Tuesday, June 7, 2016


The date is now set

It will be Thursday, June 16, at 6:30 p.m. when the first popular forum to have the voters – not the county commissioners – choose who will replace Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector Tony Yzaguirre for election should he be convicted of the mounting charges against him.

Ted Hasse, the main force behind the movement, is planning as many as four forums throughout the county to have both candidates and the public make their pitch to be the write-in candidate for the position in the November general election.

Hasse is going through Herculean efforts not to permit the Cameron County Commissioners Court to pick one of their political cronies for the job.

The tax assessor job has garnered considerable interest with rumors of a possible run by a former County Judge candidate, a former County Clerk candidate, a young military man and possibly the Brownsville Cheezmeh guru himself, surfacing so far.


Anonymous said...

Ted Hasse needs a real job. Is he on food stamps, too? Vato inutil!!!!

BobbyWC said...

Why the insults? the concept is spot on. I will do my best to be there to try and learn who is the best candidate. But I just do not see anyone pulling out, so the spoiler issue will still be there. We have to find a way to get the others to drop out. But my issue is, why should my opinion as to who is best be more important then someone else's. I suspect someone is going to shine. So we need to look at this another way - we need to deny Yzaguirre the 50.1% and then we will have a runoff with the candidate who can beat him.

But again I do not get the insult issue. You can have all of the dislike you want for Tad, but the idea is spot on even if it means getting to a run-off. I do not have to agree with anyone's politics to recognize at least he is trying to do something and that I will always salute.

Guys, the insults take credibility away from the blogs - we are so close to controlling the elections in terms of exposing corruption. We have to get away from insulting comments. This is up to the bloggers. Calling someone out as being dead wrong or lying is one thing, but mindless insults serves the enemy.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

In Brownsville the odds are 50-50 that any one of its residents IS on food stamps. Saw Hasse one at HEB and he was packing down the meat into his shopping cart, so who knows about this guy. His skin is funny.

Justo Leyes said...

Blimp, YOU are the enemy, you fat slob!

Anonymous said...

Why the insults? Because Hasse is a sick, perverted man with no accomplishments to speak of under his belt. Hasse is trying to make a name for himself, no doubt to run for something himself.

Tad Hasse said...

Candidates do not have to win a majority of the votes cast in the general election to win. A candidate must simply receive more votes than any of the other candidates (a plurality). There is no runoff after a general election.

Anonymous said...

the office is running great without tony ! Goes to show who really works there and he is NOT needed or wanted that CROOk

BobbyWC said...

Correction - Tad Hasse has politely informed and he is correct there is no run-off in the general election. The law is clear a plurality wins. This means all bloggers must attend this forum and hopefully we can agree to back one write in candidate.

I have never met with my fellow bloggers in this type setting or to agree on anything, but on this if they are willing to discuss backing one candidate, I am game.

Bobby Wc

Ben said...

A futile attempt by a good man to knock some sense to the County voters who will undoubtedly vote for the lone name on the ballot.
