymous said...

Juan, can you please find out why Charro Days Inc. charges legitimate non-profits for a parade entry, while other festivals like Buc Days in Corpus and Fiesta Flambeau in San Antonio waives the fee for non-profits?
