We have received reports – unconfirmed by the the City of Brownsville administration – that City of Brownsville Building Department Director Evaristo Gamez has handed in his resignation.
Other sources say that Gamez had submitted his request for his retirement but that he was talked out of it until his replacement had been found and the mess inside the permits department had been straightened out.
Jaime Alberto Buentello, a Commercial Plans Examiner was charged with two felony and three misdemeanor charges.
Buentello was charged with bribery, a second-degree felony and Theft, a state jail felony. Other charges include two Class A misdemeanor charges of tampering with government documents, and abuse of official capacity .
Buentello turned himself himself in to face the charges. At least one – maybe two – applicants for the permits have said that part of the fees charged by Buentello was a $1,000 "consulting" fee to expedite the permit process.

In one case, we have learned that Gamez personally invited an applicant whose permit had been denied for at least three months and bought him dinner to see how he could help. Then, as if by a miracle, the long-south permit was issued to the applicant this Monday.

Apparently, the list has a good many names on it since Gamez and his staff were trying to whittle it down before too much time passes.
We first reported that Buentello was being investigated after an applicant complained that he had paid $3,500 for a commercial permit and still had been denied. This was followed by a second complaint where the applicant said he had paid him $2,500 for the permit and another $1,000 for "consulting" and seven months later no permit was forthcoming.
Doroteo G. you are next.
I hope these" thugs" get everything and more they deserve when the time comes. I agree, Doroteo will be next. Shame on the City of Brownsville for allowing this to happen and turn a blind eye for so long.
Yes he is, just wait and see
It is well known how difficult was to get an approval from Gamez, people had the impression of the Building Department as if their real function was to obstruct new business. Ramiro Gonzales you are next pinche marrano.
Ayy please. Evaristo didn't quit.
Whatever happened to Dolores Zarate. Did she leave Sergio and take up with Capt. Bob Sanchez, as goes the rumor in our streets?
Calmate! He doesnt even work in building
Ramiro is a rattttt
So here we go again, and again, and again. The city manager (Cabler) is making how much? 200k plus. Too much is you ask me. All the willing and dealing that happens under his watch and he gets a raise. Not to mention the Tony "The Brownsville Trump" Martinez using our taxes to buy 200 year old building as pay back to his cronies. Now this imbecile is getting out with all the benefits and moving on. All total scam and they get away with it.....city commissioners WAKE UP!!!
If you apply for any department head position, make sure you are a willing rat. Heads up on the Fire department position.
I personally know Mr. Gamez and he is a hard working, honest and dedicated employee. Mr. Gamez has no control when an employee decides to take bribes, and that goes to any organization, there are acts and there are consequences. This employee got caught,arrested and fired. This types of behavior has happened in other city departments but other directors are never blamed, so why blame Gamez on this one? In past years, numerous employees got caught committing fraud, theft and other wrongdoings but the directors were never blamed, so why put the blame on Gamez on this one? Totally unfair, hope that this rumor about him resigning is false, he is a good honest man and doesn't deserve all this unfairness.
Te aventaste Juanito
Exposing these crooked rats
Siguele escarvando Juan
Chingalos a todos
Bet you the Herald would of never exposed these hoodlums.
Thank God for the rrun rrun and it's 7 readers
Gámez was\is the biggest a$$hole ever.
Gamez is a pendejo that would love to run interference on permits. Instead of facilitating business he would stifle it......but thee is a bigger pendejo in that department. Leo Garza.....he use to be Gamez's boss at permitting department but left to work at BISD for his old boss and permitting department head Oscar Tapia. Tapia left BISD and Leo Garza came back to the city. The guy is a world class asshole just like Gamez. They are not people people and do not have a clue on how to run a department, much less treat the people who pay their salaries. Get rid of all the old relics that are infected with this type of cancer. Hire qualified customer friendly progressive people Cabler.
Juan, you always have stories that are important to the citizens of this city. You expose corruption, and because of that, things like this happen....the permitting department is going to get cleaned up once and for all.
While the blimp keeps putting out worthless stories about his illnesses, or how he is going to not pay the poor contractors he hired or crush he has on Mike Hernandez and Carlos Marin......you Juan, area a true freind to Brownsville.....as for the blimp......keep writing your none sense blimp. You are the joke of Brownsville.
Too bad there isn't an award for blog journalists but there's pseudo-awards for newspapers like the Brownsville Herald. Blame is everywhere and the more expose the better for Brownsville.
The last sentence is key here, " Hire qualidied customer friendly progressive people." This is what Brownsville needs in order to prosper. I was so disappointed in my city government when I went
to gey my buiding permit.
There were people I dealt with that had no idea what customer service is.
