Well, here's something else we can blame former mayor City of Brownsville mayor Pat Ahumada.
The graphic below at right is the contract signed between Ahumada, city manager Charlie Cabler, and contract attorney Mark Sossi that saddled the city with his services at a cushy $10,000 a month salary. He has buttressed that with an additional $5,000 from the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation for a grand total of $180,000 a year in public funds.

And what does the city get in return?
We have just found out that a a few days before our anti-SLAPP lawsuit against Sossi in state court before visiting judge Manuel Bañales was to be heard – and our later counter suit against the city – Sossi, through city-paid attorneys, in an obvious attempt to buy time, is seeking to move the case to federal court.
Sossi first filed an amended complaint for defamation and infliction of emotional distress against the writer of this blog on March 11, 2016 in the 138th District Court. On Friday, April 29, he non-suited his state claim.
On the same day, defendant Juan Montoya filed an answer and a counterclaim against Sossi and a third party claim against the City of Brownsville. In the counterclaim, the writer asserted that "City attorney Mark Sossi and the City of Brownsville have illegally attempted to silence the defendant...in violation of the 42 US.C., 1981, and in violation of the Texas Constitution.
On May 3, Sossi and the City of Brownsville removed the case to (federal) court...asserting that the counterclaim gave it original jurisdiction...The counterclaim, which invoked federal law, was the sole basis give for federal jurisdiction in the case.

The lawyers hired by Sossi – since there is no mention of this being authorized by city commission action – are none other than the same labor lawyers which have a long history of losing in claims between the city and the Firefighters' Union. They are Denton, Navarro, Rocha, Bernal, Hyde and Zech, P.C. with a regional office in Harlingen.
Navarro et al have been used extensively by Sossi to handle labor claims in mediation and the courts, often with disastrous results for the city.
The five-paragraph contract between the city and Sossi states that "this agreement may be unilaterally terminated by either the City of Brownsville, though action by the City Commission or by Mark E. Sossi, at the will of either party."
To many observers, Sossi has led a charmed existence despite numerous instances of ineptness and negligence on his part.
He has done exactly as his benefactors have asked him to do, from closing off the public comment section from the city's air waves citing a fear of litigation, doling out legal work to a firm to which he lost a court settlement, has allowed the GBIC's corporate charter to be forfeited because he didn't file the mandatory four-year report, and even has allowed his own law license to lapse, as he did his Mark Sossi P.C. corporate charter.
How, then, does this lawyer remain on the public payroll?
Let's go over his sins.
Perhaps the current commissioners and Hizzoner Da Mayor Tony Martinez do not recall that Sossi, at the behest of a majority on the city commission and then-Mayor Eddie Treviño, Carlos Cisneros, Ricardo Longoria, Charlie Atkinson and others, challenged a watchdog group in court after they sued them and the city for giving themselves health insurance, mileage and other benefits that were not enumerated in the city charter.
A state district judge did not buy Sossi's argument that since they were not specifically prohibited in the charter they could continue receiving them.

Before the issue reached the courts, Sossi was also put into the charter review committee where the group discussed the possibility of allowing the mayor and commissioners to give themselves a salary at a level of their own choosing.
This despite the fact that voters, in a charter amendment election, voted down the amendments that would have accomplished the very same thing.
Then there was when Sossi represented the city in court when incumbent Charlie Atkinson took his challenger Jessica Teteau-Kalifa's to court and questioned her residency in runing for the position of commissioner for District 2.
Perhaps Sossi's shining moment was when the visiting judge admonished him for saying that what Atkinson's attorney saying was "crap."
But maybe the most damning indictment of Sossi's ethics was his doling out city jobs to his former law firm, Willette and Guerra.
Local watchdog Argelia Miller wrote Cabler to complain that Sossi had let out city-paid contracts to Willette and Guerra LLP, "a firm that had sued him and won a judgement of $167,00. He took money that belonged to the firm...and was sued and lost..."
