In an eye-opening affidavit attached to a motion to seize and forfeiture and money bank accounts belonging to former Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector's Office employee Tony Menchaca, the Cameron County District Attorney's Office has charged that he used money gained from illicit activity provided for him by a Gulf Cartel member to purchase properties in delinquent tax sales which were later hidden through use of at least 14 businesses.
The motion for forfeiture was filed in the 103rd District Court May 25 and includes $6,951 in currency and the undisclosed contents of an account at the International Bank of Commerce.
Lead investigator George E. Delaunay states for the court that he seized the property on April 29, 2016 after he determined that the property was "proceeds" under the Texas Penal Code dealing with Money Landering because the property was used in the commission of a felony or was intended to be used in a felony offense.
In the 16-page affidavit attached to the forfeiture motion, Delaunay states that the DA's Office had reasons to believe that Menchaca had committed the crimes of tampering with government records, abuse of official capacity, securities fraud and money laundering.
Delaunay states tghat in late 2013 he had received information from a confidential informant that employees of the tax office were involved in a scheme to acquire ownership of real properties using "inside knowledge" via the monthly county tax sales of properties for delinquent taxes, He further charges that the informant identified those employees as Menchaca and the elected Tax Assessor-Collector Tony Yzaguirre. Further, the informant told Delaunay that Menchaca had been purchasing real estate for several years, had used the tax office to research for properties, and had been using Limited Liability Corporations as straw purchasers of the properties and had done these things with the knowledge and concurrence of Yzaguirre.
Additionally, on April 7, 2014, Delaunay said he had received information from the Harlingen office of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) that they had received a telephone tip that a conspiracy existed between Yzaguirre, Menchaca and a man Allan Rene Ramirez to launder the proceeds of illegal drug trafficking through the purchase and sale of property acquired via the delinquent tax sales at the doors of the county courthouse held by the Cameron County Sheriff's Department.
The tipster alleged that Allan Ramirez was funneling money received from the relatives of convicted drug trafficker Osile Cardenas to Yzaguirre and Menchaca for investment in properties they acquired at extreme discounts during those sales. The tipster also alleged that Ramirez worked for the Gulf Cartel and that he was originally from Valle Hermoso, Mexico. Ramirez was said to have no means or employment but drove several expensive sports cars.
Further investigation revealed that Ramirez was lone of the managing members and registered agent of an LLC known as Area Enterprises Investments formed on February 18, 2012. The probe led investigators to confirm that Menchaca and his relatives and at least three of the LLCs they controlled were involved in the initial acquisition of the properties that were then transferred to Ramirez's Area Investments.
Delaunay charges that the properties were frequently be transferred from one entity to another to hide its true ownership. He charged that numerous properties were handled in this way and that the process is called "layering," a common practice used by someone who is trying to hide the true ownership of a particular property.
The affidavit also states that a tip from the Nashville, Tenn., office of the HSI regarding a drug and money laundering investigation there that involved a man named Gabriel Ochoa with links to two suspects under investigation by the Harlingen HSI office. The two were identified as Menchaca and Jorge Prado. According to the investigators, bank account deposits and withdrawals in Tennessee coincided with Ochoa crossing through Brownsville ports of entry with Menchaca on at least two occasions using vehicles owned by Mencahca or his associated entities.

The affidavit also links Menchaca to the arrest of Noe Puga, an employee at the Brownsville Planning and Zoning Department charging that Menchaca would use Puga change the zoning classification on properties without paying the fees, often with false information as to the true owner of the property. Puga, according to Delaunay, admitted to Brownsville police investigators that he had submitted zoning requests on behalf of Menchaca or one of his companies and the application fee had not been collected by the city.
The affidavit say that Menchaca had taken investment money from at least three individuals, bought the properties, sell them and then paid a return to the investors. Those amounts exceed $600,000.
In all, Delaunay said investigators identified approximately 35 bank accounts at five different banks including IBC (21), Texas Regional Bank (7), Capital One Bank (3), Rio Bank (2), and Wells Fargo Bank (2).
