Monday, May 23, 2016


By Jim Barton
All Laguna Vista resident Ed Rivera has to do is find a girlfriend within the boundaries of theBrownsville Independent School District and he's good to go on Mike Hernandez III's 2016 BISD slate to remove poverty from the city by 2033. 
As we all know, several thousand BISD students take a bus downtown each day to return to their homes in Matamoros, Mexico, all with BISD addresses in their paperwork.

It's not too big of a stretch to call Ed Rivera, "Brownsville's Biggest Loser," as blogger Bobby Wightman-Cervantes did, just a few days ago.(We had that designation in our notes, but BWC is just a bit quicker on the trigger.) 

 Consider this, Rivera, a Harvard grad with a splendid resume', relinquished his spot as a Texas Southmost College trustee, to run for one, then another position on the Brownsville Navigation District, but lost that race by a wide margin despite heavy financing from Dallas car salesman Mike Hernandez III.

 He also found his brief service on the Brownsville/South Padre Island Airport Advisory Committee a bit too cumbersome, relinquishing that post.Ed, the frequent flier and world traveler in his business, called in jet-lagged for his final meeting representing the kids of TSC. Perhaps, "ass-whipped" would have been a more accurate excuse for his absence.

The names ED RIVERA and RAUL VILLANUEVA both adorned OP 10.33 advertising signs throughout the county with the space between their first and last names removed, possibly to demonstrate their frugality in apportioning tax dollars at the Brownsville Navigational District. 

We suspect Mike Hernandez III sells both the HUNDAIELANTRA and the KIASPORTAGE at his Dallas luxury car dealership and knows how to market an economy puddle jumper as a luxurious land yacht.


Anonymous said...

Even though these two dudes lost their bid for tha navigation district, I like their muggs on the bilboards better than the derogeratory O.P.10.33 billboards. I suspect the car dealer will now change the bilboards to his favorite BISD candidates. I am susprised that he didn't change them to his County Judge candidate, Eddie Trevino.

Anonymous said...

Another TSC brain-addled idiot in the comment at 10:17 a.m. Get a dictionary, Vato menso!!! muggs? bilboards? Que baboso. Te va golpear to jefita cuando regreses a casa de las pinche cantinas, infeliz! Hijo de su chingada madre, guey. La cagaste Beeeeeeeeeg Time.

Anonymous said...

to what Anonymouse said on "May 23, 2016 at 2:42 PM:

Write in English, you are in America now or go back to Matamoros.

Anonymous said...

10:17 AM is Duardo. He calls people "dudes," just like "cool" people did in the 60's.

Anonymous said...

It's the altar boy hair. Does it every time.
