In light of a dismal political race win-loss record in local races, messianic millionaire Mike Hernandez III and his OP 10.33 minions have taken a page from George Orwell's 1984 and Russian revisionism and applied it to political races.

Among them are the usual homegrown suspects like the perennials Texas Sate Sen. Eddie Lucio, State Rep. Rene Oliveira, State Rep. Eddie Lucio III, as well as Pct. 1 commissioner Sofia Benavides, Pct. 4 commissioner Gus Ruiz, newly-elected Cameron County Judge Eddie TreviƱo, losing Democratic runoff candidate for county judge Dan Sanchez, Carlos Masso against Luis V. Saenz for District Attorney, and even Elizabeth Garza, a losing candidate for county judge.
In other words, in hedging their bets and contributing to all the candidates in these races, they can take claim when one of them wins.
If we remember correctly, the Lucios and Oliveiras have been the barnacles of Cameron County politics with the elder Lucio in public office for the better part of three decades, as has Rene. Benavides has been in office for the better part of 10 years as well. How OP 10.33's Hernandez has influenced their races is beyond comprehension.
But the kicker has to be their claim that their founder's contributions helped Pct. 2 commissioner Alex Dominguez win his race in May 2014. If we remember correctly, it wasn't until just late 2015 or early 2016 that OP 10.33 in the form of the yellow-shirted V-3 wing and led by the nose by Lucio III began to make their rounds to make friends and influence people to see things Hernandez's way.

At that meeting, we have been told that Hernandez, Lucio III (OP10.33 consultant), Carlos Marin (OP 10.33 job developer) and OP 10.33 community organizer Jose Angel Gutierrez took their turn trying to impress the lofty goals of the organization to the commissioner. Before they left, they placed some $7,000 in checks for his campaign chest, with Marin magnanimously taking out his checkbook and filling it out on Dominguez's desk in Hernandez's presence.
Those checks, we have been told, remain uncashed or deposited. Depending on the bank, after 180 days they lapse and become void.
In fact, Dominguez said that those checks aren't the only contributions that he hasn't cashed, partly because he wasn't sure of the donor's intentions, and partly because he may have felt that in accepting and using the money the donor may have felt he had bought his support.
"Truth is I don't deposit all donations," he said. "Sometimes it's because there might be a conflict or if I don't know enough about the donor. Basically, I won't be bought but I do listen to good ideas."
If they had as much guile as Lavrentiy Beriya, a former head of the KGB, they would bring out old photos airbrushing out unwanted faces and showing Mike III with Dominguez, Saenz, and former Pct. 1 commissioner Lucino Rosenbaum way back in the summer of 2014. (OMG! There it is at left!)
The attempt by the OP 10.33 group to claim credit for Dominguez's win before they were even in the county struck a nerve with his former campaign manager and current Administrative Assistant Zeke Silva.
Silva pulled no punches and called their claim "lies" as it applied to the Dominguez win.
"..Don't post lies," Silva wrote. "You guys had nothing to do with him. Nothing. Don't take credit or involve him for credibility."
Well, just as Beriya under Joseph Stalin tended to do, Silva's statements were deleted and he was blocked from the OP 10.33 Facebook list of "friends." So much for inclusion and adherence to the V-3 Army for Good "values" which state that anyone who wants to join the group has to "Serve with Honor and Honesty, free from deceit, fraud, lies, and hypocrisy."

Well, isn't taking credit for someone else's work and political victory slightly skewered in the values department?

