"A Proven Leader Fighting Against Discrimination in School Funding"
If after 30 years in office Oliveira and his buddy Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. still can't overcome their "learning curve" to figure out how to fight "discrimination" in school funding in their own backyard, what are another few years going to teach them they haven't had the capacity to learn already?Rene makes much of the fact that he is the dean of the Hispanic delegation in the House, but out of 28 bills he has authored, only 8 have passed and out of those none of them provide much-needed infrastructure, create jobs or improvements for the area.
As a member of the State Affairs Committee, he was absent or tardy 12 of the 20 times the committee met and failed to vote on 43 percent of the bills.
As a member of the busienss and Industry Committee, he was unable to pass any meaningful legislation that would benefit the business or industry in our district.
Perhaps Rene and Eddie don't want to make anyone mad and allow business to continue as usual. Eddie still dons those ridiculous golfing knickers and smooches up to the Republican governors and Rene concentrates on ogling at the babes and single-handedly putting a dent on Joe Kenny's supply of booze at Cobbleheads.
"Authored and Sponsored Creation of New UTRGV and Medical School"
Rene also co-authored (with Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr.) the infamous "partnership" between UT-Brownsville and the Texas Southmost College in 1991 instead of pressuring the State of Texas to build a stand-alone university. This jerry-rigged piecemeal concoction allowed the UT System to gouge local property tax payers of the community college district who had to shoulder the load of issuing $100s millions in bond debt to subsidize the oil-and-gas wealthy university system. Rene and Lucio stood by willingly and allowed the poorest community in the United States to pay for the honor of having the UT renting its buildings. Over the years under the agreement, TSC had to "transfer" approximately $55 million to UTB each year. Over the 21 years the partnership existed, an estimated $1 billion was taken from the community college and transferred to UTB.And yet, the UTB left the "partnership" owing local taxpayers more than $12 million in rent arrears.
Oliveira and Lucio were ready to submit a bill crafted by former UTB president Julieta Garcia that would have transferred all of the assets of TSC to UTB, except for the bond debt. The community college district would disappear once the taxpayers paid the final bond bill and UTB would have a campus for free.
Only the resolve of a new TSC board prevented the pan from being carried out. Faced with this rejection by the community college, the UT System had no other alternative but to shoulder its constitutional responsibilities and to forge a plan to provide higher education opportunities to all Texas residents. That included giving the different campuses a share of the fabulously wealthy Permanent University Fund. In contrast, when the UT System balked at giving predominantly-black Prairie View A and M PUF funds, they initiated a complaint with the U.S, Department of Civil Rights and the UT System flinched. The black community there was not going to accept crumbs for their community as Lucio and Oliveira did.
Now, after overseeing the two-decade long rape of local TSC taxpayers, Oliveira has the gall to take credit for the new UTRGV?
In this year's Democratic Party Primary, it's HABLO (Hell, Anybody But Lucio or Oliveira)
Keep voting the crooks into office!!!
Montoya, how come you haven't posted the BISD investigation by the Texas Rangers? There are too many questions to be asked and investigated? There are too many suspicious individuals involved or part of the BISD that need to be investigated for possible criminal violations. There's just too much money going into the wrong pockets and starting with that biggest crook, Joe Rodriguez.
We are sick and tired of these two dumb asses, crooks and hypocrites ever elected in the past 25 years. People of Brownsville GO OUT AND VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE. They have only fattened their own pockets and that of their compadres. Lucio SUCIO was a P.E. coach (golf) at best with BISD...Rene, well he has always been a low life asking favors from crooked Judges like Limas.
Is he dressed to golf? or is he dressed for the circus? he looks pathetic. he looks hideous. he looks like a fucking joke. he is a fucking joke.
Time to clean out the septic tank, lets vote them out, two of the greatest cool arrow leaders of Cameron county who have done absolutely nothing, lucio and oliviera.
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