The spokesperson for Mike Hernandez III's OP 10.33 messianic group may claim it's not supporting any candidates in the Texas Southmost College race, but at least one prominent political observer isn't so easy to convince.

Pizaña is running against Herrera for the position left vacant by Kiko Rendon.
Trustee Art Rendon is said to be pushing Pizaña – a family friend – against Herrera, with whom he served at the Brownsville Housing Authority.
"The people at OP 10.33 said they weren't backing any candidates in the TSC race, but including Pizaña's literature along with Rivera's and Villanueva's doesn't make their story plausible," said an Herrera backer. "This is about par for the course for these people. They say they won't say anything until they are ready to announce something and expect us to just wait around for their pronouncements."
Pizaña, who graduated from law school in 2013, had been a frequent visitor at the OP 10.33 headquarters on Boca Chica and was said to have been encouraged to run – as was Beatriz Hockaday, an office staffer – by Hernandez during a pep talk on civil engagement.
Yet, when the group found out that Hockaday had picked to challenge Trey Mendez, they paid their tribute of contriteness by making a monetary donation to Mendez instead of Hockaday.
Hernandez is listed on Mendez campaign reports as having donated $2,500 and job developer (and Ambiotec owner and United Brownsville architect) Carlos Marin an additional $1,000.
Knopp told Herrera that the campaign workers – paid by contributions from Hernandez and other OP 10.33 supporters – had included propaganda on Pizaña at every doorstep they visited.
"If OP 10.33 isn't supporting anyone in the college races, why are their workers passing out Pizaña literature?," asked the same supporter. "It seems like the same double talk they had before."
Who is Raul Ramos?
Only in Brownsville and Cameron County can you find "corrupt" organizations trying to end "corruption" in government. If, as Dr. Tony Zavaletta says, "corruption is a part of the Mexican culture" then we have Hispanic members of one group pretending to fight corruption against other Hispanics. Is a Hispanic candidate with an Anglo campaign treasurer any less corrupt???????
FWIW, Friday afternoon, about 2:00 PM, dogs suddenly started barking. Went to the door, found the following pamphlets stuffed - Pizaña, Villanueva, and Rivera. Who said they weren't running as an OP 10.33 team. Their propaganda crap promptly went into the shredder. But be forewarned, they are trying to get out their vote.
OP1033 Otra Pendejada
These robber barons are the largest scale con artists yet to hit this territory. A used car salesman from Dallas funding a bunch of politiqueras and pliant candidates to take over public offices that can later deliver public assets for his cronies. We see what is going on here and we're not buying it.
I will not even consider a candidate backed by OP. The money they bragged about spending to make brownsville better is in the form of buy offs to canadates who are easily bought for cheap.
Oh yes, because what we have is so great!
That deadbeat is on his way out. I wonder who he will scam now.
Talking about Scam, the men running the Brownsville Police Academy are doing one of the worse scams ever. Juanito, please run a story about how they are stealing money, they charge $3,000 for the academy, but at any time the cadet lowers average below 80%, they are kicked out with no refund. The nursing program has something similar but they at least allow the student continue with the course she/he paid for.
Not in the police academy, they kick you out on 1st, 2nd. 3rd, or week 14th. With no refund. So if student does bad on a exam lowers average to 79% they are kicked out. Juan, this is happening to too many young men and women who sacrifice $3,000 and get nothing in return. I think this is a good story for runn runn. I would understand if they refunded the money, or make them retake course, but to take the payment for entire course and get kicked out without out a chance to learn or participate in the course that was paid for is wrong in my book.
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