Sunday, June 5, 2016


By Juan Montoya
It is no secret to our eight readers that Dr. Tony Zavaleta was not our first choice for the Texas Southmost College board of trustees for the seat left vacant by Ed Rivera. 
Our original choice was CPA Dr. Tony Juarez who we felt brought a necessary set of skills (accounting) to a board that is in the first steps of rebuilding the community college after it was gutted and ravaged by the former UTB-TSC president Julieta Garcia and a long list of pliant and subservient boards. 
However, the playing field and the players have changed and now we have a board that is firmly set on rebuilding our college to the stature it used to hold. 
Between Evelyn Cantu, a plant of the likes of United Brownsville's Carlos Marin and Rivera's benefactor and overlord OP 10.33's Mike Hernandez III whose stated aims are to control those boards and commissions to steer business their way and if their is a public benefit to the residents it will be purely incidental, the choice is a no-brainer. 
There is already a majority on the board that will not yield to a retrogression that would deviate it from its mission of providing an accessible and affordable education (both academic and vocational) to our long-suffering community college communities. 
Who better, on the academic side, than someone who has grown with TSC, instructed generations within its classrooms and in the field, and is mature enough to now admit he could have done more to derail the Garcia juggernaut? 
We believe in the power of redemption and are willing to take him at his word that he wants to restore it to its former level. In those six years, we feel confident, he will do everything in his power to help our college and community and work to improve the legacy he leaves with his pioneer surname.
Cantu would be just one more sycophant to her masters Hernandez, Marin and former (and disgruntled) trustees Rivera and Kiko Rendon and current trustee Art Rendon. Our vote is with Tony. Early voting starts Monday. Through chicanery and manipulation behind the scenes, you will not be able to vote at both public libraries. 
Vote at the early sites posted above. 
We hope you will consider voting with us.


Anonymous said...

I will be voting for Tony ...

Anonymous said...


What happened to the original post concerning OP 10.33 and the runoff? It had 19 comments, some very pertinent to the election, as of Sunday morning. Cyberattack from OP 10.33? Seems like the entire stream has been deleted.

Anonymous said...

I agree why erase it?

Anonymous said...

You make good sense,Juan. Let's hope the electorate will follow yor lead on this one.

Anonymous said...


Please publish the early voter locations, now that the Brownsville Public Library, is no longer and option. Here's the link:


WHY NOT said...

What time do the polls open?

Anonymous said...

No matter who is supporting Cantu, we won't vote for Tony Zavaleta. His campaign material uses the term "experience"....what experience do he have other that doing what Juliet Garcia told him to do and carrying her water. Tony Zavaleta is an arrogant asshole and all three of his wives will verify this.

Anonymous said...

That's GREAT!

I'm not a robot! said...

Did anybody notice that the ballot lists her as Evelyn Cant as in "Evelyn cant do it!"

Maybe it is an omen....and Dr. Tony Z will bring it home!

Anonymous said...

Did Kiko Rendon's money problems cause him to turn on the community in exchange for a job with Mike Hernandez?

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Tony, Hernandez is out of touch.

Anonymous said...

Evelyn Cantu has zero experience. She is hated by everyone at BISD and is tossed around from department to department because nobody can stand her. She's nuts like her friend Tetreau which is why they get along so well. Cantu likes to associate herself with elected officials by going to their campaign parties. It makes her feel important and she enjoys the free meals as you can tell by the dresses she wears which accentuate her lonjas. She is another nobody like Tetreau aspiring to be somebody one day when in reality they're just an ugly face being told what to do by Marin.
