Wednesday, May 18, 2016


By Juan Montoya
We have not made it a secret that we don't believe that Cameron County Court-at-Law Estela Chavez-Vasquez has any business running for a judicial position.
 The majority of the Cameron County Bar seems to have little respect for her legal abilities, and just about everyone you ask says she has scant experience in trying a case.
But she does have the support of paid politiquero Mario Saenz (and the brother of Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz) and did business with former Los Fresnos Police Chief Johnny Cavazos.
 We've looked at the finance report of her and her opponent in the runoff Jesus "Chuy" Garcia and it speaks volumes of who is behind Estela. This candidate has reported that she raised $5,755 spent $47,074 during the reporting period from February to May 4, while Garcia reported that he received $9,705 and $7,513.
She and her husband have also loaned her campaign a total of $55,000.
But while Garcia's contributions come mainly from other attorneys, Chavez-Vasquez lists Cynthia Hinojos as her main donor with a $1,000 contribution. Hinojosa's address is listed as 504 E. St. Francis, the address of the Gilbert Hinojosa Law Firm.
Hinojosa, by the way, id the chairman of the Texas Democratic Party. His wife Cindy is the chair of the Cameron County Democratic Women. A few other attorneys pitched in to help Estela such as Erin Gamez, Ernesto Gamez's daughter, also an attorney. Another attorney was Maria Linda Gonzalez ($1,000) and Fred Kowalksi ($500).
A recipient of a $1,414 payment from the Chavez-Vasquez campaign was none other than former Los Fresnos Police Chief and former Cameron County Emergency Management director Cavazos. You remember Cavazos, he was perpetually dressed in the starched George Strait cowboy shirts and creased blue jeans. A lawmen's lawman, that one.
But it's the appearance of Mario Saenz as a block walker, advertiser and contract labor that is noteworthy. Mario Saenz is the brother of DA Luis Saenz and Estela is obviously counting on the winning DA's support to get her over the hump with Chuy.
But being indebted to the DA for getting elected would make her be somewhat compromised to Luis in cases before her court.
A we have said before, while she was on the City of Brownsville Commission, Estela demonstrated a subservience to her master Tony Martinez and went along with just about every effort he made to turn over the assets of the city to the UT System. The propsed giveaway of Lincoln Park, the purchase of the Casa del Nylon for $2.3 million, and the continued subsidizing of the United Brownsville shadow government were alright with her and she voted with Tony. Independence of though was never her forte.  
We can only voice our opinion on the subject, but the responses by Estela to softball questions given to the candidates in advance by the Cameron County Democratic Party in a recent forum says it all.
Where Garcia delivered his piece from his head and without written notes, Estela stumbled over her delivery and had to consult her notes to answer the question "spontaneously."
We surreptitiously downloaded the video above from Garcia's FB page where you can see it if you wish. Hopefully, we won't get sued as seems to be the vogue with local attorneys.
See for yourself and you be the judge.


Anonymous said...

She did not have a clue while she was a City Commissioner, didn't even realize when she moved to Los Fresnos that she could no longer be a Brownsville City Commissioner till it was found out and she was confronted before she resigned. And she has no clue about the position of Judge. She needs education, but not on the taxpayer's dollar.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious she herself states in her closing, "If your tired of the compadrismo, if your tired of the kickbacks, because I know I am..." ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?! How is paying an elected officials brother to help you on your campaign, not a "kickback" does she not know what that means? How is that NOT compadrismo?? I say if you have to pay someone to "support" your campaign, as Mario Saenz so proudly boasts on his Facebook page, its not really support, I think it's more of a job now! Its Mario's job to support Estela because she is his EMPLOYER now...that is just SAD! In the primaries I voted for Noe Robles because out of the 3 he was the most experienced, and was debating about voting for Estela this time around only because him and his brother, Jose Trevino, are supporting her, but come to find out she's paying Jose Trevino too!!!! Sucks that she has people supporting her because of her money and not her experience!

Anonymous said...

Scream all you want , at least she doesn't have suspicious or convicted felons on her team.

Proud Liberal said...


Anonymous said...

This video is great to show just who the candidates are. If every person who votes in this race watched the video, I'm not even sure that Estella's husband would vote for her.

Anonymous said...

Scream all you want ,but Estela will win.

Anonymous said...

It seems Estela la change Vasquez had the question ahead of time....she read her answer! ....and she still fucked it up! Im voting for the vato.

Anonymous said...

She voted to give away Lincoln Park. That is all I need to know. I voted for Chuy Garcia the first day of early voting!

Anonymous said...

And as a woman, I know there are going to be a lot of ignorant low information women voters that will vote for her based on tbe fact she is a woman with a Spanish surname. These type of women are the ones that make the rest of us look bad. If you care anything about competent fair judges in
our Cameron County Court System, VOTE for CHUY GARCIA for County Court at Law No. 5! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

You might want to ask an experienced candidate like Noe Robles, who he is supporting. It might be a surprise to you.... Not all that glitters is gold. Estela is down to earth and does suffer from illusions of grandeur.

