By Juan Montoya
The battle has been joined.
While Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz and his supporters claim that victims' rights under his tenure have been enhanced, here comes along a group calling itself the Victims United For Justice that gives lie to that claim.
The mailer pictured here has been sent countywide to voters to offset the billboards, campaign signs and newspaper ads of the Saenz campaign.
And sure enough, the response from the Saenz camp was not late in coming.
Perhaps the most damaging charges against Saenz was the somewhat lax prosecution of his political niece and nephew Victor and Kacie Garcia which the mailer claims were given a slap in the hand with probation after they had run over a victim and left him for dead on the freeway. (See graphic below under "Favoritism.")
In response, the siblings' mother – and Saenz's sister-in-l;aw, created a FB page (The Truth) to rebut the charges in the mailer. In it, Diana Gonzalez (related to former District Clerk Aurora De la Garza, nee Gonzalez) said the kids made "a mistake" and left the scene because they were "young and scared."
We have no idea who is putting out the mailer, but there is no mention of Saenz's challenger Carlos Masso in the mailer although Gonzalez calls them "mud slinging push cards that Masso sent out."
Unlike the mailer, which documents the cases it contains, Gonzalez makes no reference to documents that would associate it with Saenz's challenger.
I'm not a fan of dirty campaigns, but EVERY SINGLE word in that mail out is true. I don't understand how this man got elected in 2012.
Ms. Diana Gonzalez, Let's really set the record straight: No one blames the DA for your children's poor judgment of running down a pedestrian and fleeing without rendering aid, leaving the victim to possibly die. We, the people, Ms. Gonzalez, blame you entirely for your lack of teaching your children right from wrong and simple human decency. Had you done so, ma'am, they would not have had to make a "scared" decision that evening. They would have known instinctively the right thing to do.
We voters blame DA Saenz for failing to do the job we elected him to do, namely, keep us safe by prosecuting to the fullest extent of the law those who pose such danger to the rest of us as your son and daughter. His lack of prosecution has become more egregious because those who got away with this heinous crime is his very own niece and nephew.
For many more reasons than this case, Saenz is unfit to be our DA.
Victor Garcia was sooooo sorry that he went and got another dwi a few months later! Now they are looking for sympathy, well you can find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilllis!
Did the voters of cameron county forget about Operation ' 8 Ball '1991. Luis V Saenz was DA then and it was a DISASTER. This Guy got elected 14 years later as DA. But with George Delaunay and Leo Silva by his side he will screw up AGAIN!These Punks are as Crooked as they come. The FBI formed a Task Force to combat Public Corruption, guess who is under the MicroScope?
Has every one in cameron county forgotten about operation ' 8 Ball ' What a Disaster that was and this got Elected as cameron county DA again 14 years later. Well with George Delaunay and Leo Silva by his side he will screw up again.These Punks are nothing be Crooked COPS!
Diana Gonzalez, your related to the DA so you kids got a break!! Now let give Luis a BREAK, they gave Tony Yzaguirre one hour to vacate his office, We will give Luis till March 1, 2016 to vacate his office also and be happy, give your vote to MASSO next DA!!!
Have the voters of cameron county forgotten about Operation '8 Ball 1991' when luis v. saenz was DA. It was a DISASTER and then this guy runs for DA 14 years later and they voted for him. Well
Mrs. Diana, I respect your position as a mother and you defending your children. But the fact of the matter is that your children fucked up royally by leaving a man for dead. Then to add insult to injury, your son continued to drink and got another DWI. Your children are dangers to society and got slaps on the wrist because of our DA. Our DA persecutes people he doesn't like. He as accused and interrogated innocent people just to smear them to just name a few of his fuck ups. Saenz days as DA are numbered.
The organization that pushed out these cards consist of convicted felons and others with dark clouds over their heads! They won't come out publicly because then they will shoot their credibility down, big time! Saenz may not be the perfect choice BUT if you want another Armando Villalobos type of DA, then go ahead and vote for him. Then for the next four years, you will be complaining about the breaks that he gave for family members, donors of $10K, shyster lawyers and just plain old favors. Then again, I MIGHT be wrong but don't bet on it. Saenz might be surrounding himself with his ADA's and Investigators but he is at least trying to clean up this county by going after the corrupted elected officials and only because the FBI picked and chose who to arrest, Indict and prosecution.
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree I see. Diana you have some nerve. Maybe if you hadn't been in jail for drugs you could have done a better job with those thugs of yours. Come to think of it, don't you have a dwi too? Vieja sin verguenza, just shut your mouth instead of ridiculing yourself more.
Shut the fuck up! Another Villalobos type of DA?...Saenz learned under Villalobos ! Going after corrupted elected officials ? What about his sister in law Aurora ? Tony Martinez and his real estate deals? Dan Sanchez and Pete? How about he go after the cartel in our midst , United Brownsville ?
He was mixed up to his eyeballs with Villalobos, and came out untouched, I do not think Masso can touch him.
Masso was rejected once !! Get the hint voters will not vote for you !!! Loser you and your bff Sylvia will get justice soon !!
shave the stash
That does it, I am not voting for Louis Seanz.
Lol.. that does it, I'm not voting for Seanz... grow up, freak... you sound like a child.
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