So sad!
As always el rrun rrun is the only real source for news
juan sigule escarvando hasta que llegues que el RATA mayor es CABLER todos los moches van a el. checate todas las orden de compras de 35000 dlls que no van a la comision muchas se las dan a un luis torres hermano de santana torres director de public works y amigo de roberto luna y compadre de rick longoria y longoria matador de carlos marin como ves hay una purdicion en la cuidad de brownsville. los federales tienen que entrar.
I wonder if the blimp got a permit for the remodeling he is doing at his beloved bungalow of love?
I been a builder for many years this click needs to get out.
Evaristo Gamez and Leo Garza out !!
Bullshit I've personally delt with him when he was an inspector he made up road blocks so I couldn't open up a business in a certain location .,he doesn't fly straight
Oh yes now all of a sudden people are speaking out about everything that is wrong with the permits dept. And lash out at the personnel that works there but nobody had the balls to say anything before. I'd say the assholes and "pendejos" are the ones who didn't speak out before this all came out and let it go on for so long without doing anything. Especially the so called "builders for so many many years"!
When you follow set rules and guidelines when getting building permits, there are no problems. The problems arise when citizens don't want to follow the building codes and want shortcuts. Gamez is just doing his job, quit pointing the finger at him for doing his job. Adelante Gamez, hope you don't leave the city, you are doing just fine. As far as employees taking bribes, that's a problem everywhere, city, county state, federal. Accountability starts with the person committing the crime,don't blame their supervisors or managers for something they have no control.
Next stop the Brownsville airport and the double dealing Larry Brown, who has lost money for years.
What school of management did you come from? Supervisors are responsible for overseeing job performance and behavior of their employees. If the employees are not performing to standard and the supervisor does nothing about it, the supervisor is equally at fault.
Better late than never. Maybe people did complain, but nothing was ever done about it.
I wish your mother would have spit instead of split.
Anonymous at 8:53 a.m........"the joke of Brownsville " appears to be you, with your non-existent spelling ability . Also, why go to Bobby's blog if it bothers you so much?
Following a set of rules is not a problem...you are right, but when the rules are changed time and time again while going through the permitting process, there lies the problem, and Gamez is the one running the asylum. Leo Garza is worse, so he is not the answer, we have been that road before. Leo Garza should have never been hired back.
One simple thing that Gamez should have implemented, and it was brought to his attention many times, is to have the inspector assigned to a permit, remain the inspector for said permit, not have a different inspector go reinspect a red tag. The problem an inspector is fixed by applicant, and a different inspector brings up something else the first inspector saw fine! It happens daily! Another thing is to stream line the plan inspection process like other cities....have plan reviews together...health, city permitting and PUB....not send it to each department and waste weeks for them to get it back...and if there is a change needed , have the applicant turn them in and review them right away...not weeks like is being done today. A review of plans should be done twice a week to speed up the approvals and get business people the hand they need to open their businesses.
City needs to also update the permitting ordinances...the same restrictions for an Olive Garden for example, is required for a snow one stand....that is ridiculous and puts a big burned on small businesses. Gamez could have had the ordinances updated. All he had to do is copy Mcallen and San Antonio...they follow the same ones....Brownsville has three times the number of ordinances because they are not updated and remove the obsolete ones.
So please do not come here and defend Mr. Gamez.....he has done a lot of harm to this community...and he has collected a pay he does not deserve......and he has no remorse for the business people he has turned away from Brownsville to other cities.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh yes now all of a sudden people are speaking out about everything that is wrong with the permits dept. And lash out at the personnel that works there but nobody had the balls to say anything before. I'd say the assholes and "pendejos" are the ones who didn't speak out before this all came out and let it go on for so long without doing anything. the so called "builders for so many many years"!
FYI,PEDEJO !!! WE THE BUIDERERS did complain, but nothing was ever done about it. YOU ANONYMOUS ASSHOLE !!
But he was the one drawing the plans, Evaristo Gamez knew everything, they need to investigate his whole office including Leo Garza, Norman Castaneda, Omar, etc, they all are crooked.
Exactly, if he did all wheeling and dealing why is it that he gets to keep his tenure money, it's against the law everything he did
Apparently you never worked under him and I don't mean as a fried, how little you know.
Oh yea don't forget the young dude RAMIRO ?
I am not a builder, but I complained. I finally got my permit, but damn, they made it hard for me. Buente
Gamez has more lives that the 9 given to cats, probably wont leave or get fired, anyway the culprit has been found and charged already, so back to business as usual, Sk
Gamez is the one who taught all of his inspectors on taking bribes. He took many a bribe for permits.
Very Well stated!!!!
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