"At the time I wrote the letter," Miller continues, "he had given Willette and Guerra city contracts in excess of $37,000. Now in 2011, records indicate he has given them contracts for over $75,000 from January to March 2011."
Miller wrote Martinez that it was hard for her and others to understand how Sossi "could favor a firm that sued him and that he owed $167,929 to as of 8-09-2009. It is also hard to understand how the city of Brownsville allows this arrangement.
Since this has happened, Sossi has been sued twice for legal malpractice, and has been accused of underpaying the Texas Workforce Commission unemployment fees of $20,711.66."
He is also been diligently working to produce a code of ethics for the City of Brownsville at Martinez's request.
Yet, a cursory glance at his legal work would indicate that it's anything but ethical.
There have been more than one dissatisfied customer who had to go seeking relief in the local courts alleging that Sossi's performance in their litigation amounts to nothing more than legal malpractice.
Brownsville Independent School District teacher and soccer coach Jesus Abete sued him through local attorney Peter Zavaletta. Abete filed his lawsuit against the city's contract attorney in the 357th District Court.
Abete claimed s in his lawsuit that he "duly signed a contract" with Sossi and that the attorney signed the contract to represent him to recover legal damages sustained as a result of an accident. The Oliveira Middle School algebra and math teacher also claims that Sossi represented to him that the case was timely filed in court.
"In the ensuing months, (Sossi) repeatedly lied to (Abete), and misrepresented the true facts of the underlying lawsuit to (him).
"The truth is that (Sossi) never filed suit on behalf of Abete, and by law, suit had to be filed before the statute of limitations expired. The statute of limitations was two years from the

"(Sossi) failed to file (Abete's) suit," it continues. "Now that the statute of limitations has expired, (Abete) is forever barred from recovering damages for the serious personal injuries he suffered in the (crash).
That's one.
Rogelio and Ingrid Gonzalez, also of Brownsville, filed a lawsuit against Sossi in the 138th District Court and said the lawyer committed malpractice when he represented them in a real-estate dispute with a bank and title company.
Sossi, they said:
* engaged in conduct, acts, and omissions below acceptable professional standards;
* engaged in conduct, acts, and omissions below standards of good and workmanlike legal services;
*was negligent;
* breached a warranty implied in law of good and workmanlike legal services; breached an express warranty of competence and skill to handle this type of case;
*breached an implied warranty of competence and skill to handle this type of case;
*committed acts and omissions of professional negligence;
*breached his contract to represent plaintiff in a skilled and competent manner; and
*committed fraud.
The Gonzalez's lawsuit stemmed from a purchase of two lots in the Gem Estates Subdivision that unbeknownst to them carried a lien from a bank (Hibernia) and when that bank was bought out by another, the new bank Capitol Bank, it moved to foreclose on them, as it did another couple who also had interest in the lots.
Like Abete, the couple charged that even though Sossi told them he was on top of the case, in the end, they found out that he had not been totally truthful with them and that their lawsuit had been dismissed by the court "for want of prosecution" on Sossi's part.
Like Abete before them, the Gonzalez couple claimed that Sossi committed legal malpractice.
And like the Abetes and the Gonzalezes, city residents are still awaiting the appearance of the code of ethics he is supposed to be writing to guide the conduct of our public servants.
Now a federal magistrate awaits to hear the legal eagle convince him that he can hide out in federal court at public expense.
Keep digging....
Hope you kick his ass in court juan
Legal Eagle? That asshole Sossi no llega ni a pinche Urraca.
As stupid as you are, you should know that I am bound to sign contracts the city enters into, regardless if I voted for or against. I voiced my opposition and voted against Sossi's contract and to funding Imagine Brownsville. A moron like you knows the difference, but you prefer to be stupid as always.
Pat stop defending yourself everyone knows you and Sossi are the same pice of shit
Stupid look who's talking Pat the drunk mayor
And there you have it folks, there is always two sides to a story.
Shut up Pat. You signed his contract....you rewarded him for taking away publics comments. Comments that were usually aimed at your stupid ass. Admit it mugroso!
