Part 2:
(Ed.'s Note.: In Part 1, the Good People built a wagon to ride in a parade to celebrate them being Good People even if some of their challenged offspring could only reach Wannabe status.)
The very special wagon was built and the Good People thought it was very special as well and united to see the shiny new wagon that the Little People had paid for. It was fluffy and shiny even though it was built mostly of air and paper and flour paste.
This was what their mommies had meant! This was what it meant to be special!
It was time to go out and bask in the admiration and praise that they deserved for being so very, very special.
Then a curious thing happened. Every time they would all climb on the wagon for a parade, beaming with pride over how very, very special they were, the Little People along the parade route would turn away in disgust and quickly step away.
Some were seen vomiting on the roadside or heaving like they were about to. Some of Good People wondered if it could have been all the Wannabes trailing behind clamoring for a place on the wagon, begging with their cries that they were special, too, that was ruining the parade.
Some of the other Good People pointed out that this was happening when the wagon approached, not when it passed, so it could not have been all the Wannabes in the rear. The Good People just couldn’t understand why the Little People along the way couldn’t see how very, very special they were. The situation got so bad that some of the Little People had risen to positions that had been the birthright of the Good People or at worst filled by some starry-eyed Wannabe.
The more they paraded, the worse it got. Some of their most loyal Wannabes were losing hope and actually had the gall and audacity to deny food and comfort to some of the Wannabe children of the Good People!
Something was very wrong.

Since not one of the Good People would be so rude as to point out that another of the Good People made a horrible mistake, especially the creation of a wagon that apparently stunk to high heaven, they cast about for another way to have parades to show how very, very special they were.
Some of the Good People saw that someone from out of town was building a new wagon. This wagon looked like something that the Little People would notice and cheer as it went by. They weren’t sure if it had been built by undiscovered Good People or just a Wannabe, but it didn’t matter. It was the shiny new wagon that they wanted.
The original builder of the first apparently very stinky wagon barged in on the builder of the new and very shiny wagon and insisted that he knew how to drive one of these things. Very quickly he hitched up a few Wannabes to pull the wagon through town on a parade and got a lot of Wannabes to push as well.
They put up lots of signs and posters announcing the parade and how very, very special they all were. They spent a lot of the new wagon builder’s money and some of Good People climbed up on the wagon as well as a new parade was started.
The parade hadn’t gone even one block when the sounds of retching again filled the streets and the Little People were throwing rotten vegetables at the Wannabes pulling the wagon, causing them to stumble and make the wagon jerk with fits and starts.
Pieces started to fall off of the new shiny wagon and the wheels started to wobble. The Good People were confused. Wasn’t this a new and shiny wagon? Didn’t it look like something the Little People would cheer? Why did this wagon seem to stink as much as the other one did?
The answer was simple if the Good People would have asked anyone other than each other what was wrong. If they had asked one of the Little People, they would have gotten the answer: It wasn’t the wagon that stunk.
Shades of Gulliver's Travels. Political satire disguised as story and fable. However Johnathan Swift signed his name to what he wrote.
This is a very poor attempt by somebody who is too chicken shit to sign his name.
And the sign said
Hard-working Little People
Need not apply.
So I put on a suit
And I borrowed a Porche
And I went in to ask them why.
They said “You look like a very special young man,
You’re Good People, too”
So I ripped off the suit
And I shot them the bird
Huh! Me voting for YOU?
-Jonathan Swift
And the anon chicken calls another anon out for anon chickenshit?
Methinks thy Post Toasties be yellow and soggy.
It looked like an pretty good attempt
The picture describes how I feel about United Brownsville. Another invisible arm of Tony Martinez's administration. What happened to his "transparent" management of the city. Tony and his administration has gone "underground" with time. Nothing is transparent in the Brownsville or Cameron County governments.........that puts the power of government and especiall puts the ability to tax citizens into the hands of powermongers who are only looking out for themselves. Look at Dan Sanchez for instance, his picture alone should scare people away...afraid he will either eat them or lie on them.
NOT Jonathan Swift!
Well duh! Ever engage in the practice of creative sarcasm?
Imagine if these ppl lived in the same neighborhood
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