By Juan Montoya
The ad run Sunday by Dan Sanchez in local newspapers – one of the candidates in the runoff for the Democratic Party nomination for Cameron County Judge – caught most political watchers by surprise.
Sanchez also did a mass mailout of the same ad.

The Treviño ad depicted Sanchez as he slept in a Cameron County courtroom awaiting a decision in a case.
Ruben O'Bell, administrative Assistant to State Rep. Eddie Lucio III (Yes, there were three of them!), is a frequent bible thumper on his FB page and probably resents that someone else is using the mantle of holiness in politics as he has done so often.
That O'Bell would chide Sanchez for doing the same would seem to indicate that he thinks he has a monopoly on the Good Word.
We've all heard of the saying that some people think they are holier than the pope. Well, O'Bell fits this description to a "T."
What O'Bell doesn't say is that he and his boss E3 are firmly in Treviño's camp. They are also paid "consultants, advisers?" to Mike Hernandez's OP 10.33 group that tried to take over the Port of Brownsville.
We understand that they also drive cars in Hernandez's car-lease fleet.
Now that we know O'Bell is carrying water for E3, OP 10.33 and now Treviño, we wonder whether these fine gents are using a public office for purely partisan political motives.

The case of the Casa Nylon purchase from is buddy Abraham del Galonsky for $2.3 million in public funds and his attempt to "convey" Lincoln Park to the UT System for a fraction of its appraised value are but two instances of his largess at the expense of the public.
And when E3 continuously states that he is "humbled" by the voters being swayed his family's influence convincing voters to put him back in office, it smacks a little of false piety.
Now, the fact that O'Bell cites Jesus frequently on his Facebook page and even posed photo of him with a Savior look alike at Cowboy stadium (see graphic at left) would convince many that he has friends in high places.
If patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, claiming religious correctness on O'Bell's part and chiding someone else for quoting the Good Book smacks of false self-righteousness for political gain on his part.
Nevermind that shit, Juan. What does the city;s other Sanchez, Capt. Mongo Sanchez, think about all this. He's the pulse and flatulence of the city, isn't he?
Yes, it’s a godawful mess. And our moronic electorate has helped make it all possible. If I believed in god I’d say a prayer…or a thousand.
Politicians are quick to spew out separation of stat3e babble when convenient, and then throw out a Lord here and an amen there when convenient as well. Hypocrites, it is clear to me.
Don't listen to them Ruben. You are a good man and they are just jealous of you because you are successful and you smell like menudo. HURRYYY!
The fruit does not fall far from the tree. Anyone who sells his public positionand trust for personal gain against the people that elects them should be outed. Mike Hernandez can buy the Lucio's, but citizens should note and vote them out. Now is the time for new candidates to plan to run against these type of self serving individuals in office. We need a Trey Mendez to run against these individuals who sell themselves. Basta!
who cares about this stupid guy? give us some juicy stories, Juan! no mames!
you are losing your touch, vato loco!
Please shut up Mr. Ahumada, you are the last one to talk. You seemed out the Lucio's help many times when no one would listen to you. Ruben O'Bell was a freind to you, he gave you the time of day when everyone runs from you....and now you talk trash about him and his boss. You sir, are scum.
"My God is my shepherd, and I shall not want. Other than that, I'd still like to be mayor. Hey, Ahuuuuuuuuumada, shut up!"
Capt. Mongo Sanchez
I know several people who have deleted and blocked Ruben O Bell from Facebook because he can't practice what he preaches. Not only is he a an unsavory character but also a hypocrite.
Today, I was stopped by a neighbor who wanted to talk about the owners of our apartment complex. She said in a disparaging tone, “They’re Mexicans, aren’t they?” I told her I had no way of knowing their background, nor did I need to. All I care about is their apartment policies, which are troubling. She then let me have it about why am I “so hung up about immigrants,” and I explained that immigration has nothing to do with the policies we were discussing. I told her this attitude was why I avoid her these days, and she lit into me. I tried to get into my car quickly, as she yelled out her window, “What do you have against White people?” (I am White, which she knows). I got in my car, and she continued to shout at me, and then pulled her car behind mine and blocked me for a few seconds. The person I confided in pretty much told me that I brought this on myself, because you should never “confront” a prejudiced person.