Anonymous said...

Can you please post the link to the video?

Anonymous said...

All it takes is a two minute conversation with Estela Vasquez to know that she is not qualified to be a judge anywhere! Mario Saenz who is out parading her every where claiming he believes her to be the best qualified candidate is actually being PAID to support her and you can check that on her campaign report! Mario Saenz doesn't think she's the better candidate, she is just the only candidate that would pay him $1000 to go out and spread paid support! Estela is nothing but smoke and mirrors! Mario's paid support is what she thinks will win her this race, but her own ignorance and inexperience will cost her this race. Why has she spent so much money on a county court race? What can she do for the citizens of our county better than her opponent who has lots more legal experience than her. She failed Brownsville as a Commissioner, and has not gained the experience needed to become a judge which i also believe if she were to win she would fail our county. She has a proven track record of making decisions that go against what the citizens want and what is right for the city, what makes her decision making abilities any better now? She's clearly buying this election with her photo shopped face plastered all over the county! i would be scared for any citizen to stand before her as a judge because they better hope she has attended the conference regarding how to run a courtroom before they stand there! ANYONE who openly admits she is not qualified to run a courtroom surely does not deserve my vote or the vote of anyone else. The county and state need to come up with minimum requirements other than just being a licensed attorney for a few years in order to run for judge to keep jokes like her out of serious positions.

Anonymous said...

Oh poor Estella, you have gone and paid Mario Saenz $1000 to block walk and campaign for you and little do you know what he really thinks and says about you. If you only knew what is said behind closed doors. Thats what happens when you pay people to support you out in public, the glass house falls.

Proud Liberal said...

HERE is the direct link to the video.


Anonymous said...

(hat makes her decision making abilities any better now? She's clearly buying this election with her photo shopped face)

What? You do know that nobody, and I mean nobody is reading that, don't you?

Anonymous said...

I am so sick and tired of this election ! My boss keeps telling me to vote for chuy and for Trevino not just me but the whole staff we just agree but what she does not know won't hurt her because we are NOT helping her with her friends we just say sure Sylvia sure ha ha payback

Anonymous said...

All this boasting about his so called experience,while working with the now imprisoned Armando Villalobos. Why does need never mention that. Chuy all but walks on water. I went to that so called debate Garcia had the nerve to say he was a better lawyer than Noe Robles. Garcia was in preparation K, or possibly not even born yet when Robles was practicing law and getting written up in law journals. My vote and that of all my friends and family is going to the lady. Peace Out.

Anonymous said...

So you are going to say Garcia is no good because he worked under Villalobos as did hundreds of attorneys? I guess they are all bad in your world? Just because you have a boss thats a crook doesn't mean you are especially in this situation. And I was at the same debate and at no time did Garcia say he was better than Robles! You and your family and friends are wasting your votes on a woman who is paying $1000 to people to support her in public and to say they believe she is the right candidate for the job! If you had to pay each person 1,000 to support you then I would say they do not support you. In fact all those that she is paying support her in public but behind closed doors talk about how incompetent she is in the legal field, they even joke about her and all her money trying to by the race. They don't care who wins cause they pocketed her money, they laugh saying they would even endorse a monkey for that kind of cash!
if you want to pick at Garcia and the many assistant district attorneys that work under him well Luis Saenz was one of Armando Villalobos's special prosecutors that made tons of money from his relationship with Armando and he is backing Estela so by your own account sir, you just eliminated Estela as a choice! You need to think before you speak! its amazing that you sat at the debate and heard Estela herself say she needs to attend seminars to learn how the courtroom works and runs and yet you still think she is qualified to become a judge?! Wow, maybe you should be on her payroll too!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous said "May 20, 2016 at 3:37 p.m." I was in both debates, this Garcia guy never once said he is better than Mr. Robles, in the 1st debate he said that Mr. Robles had not yet beat him in trial, that does not mean he's better, that just means he knew how to defend that particular case against Mr. Robles. Also, if you and Mr. Robles' family knew the things that Mrs. Chavez Vasquez has said about Mr. Robles, I doubt that they would all be getting together to vote for her! I voted for Mr. Robles in the primary, because he did have overall, the most experience out of all of them, he was a judge many years ago, but also like Mrs. Chavez Vasquez, quit while he was on the bench. Mrs. Chavez Vasquez quit as a city commissioner and now wants the chance at the bench again....sorry, not this time.

Anonymous said...

Enough of bashing Noe Robles and Estela, IT'S OVER. SHE WON.

Anonymous said...

Her "WINNING" does not stop the educated voters like us to to stop bashing her and/or any incompetent person!!! Noe Robles was a good candidate and a good option, I voted for him, but this chick, I don't think so!