Nice words and to think you were a candidate in Brownsville, to post for City Mayor.
Institute Coins English Words Based on Need
"English words are being created at the rate of nearly 100 per annum," states Dr. Archibald P. Bowlcutt, Distinguished Endowed Chair of Wordology at the University of Fink, just outside London.
"I'm not referring to assimilated words, promoted because of years of common usage in local idiom, science or the arts. The institute deals with words created for specific needs, not merely promoted because of common usage."
When pressed for an example of such a necessary word, Bowlcutt smiled, unzipping his leather legal pad.
"Yes, I have it here. Our latest word to be assimilated into the language is odraud, a noun. The world was generated to satisfy the need for an all-encompassing term for every form of excrement; animal, human and insect. You see, the language contained words for specific forms of animal and human waste, but no universal term encompassing all such. We refer, for example to rabbit pellets, cow pies and several popular terms to refer to human waste.
Odraud is our new term to describe all forms of excrement; animal, human and insect.
We are especially proud of the methodology used in coining this new term. The technique of backward masking, utilized in the 60's on vinyl music recordings, was employed to good effect. This procedure masked a highly odoriferous, sulphurous smell of an associated term we rejected because of its offensive nature."
Pat asi viviste cagandola y asi siempre seras, por eso nadie te quiere
Pat cuando depositaate el cheque por$ 26 mil dolares de la ciudad que no te pertenecian, como le llamas a eso: Estupido O no ?
Didi somebody say something? Guess not.
Contracts? You owe people money MY GRANDPARENTS for one. You failed to pay back after services rendered and to two elderly people who were barely getting by. I will never forget that.COWARD AND THIEF
Pat what about the 40 dogs that you keep in your house
Is that legal ?
Lol! More of the same from cowards who like to lash out because their lives are insignificant with nothing to offer. I was found not guilty moron and no conviction on the DUI you refer to. At least I tried to do something, while you hide as Anonymous. People who hide are the pedifiles, thieves and who promote hate and are evil. You are the reason Marin and his group has taken over our local government. Moron is what moron does. And, I do not have 40 dogs, if you recall I got married to a wonderful woman who helped me adopt dogs out. Focus on yourself instead of hate, because my Lord blesses and protects me from your evil and hate. You can hide from me, but God will deal with you. So far, you and my enemies have failed and have gotten what you deserve.
I am neither a pedophile and do not promote hate but it's funny you mention THIEF.. only because you failed to pay someone you owed money to and took the cowards way out and filed bankruptcy. No sir GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU.. if I'm anonymous it's because I hear you're crazy and your wife is into some voodoo stuff..
Sossi is a self-serving DICK! While Pat Ahumada may have signed his contract, another lawyer, Tony Martinez has not made one move to terminate his contract or take action to charge him for womanizing and abuse of authority.
Funny how this article is about Sossi and the comments turn to attacking Pat Ahumada. Pat Ahumada is not the enemy. As the comment from May 7 at 11:26 points out, the current city administration is. And attack Pat if you will, but to make remarks about his family is cowardly. Do any of us put our names to our comments? No, we hide behind "Anonymous". At least Pat has the balls to sign his name.
Pat tu le robaste a mi padre no te importo que era tu hermano. No tienes verguenza eres no solo un mal agradecido vagabundo sino un ratero
Anonymous you are so full of it, I did not rip off anyone and the corporation bankruptcy was not due to creditors, but due to attorney's way of correcting the failure to pay the jury fee to proceed with the case. So, you are demented with your accusations and uninformed. You are a coward eho hides and must be a profile, thief or one who lurks in the shadows because he or she stands for nothing good. I sign my name without fear and know others will retaliate, but my faith and belief in God makes me strong and you make me stronger with your scorpion venom. I can look anyone in the eye, while you hide. While I am not perfect, I ATLEAST stand for something and I have tried, while you voted for Tony Martinez. You are a weak person who is in the closet and probably still get an allowance from your grandmother. Like I said, my Lord protects me from vicious people like you who are cowards. You can have the last word, as it is pointless to deal with people who hide behind Anonymous that can make up anything they please.