In a world gone loco, the crazy shall set the tone.
The amount of money made by the Cartels is staggering. It should not surprise anybody that they have used some of it to corrupt public officials in Brownsville to help them launder the rest. This affair with the Tax Collector and his gang is just the tip of the iceberg. I rather doubt we will ever know just how deep and pervasive this is. If we did know, even Brownsville with it's high tolerance for corruption, would be shocked.
A - La- Mo -
Some of them probably are public officials.
If Saenz was to come to a sudden stop, Delaunay's nose would be stuck inside Saenz's ass, he's nothing but a puppet for Saenz.
They need to look into Carlos Elizondo, as president of the Union, for the Brownsville firefighters, how he is spending the Union money, who he is paying for the campaigning work.. Look into that how money is being spend to his personal gain..
Delaunay should look at the delinquent tax firm representing the County. They more than likely facilitated the accounts of properties bought with cartel money at Yzaguirre's request. You are close Delaunay....keep digging.
I wonder why the white crime unit is not investigating those "business men" that cannot justify the sudden creation of their business, sudden enrichment or level of living beyond their means.
Da Blimp needs a good probe. ja ja ja
JAJAJA.... da blimp would enjoy the probing. He is probably locking in his next twelve visits to the VA to get his rectum probed. Up your fundio blimp! literally, pa que te de gusto....vato SEBOSO!
If you run into the notorious Tony Yz at a local restaurant, you can't help but notice his entourage of thugs and low-lifes who form a cloud like flies over a dead milk cow. The swagger and smirk they cast about the room means to tell the local serfs that they may be temporarily down but they are coming back and with a vengeance.
Tony Yz has sat so long on top of his heap of garbage that he has declared himself ruler of the roost. And his thugs mill around him like trolls.
IF it weren't for the federal government and the few local courageous enough to confront the long line of corrupt public officials, there would be little to tell us from Tamaulipas. We of Cameron County ought to be ashamed of ourselves for letting this happen.
But this war against corruption is long from settled. Still there are rumors of festering pockets in the school district, countless boards and counsels, even the suppliers, who have joined in at the trough: so-called consultants, advisors, and other parasites that model their lives after maggots.
We are the poorest in the US but we don't have to be the most corrupted, do we?
Juan and of course tony Yzaguirre the cameron county tax assessor-collector aka trampa had nothing to do with all this corruption ? right CCA
"We are the poorest in the US but we don't have to be the most corrupted, do we?"
We are poor because we are ignorant. We are ignorant because we are lazy and don't think becoming proficient in English is important. We are corrupt because we are ignorant and lazy. All of these things work together.
As long as we think of ourselves as Mexicans living in a sorta kinda Mexico, we will forever have our noses pressed against the glass of the American dream. We can blame BISD, TSC, the corrupt public office holders and the Gringos, but when the blame game is finished, we are still the ones responsible for ourselves and our condition. We are our own worse enemy forever held in bondage to poverty, ignorance and corruption because that is what we choose to be.
I.B.C.- International Bank of Cartels
And El Rick Camarillo still hanging out with Tony.... now you know where rick and his wife got the money to buy their house and remodel it from the bottom up... i am sure she dont make that much at St Marys Catholic School... makes you wonder!!!
This I believe is the tip of the ice berg ! More indictments to come stay tuned as the county turns upside down ! Geez these people won't even hide the corruption they slap it in our face what a disgrace ... Keep doing your job Mr, DA. So this is why those corrupt elected officials were against you ... So much to hide glad you won and continue dismantling the county corruption ..
