Wednesday, February 10, 2016


By Juan Montoya
Just as he did last November 10 and posed in front of the Cameron County Courthouse Judicial Wing, county judge candidate Dan Sanchez is using the veterans to convince the voters in the upcoming Democratic party primary that he has been their supporter and champion for the last "16 years!!!"
That claim is contained in a mass mailout Sanchez sent to voters recently. (Click on graphic to enlarge.)
If you remember, many veterans were highly offended when the Veterans Day event turned out to be his announcement that he would resign his Pct. 4 commissioner's position to run for county judge. They were mad that instead of a  a tribute to the veterans' service, Dan used it to push for his candidacy.
The latest affront to local veterans who actually served in combat is the fact that Cmdr. Lucio used his position to pose in front of the VFW post when the organization is not supposed to be used to endorse politicians in a political race.
"We have some Republicans and Independents in the post thawho did not like the idea that it seemed like the post and the veterans were endorsing Sanchez," said one. "That's not what the VFW is for."
As usual, Sanchez used the occasion to tout what he said was his unwavering support for local vets.
In the mailer, Sanchez claims that "I initiated the creation of the Cameron County Veteran's (sic) Court."
Not true, say the critics.
"The first case where treatment in lieu of incarceration was heard by Judge (David) Sanchez approximately four years ago and Mr. Dan Sanchez had nothing to do with this," they wrote. "The prime mover behind the Veterans' Court Project was Salvador Castillo, the Cameron County Veterans' Benefit Officer."
Although both Dan and David Sanchez are of a different opinion on the propriety of using the judicial officer to publicly endorse or support a partisan political candidate, Dan Sanchez is not shy of name dropping his office to impress would-be voters.
"Upon my return, I visited with my brother 444th District Judge David Sanchez who joined me in this endeavor...," the mailer states.
"Está haciendo carvanas con sombrero ajeno," they wrote. (He is stealing someone else's thunder.)


Anonymous said...

Nomas falto El Pelon De Victor Cortez en la foto para tener El ejercito "ridiculos" completo.

Anonymous said...

Voting for this egomaniac would be an insult to all veterans.

Mr. Sanchez has an EXCUSE for all the violations that have been brought forth:

1) he used the county email system to announce the veterans event AND

2) he used a veterans event to announce his candidacy (using county email system for personal gain is illegal per Texas Local Government code AND

3) he refuses to give up his County Commissioner position after announcing his candidacy.

Please vote for anyone other than this candidate. and show him the door and make him earn a living with a real job and stop living off the taxpayers money.

Anonymous said...

The fraudulent members of the VFW are an insult to all other veterans that served and Dan Sanchez obviously is willing to enlist anyone into his campaign. These "fake" VFW members exist because the VFW commander is a fake and seeks to surround himself with others like him. If he has a Purple Heart, it should be easy to confirm through the Military Order of the Purple Heart, and organization of all PH awardees. We have too many FAKE veterans, too many FAKE veterans of combat and too many "Pretend" veterans. Dan Sanchez won't get my vote.

Anonymous said...

Puros violators of the "Stolen Valor Act", they have no integrity or shame.

Anonymous said...

A recent federal case involving a veteran wearing medals he did not received during combat was ruled in favor of the veteran. The federal charges for possessing and wearing medals were null and void by the federal court.

The court ruled that it felled under the freedom of speech and that the veteran was expressing his rights to display an event that indeed occur during combat. He may not have been there but he was expressing his freedom of speech. Therefore, there isn't anything anybody can do to file charges on these so call veterans wearing or expressing their freedom of speech by displaying their mentals or uniforms.

USMC gunney said...

Alamo, so now what? we are all veterans because of all these corruption of political candidates for the last 30-40 years, wow yes-Freedom of Speech. Remember its not FRE-someone paid the ultimate price. Semper Fi