For example, during the port race, his media purchasers bought billboard space for Rivera and Villanueva in Harlingen and San Benito along the expressway, well outside the boundaries of the Brownsville port district.
As Dominguez says, perhaps Hernandez and his crew do have good ideas to benefit the people, but their way of implementing them has left much to be desired. But as a philosopher once said, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
El Espectro
I believe the road to hell is paved with adverbs, and I will shout it from the rooftops. To put it another way, they're like dandelions. If you have one on your lawn, it looks pretty and unique. If you fail to root it out, however, you find five the next day...fifty the day after that...and then, my brothers and sisters, your lawn is totally, completely, and profligately covered with dandelions. By then you see them for the weeds they really are, but by then it's — GASP!! — too late.
El Espectro must be slow blogger Jim Barton. He re-types what Juan Montoya has written. ja ja ja
Wait for the obligatory response from Bobby defending Mike. Some crazy story about how Mike has good intentions, we have to leave Marin's shenanigans in the past,and he has documentation proving Mike is the greatest!
Bobby, Da Blimp, is about as smart as a slug. Doesn't he look like a giant freaky slog?
The Campaig Manager he didn't make Alex wing I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU THE NAME Zeke SILVA -Juan Montoya-jose Luis Almasan-Boca Negra-Martin Salinas -Fausto Li Pato Martinez-Lucino Rosenbuam jr this is the main people who Make him win and many more!
About the villain Mike Hernandez:
"It's not that he was going nowhere, it's that he'd already arrived."
None of the roads in Cameron County and Brownsville get paved, without a "mordida". Tony Martinez has nice roads around his hacienda, but "caliche politics" its asphalt and concrete politics. Too many city officials remember the old days, the dusty roads as they were. Unfortunately neither the Mayor nor his staff can deal with the present or the future.
To commenter at 3:17 PM:
- Dusty roads and badly-dressed residents is exactly what makes Brownsville what it is! What - you think Brownsville is Austin? Caliche is cool. No sidewalks is cooler. Bad grammar is what I expect from Brownsvillians. It's what makes Brownsville my destination when I get tired of people nice to me. ja ja ja
Last night’s tragedy in Dallas was also the grotesque reductio ad absurdum of the claim that it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun. There were nothing but good guys and they had nothing but guns, and five died anyway, as helpless as the rest of us.
Hey there "reporter" guy when you lose by 800 votes there's no RUN-OFF you just lose, as was the case in the DA's race you mention as a having gone to a run-off.
"Carlos Masso in his runoff against Luis V. Saenz for District Attorney" know something real reporters work with.
You hit the nail on the head!!!
Dominguez needs to oust little Lucio!!!!! For so long our region has lost out on opportunity education and jobs because Lucio is more worried about shark fins, a non existent drought, and pushing along the agendas of his groupies! Alex Dominguez is the young blood our county needed, but now he needs to help our region. He is the only person with a team of supporters to make this change. Alex, you need to run for state!
When we finally learn the ways of the culo it is then that we shall have found ourselves.
Thanks for the list of people I will never vote for again.
Anonymous at 4:16:
- Can you not understand that nobody cares to read your juvenile postings ? Next to Roman Perez ,you've got to be the most despised person in Brownsville , Duardo! Do us all a favor and drop dead.
Fuck off and go grovelling back to Kyle
Again, fucktard, nobody gives a *shit* about a little dicked, tip stealing, unemployed never-was like you.
There is still A LOT of people scared of OP1033 but then you have greedy wanna be elected officials that are running to Mike Hernandez and Carlos Marin for their money. They give those wannabes cents in return for millions. Since it is not their money but instead tax payers money they don't care giving it away. They think of elaborate schemes to tell the people or not until it is to late. Jessica Tetreu is one of those elected officials that found wealth as soon as she became a commissioner. Just like her BFF Erin Hernandez and Ernie Hernandez.
When a gaggle of Mexicans run for public office in Cameron County, which one is corrupt? It is best to assume they all are corrupt. That won't you won't be disappointed or surprised.
JUAN Montoya, we need new blood in the Cameron County. I don't have any relatives in the State Department,but I go around the courthouse and iI see that politicians' daughters working with a judge, the other one working with the justice of the peace and one of the candidate's wife working with at the bridge. Everywhere I go everyone is related to the politicians. You can also see it at Public Works. It is hard for anyone new to occupy any position for the county when all working for the county are relatives.
Thank You
Jessica T. got her money when she chose to spread her legs for a man 30 years her senior, got pregnant and forced her husband to leave behind his children and wife.
Breaking news! Hilary Clinton is joining the OP1033 movement in order to lend it credibility. Her unblemished record for truth and openness should raise the stature of the group that has afflicted Brownsville as of late.
Marin and Hernandez were trying to recruit people to run AGAINST the Lucios. Funny they should take credit for that.
Just remember candidates those of you who are going to be in the November's Ballot. I hope you do not take any money from these men!!!!!!!!! You will destroy your name and Cameron County's Vote
Dominguez couldn't beat Rene. What makes you think he can beat Little Eddie?
This is Roger Lee, spokesman for OP1033.
We gladly contributed money to Commissioner Alex Dominguez. We did so because we wanted to show support. We expect nothing in return for our contribution to the Commissioner.
We are not taking credit for his election win. We are only indicating that he is one of many who have accepted our support and we appreciate that.
So is sylvia la county clerk going to run carlos elizondo against Eddie 3 afterall that has been in her plans for quite a while. Sylvia everybody is waiting for you to run. You will be surprise to see that your friends are no longer.
So there for Alex Dominguez owes Mike Hernandez, and Carlos Marin a favor, then. No one is going to give you money for nothing, Alex I hope that you please watch for what they are asking for, you owe the Devil now. That is bad, I voted for you and so did many
SYLVIA la clerk Es pura mireda .. Her and her bestie Angela are going to get hit by karma real soon ! Watcha! Sandra la cara de pizza is next
Ouch. Those are two people who vie for the top spot in that race.
Why doesn't Dominguez return the money ? Put up or shut up Zeke Silva; what happened to the money? What do those motherless leeches want in return for their money?
Stole this comment from another article by Jmon: To OP 10.33, please tell us, the people, who you are, what qualifies you top get involved in the Cameron county political scene and why we should trust you. Please, no political platitudes and no "trust me I am successful" answers. Be specific and cite examples as to what qualifies you to be a political activist. Do you stand behind the actions of your staff. Do you believe in accountability and transparency? As to corruption, how else are you going to fight it, aside from backing select candidates. Will you put your money where your mouth is and investigate corruption at all levels and take your findings to the DA?
Alex you WILL NOT get about half the votes you got last time. Hope it was worth it.
I gave Credit only 5% of vote to Zeke Sikve to put Dominguez in office Alex you lose some of the people vote for you it' going to be hard to win the next election maybe you don't care about.
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