Sunday, April 10, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: Flush from his brother's successful reelection bid for the Democratic party nomination for the November general election, Mario Saenz, Luiis V.'s bro, has decided to throw in his hand as a full-time politiquero in other races. Not long ago he posted that he is now one of Estela Chavez-Vasquez for Cameron County Court-at-Law #5 in the runoff between her and Jesus "Chuy" Garcia. The Luis V. Saenz look alike (it's not Luis in the photo above) informs his friends that he will be in full campaign mode for Estela. It's too early to know whether Saenz's endorsement will resonate with voters since they may think twice about voting for a candidate to a judgeship that will be beholden to the brother of the county prosecutor. If you were a lawyer or litigant against the DA, would you feel comfortable having her make decisions against his brother's endorsed candidate for that court? Could it be that in their zeal to cash in on his imagined political clout someone didn't think this through?)

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Anonymous said...

Chuy has my vote, my neighbor's vote, and my my friend's vote, because we despise the Changa traicionera!

Anonymous said...

Chuy Garcia Chuy Garcia Chuy Garcia the only choice

Anonymous said...

That lady is a quitter and a backstabber. Chuy has my vote.

Anonymous said...

My vote is for Chuy Garcia

Anonymous said...

Cortate esos bigotes mario, pareces un rediculo!

Anonymous said...

No matter how hard I try to like Saenz it seems he does stuff that is upsetting. Now he's backing her over Chuey? I'll tell you one thing, she's not the right choice and this I could have said before I realized Saenz was for her. Yeah his brother is taking the credit but obviously he's for her as well. Chuey Garcia cares truly cares about the people. Moreso he has experience with people with disabilities. I'm a Republican but I will vote Democrat on this one. Chuey all the way!

Anonymous said...

We all know that this guy does not make a move without having his brothers blessing, so technically Luis V. Saenz is supporting and endorsing Estela, but of course he has to get his look alike to do it because the DA cannot openly do it. I voted for Mr Saenz, not because of his brother but because of him and what he has brought to the DA's office, but I will NOT vote for her of he's trying to bring her in as a Judge. He forgot about LINCOLN PARK

Anonymous said...

Typical Mexican move by a Mexican. No mystery here, Juan.

Anonymous said...

I voted Noe Robles based on the experience he had over both of these two individuals, he's out now but i will still consider experience over popularity.

Anonymous said...

Chuy Garcia has the support of the people, he is the best choice

Anonymous said...

Chuy is qualified and honest...
Estela ?

Anonymous said...

Agree CHUY GARCIA is the one, he has legal experience.

Anonymous said...

If chuy had the support of the people he would have won ! He has the support of the corrupts in this county like Sylvia the perra Joe the woman handler and other low life's so for that reason I'm voting for Estela

Anonymous said...

That's right a quitter //

Anonymous said...

I smell favors down the road!

A smart voter in CC said...

Sorry Mario, you carry no weight in this election! No way would I vote for a spoiled little rich lawyer WHO doesn't even represent anyone in court or much less argue a proceeding in the past ten years. Her doctor husband has enough money that she does not have to work and only wants the bench for looks and title.

Anonymous said...

Luis Saenz is upset at Sylvia Garza Perez for doing exactly what he is doing. They are both backing up candidates in hopes of getting their own people in to control them.

Estela Chavez and Luis Saenz will be a terrible injustice for the people of Cameron County. He will intimidate her to rule in his favor every time. Luis Saenz along with his brother Mario are BULLY'S. They both use their position to scare voters to vote how they tell them. As Mario says "We won't forget".

Anonymous said...

You can cry all you want but this is a Saenz County . You're right We won't forget .. Aribba Con Estela !!

Anonymous said...

50%of the county voters against Luis Saenz. I wouldn't be bragging about it Mario Saenz. He didn't win by a landslide he barely won. Luis Saenz will go down as the most arrogant DA in Cameron County History. Not because his is tough on crime but because he chooses favorites and is vindictive.

His time will come to be indicted. Just watch.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Estela, no way to chuy, Estela =Humble. Chuy = brassy ,and unpolished. So that is that.

Anonymous said...

Quit crying Sylvia you lost bitch you cant have your cake and eat it too chuy is a kiss ass like you fat cow

don pedro domeque said...

arriba estela de quen? woman on top? no pos wow. im going with chuey don't like those saenz guys anyway way

Anonymous said...

The phrase is, " You can't eat your cake, and have it too." Obviously if you eat a cake, you won't have it anymore, but as you phrased it, if you have a cake you can eat it. I believe what you are trying to say is that it is impossible to have something both ways, especially if those two ways conflict with one another.

Anonymous said...

Obviously Estela is not humble, just because it reads "from humble beginings" on her push card does not mean she is. If you want to talk about someone being brassy that again would be Estela, pushy, blatant and shameless. And as far as unpolished goes,have u even heard them speak! It takes just a few minutes of listening to both of them speak to realize who is unpolished, can't even understand a world she says!

Anonymous said...

Get your ass to work Sylvia