Pat Aumada has guts and good intentions. At least he speaks out and doesn't hide behind skirts. Bravo Pat ypu are a good man. Too much envy in this town. We are like crabs waiting to pull someone down. Instead of critizing and trying to fix someone else, we should try to fix ourselves. We should all try to improve and do something nice for someone else. Can you imagine: if we all worked on doung 1 nice thing for someone else and give something instead of just take. Our town would be heading in a better direction!
You tell 'em Pat!
Pat, the fact that you were voted in not just once but repeatedly speaks not only to the idiocy and ineptitude of many people in Brownsville who vote, but the fact that it often comes down to the following logic: "Pat Ahumada is a dumbass, but is he more or less of a dumbass than the asshole he's running against?"
In conclusion: Martinez, Ahumada, and Sossi are ALL dicks!!!!!
I see what you did there. Odraud is Duardo spelled backwards. Backward to "mask a highly odoriferous, sulphurous smell." ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja
Oh yes, he's a piece of shit! ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja
He has no balls or shame
Obviously you don't know Pat....
JUAN...por favor no seas PENDEJO y le estes dando espacio a este PENDEJO porque se va a volver a lanzar para mayor, y el cheke si se lo chingo pero lo pescaron y lo tuvo que regresar.pero JUAN YA NO LE DES ESPACIO A ESTE RATERO.
"Pediphiles"? Are these same pediphiles the ones who paid that curb to jump into the great Patman's way? The Patmobile, which has baked many a pooch at high noon, deserves its own lane on the road.
Our town would be heading in a better direction if the great Patman had not steered it onto sidewalks and wouldn't park between the lines. Luckily he managed to steer well enough to deposit a check at the bank's drive thru- if only the check had been for money that was rightfully his. But even a borracho manages to piss in the can every now and then.
You LIE Pat I hated you before and I hate you more NOW.. you will never work in this town again I'll make sure of it and you're name will continue to be a JOKE consider your debt paid in full you miserable coward.. your money is xursed anyway.
Porque no tiene verguenza por eso firma su nombre menso
Arent you the one who got arrested operating 8 liners?
I think you're not thinking right. Could be a symptom of InHisCuloitis. Very common with people who are almos always up someone's butt. There is good news though. There's a cure. Slap yourself in the face cause you're a KISS ASS.
@May 7, 2016 at 11:22 AM "I am neither a pedophile and do not promote hate.." But is not that what a PEDOPHILE and HATER would say? You know that they all lie, right? Just like you.
How to defend yourself (Sossi)from your detractors. Distraction 101, give them someone else (Ahumada) to hate on.
Quien tiene los huevos para publicar su nombre aqui y no usar el anonimato? Pat si los tinem pero yo no, cause I am a troll. How about you?
Y las maquinitas Pat?
You should stop thinking about Pat, he isn't thinking about you. He doesn't even know who you are.
Pat could save money on campaigns. Instead of having portraits done he coukd just use his most recent mugshot for his campaign signs.
I am a troll too, so is everyone else, but I am not trashing Pat. But those who are? Where are their balls? EH?
Empezando contigo pendejo no opines si no tienes los huevo imbecil
Si Pat y las maquinitas Tambien son mentiras? Lo que pasa es que no nada mas tienes la cara pero te gusta hacerte pendejo.
And for you METICHE don't you have work to do? Continue kissing Pat's ass .
Fool, political target and no conviction.
Nombre se llenan de perros
Oy el otro pendejo ay si ay si ... "Im a troll too" troll your trolly stupid ass out if the conversation cause you Mr Troll are a WUSS
The DA Luis Saenz and Victor Cortez busted Midget Nutsy Ahumada and sent his flat ass to jail because Dum Dum likes to break the law stealing 8 liners and lately he's living dangerously with ANIMALS pobres animalitos
I think its odd that some says 8 LINERS and Ahumada disappears? No comments huh
Pat the rat rah rah rah
Ja Ja Ja
That's what they all say numnuts
Ha.ha. Patricio is always political
Give me a break. You are a criminal conviction or not
Did you sign your name? No, because you are a troll too. I can be here just like you, but we seem to be digressing. This article is about Sossi and his frivilous lawsuit. He needs to go. No one would be talking about this or even remember it if it wasn't for this lawsuit. Everyone here needs to grow up.
