Tuesday, February 23, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: We usually don't venture out too far past Olmito on the outskirts of Browntown, so we are always appreciative of some of our seven readers contributing news items from up county. We received this one that depicts the truck driven by Mario Saenz, the brother of Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz, parked across the voting polls in Santa Rosa on Monday.  The reader/contributor points out that there's two violations on the truck:
1.) The vehicle doesn't display the vehicle registration sticker as required by state law on the front windshield. 
2.) The Luis Saenz campaign sticker appears near the location where the License Plate should appear. Again, state law states that there should not be any sticker that would obscured from this vehicle from being identified. Other readers tell us that Mario has been campaigning in that truck at Cameron Park, , La Feria, and now at Santa Rosa on Monday.
At least one candidate associated with the Saenz campaign, Republican Sheriff candidate Victor Cortez, has as his slogan "No One is Above the Law." Or are they?
Saenz might do well to honor his own slogan "Respect Restored" by having his campaign vehicles in compliance with state law.)


Anonymous said...

Neither of these two responds to questions posted by the constituency, and both of them have done many wrongs to "We the people"

Anonymous said...

If Mario gets a ticket there is no worries his brother the DA Luis Saenz has it dismissed. OH my did I just say that out loud? Everyone knows DA Luis Saenz NEVER get any tickets, jail time or fines. Luis has always taken care of his family, but if you are not related to him, give him a piece of your ass, money, votes or get on your knees you will have the Law thrown at you with everything.

Anonymous said...

don't break the law and it wouldn't be a problem !!! RIGHT you are all crooks bola de MIERDA

Anonymous said...

Culos can't even pay to register a vehicle

Anonymous said...

I heard that vehicle was unregister able
Guess it was acquired by DA's office and given to Mario

Anonymous said...

I remember when in that same truck Mario would come and pick up our monthly contribution for his brother Luis letting us keep game rooms open in la feria and Santa Rosa.

Anonymous said...

Omg. When you decide to pick on a candidate you get annoying.

Anonymous said...

could it have been on the other side, It looks like they tried to not show the entire windshield.
The police department has access to be able to determine if a vehicle is registered or Not. I don't see the big deal. I will like to see at the entire windshield to ensure you are not dragging The current DA through the mud Just because you have some sort of beef with him.
That is so common in this town.

Anonymous said...

If it was registered and stickers are not on the vehicle it would be a warning.

Anonymous said...

Is this all you got MASSO !!!! You are a loser bro!!

Former county employee said...

Jesus Christ Montoya! Give it up! We know that you don't like Luis Saenz! Let it go! I guess Carlos Masso is on the up and up in this campaign? Take a look at his contribution report and see what's on the up and up? I dare you!

Anonymous said...

So, the person who wants to see the whole windshield to ensure that the stickers are not on the other side of the windshield must think the Saenz clan is to stupid to know that the stickers belong on the driver's side.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:12 easy to spew your garbage, takes cajones to do it in a way that is effective. You don't have any!

Anonymous said...

You are so full of shit...we are in Texas not Europe dipshit! Registration stickers go on the steering side but I guess this can be expected by a retard

Anonymous said...

Lol.. not really but stupid knows stupid. Lol

Anonymous said...

You people get such a high on calling people names, it's amusing

Anonymous said...

Cojones no cojones, calzones no calzones. Lol
