(Ed.'s Note: Too bad Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump cancelled their debate. With their accents they could have opened the event with a duet of "If I Were a Rich Man" from Fiddler on the Roof. Somehow, it just seems to fit.) Special to El Rrun-Rrun SANDERS: If I were a rich man... TRUMP: I am a rich man, believe me , I am. a. rich. man. SANDERS: Yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dub I'd build a big tall house with rooms by the dozen Right in the middle of town TRUMP: Already did that. It's called TRUMP TOWER. You may have seen it. Can't miss it. Gold. Gaudy. Gorgeous. SANDERS: I'd fill my yard with chicks and turkeys and geese and ducks TRUMP: They're called casino customers, and let's keep them inside SANDERS: With each loud "cheep squawk honk quack" Would land like a trumpet on the ear... TRUMP: Ah, Trump- et that a beautiful sound? SANDERS: If I were a biddy biddy rich, Idle-diddle-daidle-daidle man, I'd see my wife, my Golde, looking like a rich man's wife TRUMP: You are so right, you are so right. Yes it's my golde, except her name is Melania, and yes she looks like a rich man's wife because she looks like a supermodel, because, well, she is a supermodel, a super , super hot supermodel. Almost as hot as my daughter. SANDERS: The most important men in town would come to fawn on me They would ask me to advise them And it won't make one bit of difference if I answer right or wrong When you're rich, they think you already know! TRUMP: Bernie, Bernie, Bernie, I mean Tevye, Tevye, Tevye, that's my campaign plan, you'll have to get your own. TOGETHER: Lord made the lion and the lamb, You decreed I should be what I am. Would it spoil some vast eternal plan, If I were a wealthy man? |
Juan, Juan, juan, what do locals know about being rich? Shit, for them a loaf of free government cheese is the dream of a lifetime. Stick to local issues and, while you're at it, give us one of your biting, totally crippling attacks on that homo sapien, Da Blimp!!!
Bernie, like Hillary, are Socialists and history has proved that socialism only works for the "elite" in that society. Americans these days seek immediate gratification to all their issues...don't like to wait in lines (except to see concerts of by a new iPhone). Bernie and Hillary claim to be able to give people whatever they need; FREE SHIT. That's a big seller among the immature, lazy, and ignorant of this nation. SAY NO TO HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How about an article on one person's journey through the food stamps pipeline. Jim Barton, Jr., AKA Diego Lee Rot, would be perfect. Hang with him and watch him grovel before the clerk at the government office and then follow him to unemployment office, where he will say he's broke 'cause there's no money in blogging and, finally, to the grocery story, where you'll see him pack those fat Earl Campbell sausages like the world ends tomorrow for that weekend grilling at his dad's trailer home. With accompanying photos, of course.
Global warming is killing us. Browntown is getting hotter, man! Don't you feel it, Juan? My beans in that clay pot are on fire! hijole!!!!
Crazy shit keeps coming. Edit the coments, Juan. stick to topic!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately no one down here knows about "Fiddler on the Roof"; they only know about "Fingering in the Back Seat".
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