You don't even make any sense. Speak English or Spanish and make an attempt to contribute a relevant and intelligible comment to the thread.
Of course, you prefer to promote your hate. It is you and people like you that has created the mess the city is in. If it were not for you and cohorts, Atkinson and the others would not have hired Sossi, elected Tony Mtz and caused so much irrepreable harm to our city. What was my sin, standing up for what was right, which is why you attack me in order to justify the mess you all created and now want to appear to be the defenders of public good. It is your mess to clean up, but you cannot undo the damage done by these people you supported. Now crawl back into the sewer as Anonymous always does and hides like a pedophile or closet gay.
Why am I a wuss? Because I have a different opinion than you? We both are trolls PENDEJO! At least I admit it. I do not see your name attached to your comment so what does that make you? A TROLL, THAT IS WHAT IT MAKES YOU.
How can you blame Pat Ahumada for Sossi's lawsuit?
Patricio ya callate el hocico todo mundo sabes que estas frustado. No eres nadie
Pat you belong in jail
Pinche ratero
Ahumana is a very very sick individual
When a weak argument reaches a standstill or has no ground to stand on, weak minds resort to namecalling or diversionary tactics. The direction these comments have taken is proof of both.
MONTOYA....escribes a toda madre pero no seas PENDEJO y le des a este pendejo espacio porque se va a volver a lanzar para mayor. PATRICIO ( para empezar es nombre de puto) si te chingaste el cheque porque fue a dar a tu cuenta no te hagas pendejo disque fuieste inocente el chequye llego a tu cuenta y esta cabron de que no te hayas dado cuenta de 28000 dlls porque los depositos tuyos no llegan a 200 o 300 dlls.pero por ultimo TU MONTOYA YA NO MENCIONES NI PARA BIEN A MAL A ESTE GUEY.NO SEAS P E N D E J O
Nothing you say makes any sense so you're a STUPID TROLL.
Otro pendejo Mr Poet get out of here.
Prove what you say to be true. Prove it...
I have to agree those two trolls are ignorant because I understood the statement just fine lol
I'd prove it but I cant post photos but I'm pretty sure that was you Ahumada getting arrested by Cortez in that article. Thats proof enough for me. Now if you need proof then you need a Psychologist cause you have issues.
Unbelievable !!! Sad to see adults insult each other in such ways, by calling each other vulgar names, and closeted gays, etc.(wow) In schools, we try to remind the student's that this is wrong. Maybe, some of you were bullies in your school years, never grew out of it ,and just got a tougher shell that you don't care how you insult each other. We have bullies in schools that do this to people's faces ,and in cyberspace. I know that you are adults, but I hope you can be a good role model to your kids, and families. You don't have to defend your argument by mudslinging or promoting hate. It just loses its' value. You make it tough for school behavior if you are a parent, and you act like this. Be a better person, and stop spewing hate, because this will not make our city any better. Peace !!
You just validated my point.
If you people dislike Pat so much, why don't you go tell him to his face? Instead, you all hide behind a computer spewing out vitriol under the cloaked identity of "Anonymous". Real men talk to one another.
Words of thought....
Show Respect even to people who don't deserve it, not as a reflection of their character, but as a reflection of yours. -Dave Willis-
All of the material riches and physical beauty of this world, cannot mask the ugliness of a cruel tongue and an empty heart -Plato-
Get along for the betterment of our city, STOP your hidden agenda's, special interest groups STOP taking advantage of our community, STOP the hating , STOP the name calling, STOP the homophobia, and the body shaming. ( Is it any of your business ?) Put all that hateful energy into something positive.
Well written. No one can argue your point. Other people feel as you do
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