And yet there are those who believe in the innocence of the tax assessor when those who surrounded him knew too well the goings on in that office but were too afraid to tell for fear of retaliation it's time for the employees to stand firm against corruption against bully's and unite for the safety and security of their jobs in a place where it's who you know that matters
Tony was in office too long
Should be a message for all dumbocrats that vote for incumbents ALL THE TIME.
i.e. Eddie Lucio
There should be a cap of a two year term for elected officials ! like the president
It is disappointing that such "experienced" law enforcement agents within the Luis Saenz administration will act on heresay and unsubstatiated allegations, the affidavit from George Delauny, is full of words like "we believe", "we suspect", "we think", just because some "tipster" called a hotline,
now all this is money laundering from the drug cartel. Their investigative incompetence could not be clearer,when faced with a complex case like this one, the easiest thing to alledge is "Cartel Related Activity" and "Money Laundering".
And why not, the opposite requires an actual investigative effort from these "bozos" which involves the tedious labor of actually "tracing" the monies according to federal rules and guidelines established by law.
It is also alarming, that our distrcit judges will sign anything these so called "experienced" law enforcement officials alledge.
The only thing left to expect from these overzealous cops is the fabrication of evidence.
What's more sad is that many of these law enforcement agents think they will get away with telling all these lies to a judge.
The only REAL money laundering that took place is that of the thousands of dollars secretly contributed in bulk cash payments made
by the various local Eight Liner "Maquinitas" Owners (You know who you are) to Luis Saenz on his prior campaign,
which he failed to report on the books of his campaign, and that he so convenientaly prosecuted after winning the last election.
The REAL abuse of official capacity, is the one that the Luis Saenz administration continues to execute when conveniently and selectively
prosecuting people for his own political gain. (Kori Marra, Ernie Hernandez, Tony Yzaguirre, John Chaimbers, ETC.)
Ha ha ha I can read between the lines you must be associated with Masso and want for the corruption to continue to line your pockets your organization is going down and quit your whining and do your job we know who you are you should be praising The district attorney administration for doing a GREAT job You are a Hater hit a nerve you ate next
The administration have done their Job now let's watch the show
A search for the truth should be what all law enforcement be about in order to protect the innocent and hold accountable those who do wrong, unfortunately the Cameron County mindset is not about the truth. Some people in the position of power, think it is about them and use their position not in search of the truth, but to ruin citizens for their self serving interest. What Carlos Garcia, Charlie Cabler and Pete Gonzalez did to me is a classic example when people in power get together to hurt a fellow citizen at the expense of the truth. They even destroyed evidence that clearly exposed who picked up the check they accused me of stealing. I find it disgusting when people we trust to do what is right, betray that public trust and they get away with it. This happens often and if a citizen does not have the resources, they plea to a lesser charge out of fear and necessity. Hopefully, Tony gets a fair process and the truth is sought for justice sake and not egos or self service. I do not trust law enforcement based on what I know.
Finally someone that knows the truth
Ummm can you give this message to the county clerk's office. It's good advice & instead of people complaining about her. People should speak up.
The only truth here is that they got caught justice will prevail and when a clerk making a small salary can afford to buy hundreds of properties while working with the tax office under yzaguirre well......... If it looks like a duck ... Quacks like a duck ! It's a DUCK
The facts of the case should be known...this case was dismissed because they couldn't prove a damn thing! So this "eye opening" article needs to be complete and let the public know the truth. There is a lot of smoke being blown with nothing to back it up. If people would stop and think for a minute, they would see all the attention is being placed on others by the DA so his "dirty deeds" are not looked into. Who is investigating Saenz? Who is making sure his nose is clean? It's called DEFLECTING but the people of Brownsville will believe anything...bunch of SHEEP!
Let's say that was true.... Why didn't you call for resignations? I do believe Charlie Cabler selectively targets what he feels are problematic commission members. I've seen four members have serious problems with the Brownsville police department he controls.
Did those men put a beer in your hand, intoxicate you and force you to drive like a drunk pendejo too? Did they tell you to go to Mexico and come back on your motorcycle without a riding license and scream at US Customs agents that you did not need one because you were mayor of Brownsville? You're stupid Pat. If commenting on this blog paid money you'd be rich.
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