Why is Dan Sanchez so upset by a "fat" joke, or even a comment that he is fat. Dan Sanchez is an obese man who is in that position because of his inability to manage his intake. He is a gluton and his weight is a sign that he is self-serving. He is not one who shares anything...and is a power monger. I am amazed that so many bright officials are voting for him.....he is a fat slob.
da devil can quote scripture
MONTOYA "y Tony Izaguirre APA?
Nobody gives a shit about any of this. The crooks will so as they please. This is Mexico, isn't it?
Nothing would give me more hope for the future of Cameron County than to have the Lucios out of public office, Oliveira too. We are overdue for change, a positive change.
"The fruit does not fall far from the tree."
LOL! Ruben O'Bell's dad is a crazy nut!
Ruben is a good person. He is a God fearing man.
Let the man without sin throw stones. God bless you.
Se llamo Ruben Blue Bell.
It's "glutton" puto! For someone that is so knowledgeable, you display an immense lack of intelligence.
I agree with Pat Ahumada. Ruben moO Bell is a friend to no one other than himself. Pat Ahumada on the other hand is Man's best friend.
Hmmm. Maybe a little scripture wouldn't hurt since local politics is so devoid of anything close to being moral or ethical. Hey a little religiosity. might just be what this place needs!
First of all my comments are misinterpreted and they by no means directed at Ruben at all. I have nothing against Ruben or him quoting scripture. I trust and believe Ruben and I apologize if I offended him. I am troubled by Lucio hiring himself as a consultant to Mike Hdz. I find this unacceptable to work against his constituents by pushing special interest greed and control in our local government. Lucio is suppose to protect us from people with an agenda to undermine Democray
You attack Ruben non the less Pat. He is part of the Lucio machine. if you attack one you attack the other....don't you get it, menso?
Siempre la cagas Patricio. Asi como chingaste a tu hermano sin verguenza. deberias estar tras las rejas.
To follow up, when one makes a mistake, the person should admit and apologize, which I will do here publicly. I spoke out of turn regarding Eddie III and I apologize to Eddie and his family. Eddie has the right to hire himself as a consultant, although I would not have done this, but he does have that right and I should not begrudge him from making a living. I personally said no to Mike when he wanted to hire me as consultant. I did a lot of free work believing Mike Hernandez had good intentions for our community, but it is now apparent that he wants to elect people to public position in order to control our form of government. Mike has formed an alliance with Carlos Marin, which does not bode well for us. I believe Carlos Marin has done a lot of hurt to our city and has scammed us out of millions of dollars and found it hard to accept that Eddie would be taken in by this group of special interest that is working to undermine our form of government. It is because of this, that I am very disgusted and frustrated with the way things are at the city and the type of people we are electing. This frustration led me to speak unfairly and judge Eddie Lucio in a bad way and for that I apologize. In spite of differences on issues that happens from time to time, I have always supported the Lucio's and have always found them to be nice people. It is really up to us, the people to stand up and vote against special interest, like Eddie Trevino who Mike Hernandez and Carlos Marin want to see elected. Again, my public apology for letting my frustration get to me. Thank you.
Ring any bells?
In times like this, we need Maclovio O'malley(the voice of reason).He speaks the true-true, and knows exactly what God is thinking. Maclovio assemble your team( Orca, Lobo and every stripper you can get your hands on) and save us from corrupt politicians. Nobody has put more politicos in jail like your radio show did. We love you!!! Call me 867-5309
Shut the fuck up Valadez ! Your constant attacks on Pat are annoying and, coming from you, ring hollow.Pat's mistake was helping you avoid jail time, menso.
Shut up Duardo.....vato Bofo!
O'Bell, you should be reading scripture! Since you work for a crook!
i hope he doesn't drive a fleet car from Mike Hernandez. If he does, he has pretty shitty cars! O'Bell drives an old truck!
You got this from Dear Abby this past week, except it was not a Mexican, it was a Muslim. You're so UNorginal. Hahaha
Oh dear Lord! Juan, are you playing with an experimental cross feed from Facebook?
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